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Fröhlich, Thomas; Rogge, Norbert; Vasilyan, Suren; Hilbrunner, Falko; Rothleitner, Christian; Günther, Ludwig; Knopf, Dorothea; Lin, Shan; Härtig, Frank
The Planck-Balance (PB2) - using a fixed value of the Planck constant to calibrate E2-weights. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 41-52

Lin, Shan; Rothleitner, Christian; Günther, Ludwig; Knopf, Dorothea; Härtig, Frank; Rogge, Norbert; Vasilyan, Suren; Hilbrunner, Falko; Fröhlich, Thomas
The Planck-Balance (PB2) - tracing the mass via electrical quantities. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 53-65

Schiering, Nadine; Schnelle-Werner, Olaf; Sommer, Klaus-Dieter
Modellbildung in der Messtechnik - ein Überblick. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 171-178

Sasiuk, Taras; Fröhlich, Thomas; Theska, René; Darnieder, Maximilian
Generation of a static torque in the range of 1 mNm to 1 Nm according to the Jokey-weight principle. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 111-120

Fern, Florian; Schienbein, Ralf; Füßl, Roland
Neues Konzept für eine fünfachsige Nanomessmaschine. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 131-138

Rogge, Norbert;
Störgrößenidentifikation in der dynamischen Wägetechnik. - In: Messunsicherheit - Prüfprozesse 2019, (2019), S. 67-74

Yatsyshyn, Svyatoslav; Stadnyk, Bohdan; Khoma, Yuriy; Mykyychuk, Mykola; Mihunov, Dmytro; Fröhlich, Thomas; Mastylo, Rostyslav
Development of software and hardware for the method of rehabilitation of patients with obliteration of atherosclerosis of the limb vessels :
Rozroblennja programno-aparatnogo zabezpečennja dlja metodu reabilitaciji chvorich obliterujučym aterosklerozom cudyn kincivok. - In: Measuring Equipment and Metrology, ISSN 2617-846X, Bd. 80 (2019), 1, S. 24-26

The theme of the project proposal relates to scientific research in the field of health care and medical technologies on the basis of the further development and implementation of hardware software, smart sensors, the technique of processing, normalizing and applying of information signals for the creation of means for adjusting the physiological state of the human body by the electro stimulation, agreed in real-time mode with cardiac rhythm. Interest in this topic is due to the manifestation of increasing the duration of the active period in the lives of a number of dangerous diseases, which, in the first place, include diseases of the cardiovascular system. Often, the cause of such diseases is age-related changes, as well as non-future behavior and human habits: smoking, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating and excessive alcohol. Changing behavior, a person can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Stadnyk, Bohdan; Yatsyshyn, Svyatoslav; Lutsyk, Yaroslav; Bubela, Tetiana; Fröhlich, Thomas
Thermoelectric materials science and nanotechnology : practice and theory
Termoelektryčne materialoznavstvo i nanotechnologiji : praktyka ta teorija. - In: Measuring Equipment and Metrology, ISSN 2617-846X, Bd. 80 (2019), 2, S. 30-40

Progress in the field of thermoelectricity requires the further development of material science deep into the substance through the use of the achievements of applied and theoretical advances in nanotechnologies, including nanothermodynamics. This enables to expand the range of current thermodynamic forces, taking into account the forces inherent in nanostructured substances, and to increase the efficiency of attracting the concept of eddy thermoelectric currents in order to increase the accuracy of temperature measurement by thermoelectric sensors. The researches of materials of thermoelectric sensors have not only included not only the study of the stability of thermoelectric sensors, but their study by their methods of non-destructive acoustic control. This makes it possible to assess and develop the role of specific mechanisms for the formation of eddy thermoelectric currents in the drift of thermoelectric power.
Cherkasova, Valeriya A.;
Modeling and development of a load cell control system with electromagnetic force compensation. - In: Proceedings of 2019 III International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS), (2019), S. 121-125
Cherkasova, Valeriya A.; Brikova, Olga I.
Development and modeling of an automatic drive micropositioning control system for laser equipment positioning tasks. - In: Proceedings of 2019 III International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS), (2019), S. 118-120