Short profile

Master of Science
Restrictions on admission-Icon
Restrictions on admission
Standard period of study-Icon
Standard period of study
4 semester
Start of studies-Icon
Start of studies
October 1
Requirement for admission-Icon
Requirement for admission
Bachelor's degree in a similar field
Credit points-Icon
Credit points
Teaching language-Icon
Teaching language


The Master of Science in Communications and Signal Processing (CSP) is open to applicants from all over the world. The lecture language is English. The two-year program starts with some basic lectures, which brings students from all over the world to a common level of knowledge. With this background, students are well prepared for the in-depth lectures of the 2nd and 3rd semesters. Students are motivated to deepen and work on the tasks discussed in the lectures at home. Homework and student research projects promote academic work and offer research and development opportunities as well as the chance to work in groups.
In the projects, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge of from mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering disciplines and engineering disciplines and learn working methods, skills and modern  skills and modern engineering tools.

The CSP program teaches fundamental concepts such as information theory, coding, modulation, (convex) optimization methods, compressed sensing, tensor-based signal processing, multimodal data fusion, machine learning, data analysis, parameter estimation, array signal processing, adaptive filters and many other applications that open up career paths in various fields. Graduates work in areas such as data science, future systems for data transmission, channel modeling, antenna design, connected/autonomous vehicles, radar/sonar, wearable technologies, audio coding, hearing aids, multimedia systems, biomedical signal processing, brain-computer interfaces, better medical scans, biometric security, big data, securities price analysis and more.

From the winter semester 2024/25, it will probably be possible for the first time to obtain an international English-language double Master's degree with the University de Lorraine in Nancy, France.

This will create a unique AI (artificial intelligence) degree program in which specialist knowledge and skills in the fields of communication technology and signal processing will be taught. The double degree option increases the attractiveness of the "Communications and Signal Processing (CSP)" degree programespecially for Ilmenau Bachelor's graduates who are aiming for a career in international companies or in science. Students who opt for this study model receive degrees from both universities after successfully completing their studies:

  • Master of Science in Communications and Signal Processing, TU Ilmenau
  • Master Ingénerie des Systèmes Complexes at the University de Lorraine, Nancy, France

Further information can be found here.

Application with German certificates and certificates from an educational institution within the EU / EEA

Application with certificates from an educational institution outside the EU / EEA

Why Ilmenau?

The course is unique in Europe. There are only a few English-language Master's degree courses with a comparable focus. Degree courses with a focus on pure data processing are often offered by computer science departments and focus less on the aspects of data transmission.


Veeraiah studiert Communications and Signal Processing an der TU Ilmenau


Image film Communications and Signal Processing (M.Sc.)

Content of study

Informatics and Communication Systems

19 %

Communiacation Engineering

16 %

Signal Processing

13 %

High Frequency and Measurement Engineering

9 %

Media Technologies

9 %

Non-technical courses

3 %

Research projects and Thesis

31 %
Detailed subject overview: Curriculum of the Master's Program Communications and Signal Processing (Module List)

Fields of work

  • Research and development for modern communication systems
  • Planning of mobile communication networks
  • Improving performance of communication systems
  • Development and verification of algorithms
  • Verification of theoretic results via measurements
  • System design including antennas, radio frequency electronics, decoding algorithms and applications


Programme coordinator

Study organisation

Marko Hennhöfer

+49 3677 69-2506