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Weber, Ralf; Truckenbrodt, Horst; Sinzinger, Stefan
Das Fachgebiet Technische Optik. - In: Jenaer Jahrbuch zur Technik- und Industriegeschichte, ISSN 2198-6746, Bd. 18 (2015), S. 363-379

Weber, Christian; Theska, René; Sinzinger, Stefan
Die Entwicklung der Fakultät von 1955 bis 2015. - In: Jenaer Jahrbuch zur Technik- und Industriegeschichte, ISSN 2198-6746, Bd. 18 (2015), S. 11-34

Wu, Yang; Hillenbrand, Matthias; Zhao, Liang; Sinzinger, Stefan; Kelly, Damien Peter
Fresnel transform as a projection onto a Nijboer-Zernike basis set. - In: Optics letters, ISSN 1539-4794, Bd. 40 (2015), 15, S. 3472-3475

Krüger, Mathias; Kampmann, Ronald; Kleindienst, Roman; Sinzinger, Stefan
Time-resolved combination of the Mueller-Stokes and Jones calculus for the optimization of a twisted-nematic spatial-light modulator. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 54 (2015), 13, S. 4239-4248

Hillenbrand, Matthias; Weiß, Robert; Endrödy, Csaba; Grewe, Adrian; Hoffmann, Martin; Sinzinger, Stefan
Chromatic confocal matrix sensor with actuated pinhole arrays. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 54 (2015), 15, S. 4927-4935

Endrödy, Csaba; Mehner, Hannes; Grewe, Adrian; Sinzinger, Stefan; Hoffmann, Martin
2D stepping drive for hyperspectral systems. - In: Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, ISSN 1361-6439, Bd. 25 (2015), 7, 074002, insges. 9 S.

We present the design, fabrication and characterization of a compact 2D stepping microdrive for pinhole array positioning. The miniaturized solution enables a highly integrated compact hyperspectral imaging system. Based on the geometry of the pinhole array, an inch-worm drive with electrostatic actuators was designed resulting in a compact (1 cm2) positioning system featuring a step size of about 15 [my]m in a 170 [my]m displacement range. The high payload (20 mg) as required for the pinhole array and the compact system design exceed the known electrostatic inch-worm-based microdrives.

Endrödy, Csaba; Mehner, Hannes; Grewe, Adrian; Hoffmann, Martin
Linear micromechanical stepping drive for pinhole array positioning. - In: Journal of micromechanics and microengineering, ISSN 1361-6439, Bd. 25 (2015), 5, 055009, insges. 9 S.

A compact linear micromechanical stepping drive for positioning a 7 × 5.5 mm^2 optical pinhole array is presented. The system features a step size of 13.2 [my]m and a full displacement range of 200 [my]m. The electrostatic inch-worm stepping mechanism shows a compact design capable of positioning a payload 50% of its own weight. The stepping drive movement, step sizes and position accuracy are characterized. The actuated pinhole array is integrated in a confocal chromatic hyperspectral imaging system, where coverage of the object plane, and therefore the useful picture data, can be multiplied by 14 in contrast to a non-actuated array.

Kleindienst, Roman; Becker, Pascal; Cimalla, Volker; Grewe, Adrian; Hille, Pascal; Krüger, Mathias; Schörmann, Jörg; Schwarz, Ulrich T.; Teubert, Jörg; Eickhoff, Martin; Sinzinger, Stefan
Integration of an opto-chemical detector based on group III-nitride nanowire heterostructures. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 54 (2015), 4, S. 839-847

The photoluminescence intensity of group III nitrides, nanowires, and heterostructures (NWHs) strongly depends on the environmental H2 and O2 concentration.We used this opto-chemical transducer principle for the realization of a gas detector. To make this technology prospectively available to commercial gasmonitoring applications, a large-scale laboratory setup was miniaturized. To this end the gas-sensitive NWHs were integrated with electro-optical components for optical addressing and read out within a compact and robust sensor system. This paper covers the entire realization process of the device from its conceptual draft and optical design to its fabrication and assembly. The applied approaches are verified with intermediate results of profilometric characterizations and optical performance measurements of subsystems. Finally the gas-sensing capabilities of the integrated detector are experimentally proven and optimized.

Grewe, Adrian; Hillenbrand, Matthias; Hillenbrand, Matthias *1983-*; Sinzinger, Stefan;
Aberration analysis of optimized Alvarez-Lohmann lenses. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 53 (2014), 32, S. 7498-7506

In this paper aberrations in Alvarez-Lohmann lenses are analyzed, and a semi-analytical strategy for compensation is derived. An x-y polynomial model is used to describe the aberrations and classify them into static and dynamic components. The lenses are enhanced by higher-order polynomials, and a numerical optimization process is used to determine the most influential coefficients. Two simulations of corrected systems are presented. The first one is optimized for on-axis imaging. The second system is optimized for multiple field points and shows the limitations of a single Alvarez-Lohmann lens. Two systems overcoming these limitations by introducing additional optical surfaces are presented, and their performance is analyzed in simulations.

Hillenbrand, Matthias; Mitschunas, Beate; Brill, Florian; Grewe, Adrian; Sinzinger, Stefan
Spectral characteristics of chromatic confocal imaging systems. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 53 (2014), 32, S. 7634-7642

We present signal-generation models for chromatic confocal imaging systems with illumination and detection pinholes of finite size: a collinear model that considers neither aberrations nor diffraction effects, a geometrical model that accounts for aberrations, and a wave optical model covering both aberrations and diffraction effects. These models are aimed at describing the spectral response of multipoint sensor systems with field-dependent aberrations and vignetting effects. They are suitable for single- and double-pass systems with either diffusely or specularly reflecting surfaces under test. We show experimental results to verify our models.
