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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Raake
Head of the Audiovisual Technics Lab
Telefon: +49 3677 69-2757 (Secretary)
The following groups of the Technical University Ilmenau had jointly submitted the application and will cooperate in the project:
Research Group Audiovisual Technology Group (AVT)
Prof. Raake, Department EI (Speaker)
Project staff: Stephanie Arevalo PhD, Chenyao Diao, Jakob Hartbrich
Research Group Electronic Media Technology Group (EMT)
Prof. Brandenburg / Dr. Werner und Nachfolger, Department EI
Project staff: Christian Schneiderwind, Ileana-Tatiana Surdu
Research Group Virtual Worlds and Digital Games Group (VWDS)
Prof. Broll, Department WM
Project staff: Christian Kunert
Research Group Media Psychology and Media Design (MPMD)
Prof. Döring, Department WM
Project staff: Melisa Conde and Veronika Mikhailova
Research Group Neuroinformatics and Cognitive Robotics Lab (NEUROB)
Prof. Groß, Department IA
Project staff: Söhnke Fischedick, Kay Richter
In addition, the University Computing Center (UniRZ), the Competence Center Virtual Reality (KVR) and Fraunhofer IDMT will contribute to the realization.