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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anja Geigenmüller
Vice President for Learning and Teaching
+49 3677 69-5010
When transitioning from Bachelor to Master, students at TU Ilmenau have the option of provisional enrolment in a Master degree program if they have passed all examinations in their Bachelor degree program and only the Bachelor thesis is still outstanding.
Until the end of the semester of provisional enrolment in the Master degree program, you will be studying twice in two degree programs.
Please note the semester-related deadline for provisional enrolment in a double study for the university-internal transition from Bachelor to Master. After the deadline, provisional enrolment in a double study is no longer possible.
Provisional enrolment in a double study is a student administration process. Please contact the Student Office.
The completion of provisional enrolment in a Master degree program requires a valid admission to the target degree program.
Due to the course-related admission requirements for programs leading to the academic degree Master, a new application in the university's Campus Portal is required.