

DEpendable and Secure Infrastructure for Resilient Next Generation Networks

Modelling and emulation of 5G and beyond networks for resilient communication networks.

BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik).
Project time: 06/2023-11/2024.
TU Ilmenau, NUROMEDIA GmbH, TH OWL. Team @ TU Ilmenau: Dr. Florian Klingler (PI).

Dynamic Mobile Networks

Small cell base stations on cars, resource management in such dynamic environments.

Funding: DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
Project time: 01/2023-12/2025.
Institutions: TU Ilmenau, TU Berlin, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO). Team @ TU Ilmenau: Prof. Dr. Florian Klingler (PI).

Further projects

The complete list of projects can be found on