International Programmes Digital - VEDIAS

VEDIAS refers to the preparation and testing of digital, internationally oriented degree programmes supported by a social virtual reality (VR) application at Technische Universität Ilmenau. The project was part of the DAAD 's International Programmes Digital call and was funded by the BMBF.

The project had 2 main objectives (outcomes):

Outcome 1: As part of the VEDIAS project, Technische Universität Ilmenau complements its teaching offer through three digital, internationally oriented Master's degree programmes. All three Master's programmes have been internationally successful on-site at Technische Universität Ilmenau for many years. The participating Master's programmes are:

Media and Communication Science (Master of Arts)

Micro and Nanotechnologies (Master of Science)

Communications and Signal Processing (Master of Science)

Outcome 2: The institutional framework and competencies for developing further digital degree programmes are simultaneously being expanded, in particular through advancing the existing quality management system and IT infrastructure.

The project ran for two years until the end of 2022 and the project management was centrally located in the International Office of Technische Universität Ilmenau. 


Organisational structure of the VEDIAS project

Luftaufnahme des Campus der TU IlmenauTU Ilmenau / Stephan Pöhler

VEDIAS was an interdisciplinary project. It involved a number of contributors in addition to the three Master's degree programmes and their departments / institutes. These contributors supported the digitisation of the Master's degree programmes and included among others:

  • Central Institute for Continuing Education
  • Division of Human Resources and Law
  • International Office
  • Marketing Division
  • Quality Management Staff Unit
  • University Computer Center / Chief Information Officer
  • Virtual Worlds and Digital Games Group

Expected results (outputs)

cyber glasses

Facilitation of the two main project objectives (outcomes) required that a series of expected results (outputs) had to be realised:

  1. Two cohorts are enrolled in each of the three digital Master's programmes. Study documents are available in English and German.
  2. A prototypically developed, integrated social VR application is used as part of the three digital Master's programmes. The social VR application integrates four areas:
    1. the virtual experimental lecture hall,
    2. the virtual seminar room,
    3. the virtual project/lab room (replacing access to complex lab facilities that previously required on-site study), and
    4. the virtual campus lobby for informal encounters for example as part of the university programme digital "Campus-Familie“ or at digital "meet and greet" events.
  3. The integrated quality management system of the Technische Universität Ilmenau enables the accreditation and certification of internationally oriented, digital study programmes.
  4. The students of the digital Master's programmes are familiar with the culture and student life in Germany and at the Technische Universität Ilmenau and are active in student networks.
  5. Based on an optimisation of the University's online marketing, the three digital Master's programmes are internationally known and in high demand.
  6. The University has the institutional framework and competencies to carry out online / digital study programmes.
  7. The institutional framework and competencies for the development of further digital programmes are in place and are available for use beyond the University.

VEDIAS project results

If interested, the VEDIAS project results can be requested via Please note, however, that the results are only available in German.