High-quality teaching is realized through state-of-the-art knowledge generation and sharing and a variety of innovative teaching and learning methods.
TU Ilmenau is a campus-based university. Personal, respectful interactions between teachers and students are highly valued by us in achieving our educational goals. Teaching content is continuously developed and updated, taking into account feedback from teachers, students and external experts. We promote and support the development, testing and implementation of new forms of teaching and learning in terms of content, organization and location. We support teaching staff at all qualification levels by offering a continuous and quality-assured offering of further education. We encourage regular exchange among lecturers as well as the continuous dissemination of information on current developments in university teaching, including corresponding funded project formats in which TU Ilmenau lecturers would like to participate.
We enrich onsite, face-to-face teaching with student- and competency-oriented digital and hybrid teaching and learning formats. This aims to facilitate contemporary, more individualized, and flexible learning, impart relevant digital skills to students, and consider diversity criteria in teaching. We competently utilize the possibilities of digital teaching and examination formats, focusing on intended learning objectives, didactic requirements, technological possibilities, as well as legal and ethical frameworks. We use digital formats for targeted internationalization and to complement physical mobility. To achieve this, we provide both the required technical infrastructure and targeted support and qualification offerings for teachers and students to acquire the necessary competencies for a digital teaching and learning environment. We see ourselves not only as users of modern technologies, but also as those who contribute to knowledge creation on technological, economic, and societal aspects of digitization.