Research Projects and Advanced Research Projects


Important dates


Winter Semester 2023/2024

You are welcome to enroll in the (A)RP course in Moodle to stay informed about the latest updates.



  • Each student project (RP and ARP) should be registered by submitting signed topic sheet approx. in the beginning of the lecture period.
  • Each student project (RP and ARP) should be registered in the online system TU-Ilmenau approx. in the middle of the lecture period.
  • The students who have failed to register the project will not be allowed to present their project. 



The projects

  • promote professional preparation
  • provide research and development opportunities
  • provide opportunities for students to work in teams
  • should contain research work and novelty 

The projects give the students the ability to...

  • apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • function on multi-disciplinary levels
  • formulate and solve engineering problems
  • communicate effectively and use engineering English
  • use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools like Matlab which are necessary for engineering practice

The students will ...

  • gain knowledge of contemporary issues
  • get an insight in the proposed topics. Moreover, they should present their topics and research results to the class. This will be done at the end of the semester



Main Points

The final presentation and the final paper should contain these four main points:

Page limit for the final report

  • 3 - 6 pages: research project (2nd semester)
  • 4 - 8 pages: advanced research project (3rd semester)


  • The number of credit points provides an estimate for the workload of students. For a project duration of about 20 weeks this results in about 7-9 hours per week. 
    • 2nd semester: research projects -> 5 CPs (approx. 150 hours working time)
    • 3rd semester: advanced research projects
      • For the MSCSP program version before WiSe2021 -  6 CPs (approx. 180 hours working time)
      • For the MSCSP program version after WiSe2021 - 10 CPs (approx. 300 hours working time)
    • The students and the supervisors should make sure that the research projects contain enough research and novelty.

Links & Files




Research Project Manager