Centre of Innovation Competence MacroNano

The "Centre for Innovation Competence" program develops outstanding research approaches at universities and research institutions in the new federal states into internationally renowned centres. With the creation of the "Centre of Innovation Competence" (CIC) MacroNano® at the Institute for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, several junior research groups have been established since 2005 on the basis of the well-developed scientific infrastructure, research projects have been funded and specific gaps in technological equipment have been closed. In addition to the federal funding, the Free State of Thuringia supported the development and expansion of the CIC MacroNano ® with additional investments.


Thematic priorities (2007 - 2015)


  • Assembly of biological material using lithographic methods to construct three-dimensional biological morphology; TP: Systems, substrates and sensor technology for BioLithoMorphie.

3D nanostructuring

  • In order to expand activities in the field of micro-nano integration in a targeted manner, the TU Ilmenau will set up a further junior research group with the help of funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Microfluidics and biosensor technology

  • Modification of biosensors and integration in complex analysis systems for the smallest amounts of liquid for use in biomedical research.

Functionalized Peripherals

  • Ceramic multilayer technology and integration of additional functionalities through combination with modern materials.

Microplastic molds

  • Research and development of 3D plastic molds in miniature size.