
Artificial respiration by stimulation of the phrenic nerve - Subproject: New stimulation electrodes and simulation of the electric field propagation for stimulation of the phrenic nerve

Contact person

Prof. Jens Haueisen
Biomedical Engineering Group

Phone: +49 3677 69-2486
e-mail:  thomas.sattel@tu-ilmenau.de

Funding information

Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Project leader: VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Düsseldorf

Project number: 13GW0591B

Participating groups: Biomedical Engineering Group

Period of funding: 01.11.2022 - 31.10.2025

Project information

The overall project goal is the clinical realisation of artificial ventilation for several hours by electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve (electroventilation).
The sub-project includes (1) the requirements and system analysis of the overall system for electroventilation, (2) research into stimulation electrodes and analysis methods, (3) virtual system integration and modelling, (4) practical implementation and finally (5) clinical realisation of electroventilation.

The innovations of the sub-project include in particular:
Innovation 1: Research into new soft, dry electrodes.
Innovation 2: Automatic search procedures for inter-individual variable electrode positioning
Innovation 3: Charge-balanced stimulation
Innovation 4: Automatic change of stimulation electrode configuration
Innovation 5: Optimal personalised stimulation frequencies
Innovation 6: Regulation of muscle activity according to momentary capacity

Within the framework of the sub-project, the theoretical designs, the research work in the laboratory, the biophysical stimulations and the experiments on test persons are carried out. The sub-project thus provides the technical parameters for the research activities on the current stimulator in the sub-project of the partner NeuroConn. For the subprojects of the clinical partners, this subproject provides the new electrodes, holding mechanisms and the theory for the procedure of current application.
The researched parameters, hardware components and procedures are guiding the partners in hardware development and clinical research. The results are published in academic journals and presented at professional conferences. Emerging protectable and protectable intellectual property is protected.