Research Laboratories Microelectronics Germany Promoting young talent - access - opening up

Contact person

Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Müller
Electronics Technology Group

Phone: +49 3677 69-2606

Funding information

Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Project leader: VDI/VDE Innovation IT GmbH

Project number: 16ME0874

Participating groups: Institute of Micro- and Nanotechnologies

Period of funding: 01.08.2019 - 31.01.2026

Project information

The overall aim of the planned work is to continue and expand the established network structures of the ForLabs. The competence atlas is to be further developed and uniform access conditions for external users are to be created. A particular focus is to use the ForLabs to recruit young talent and to network microelectronics with national training initiatives. To this end, various measures will be piloted with all project partners involved and associated with the project. Based on an overview of the existing cleanroom structure at German universities, the long-term aim of the network is to create a nationally visible network of German universities that is internationally recognized and visible with the existing cleanroom infrastructures and the associated competencies. Coordinated by a business office, the network will not only be used for the training of young scientists at universities, but will also act as a close partner for industry collaborative projects. The aim is to significantly increase the visibility of German microelectronics research at universities in close cooperation with existing structures, e.g. industry, but also non-university institutes, at least at European level.