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Dr. Dörte Gerhardt
Head of Research Service and Technology Transfer
03677 69-2512
The ZMN is the Center of Micro- and Nanotechnologies of the TU Ilmenau. Since 2006 it exists as the central operating unit of the university and technological center for the associated Institute of Micro- and Nanotechnologies (IMN MacroNano).
The foundation of the interfaculty research center was already driven by 9 departments in the mid 90s of the last century. With the aim of providing the community of researchers and staff of the university with a place for interdisciplinary cutting-edge research, the high-tech building Feynmanbau was opened as ZMN in 2002. With the acquisition of a second building by the TU Ilmenau, the Meitnerbau, further (clean room) space could be developed for the center.
The main task of the ZMN is to support and promote scientists in the field of micro- and nanotechnology. The ZMN fulfils this task through the purchase of equipment and new facilities, their operation and maintenance and through financial project management. In particular, the support and technical backup of the equipment is organized in close coordination with the technology-driving departments of the center and institute.
In the self-conception of a "Core Facility", the ZMN allows direct access to its infrastructure as well as the possibility to provide processes as a service. Thereby the center stands bothl of the research community of the TU Ilmenau as well as external researchers from academia and industry.
The spatial proximity of the various disciplines and research groups creates an intensive scientific exchange in a creative environment. Interdisciplinarity is lived at the ZMN.