EMBRACE project - “tEchnology for Multimodal inter-BRain dynAmiCs invEstigation” -


Project description:

Master models of pin electrodes

New EU project on the electrophysiology of coordinated movements approved.

Most social interactions involve coordinated movements in real time and in real space. However, research to understand these complex processes that drive social behaviour is limited by insufficient technologies and analytical tools. In the EMBRACE project, we will bring together complementary expertise and resources from biomedical engineering, materials science, signal processing, neuroscience and social psychology from three academic and industrial partners from each of three EU countries.

One objective is to develop a new mobile dry-electrode EEG system suitable for monitoring brain activity during body movements during exercise. It also aims to simultaneously record neural and kinematic signals from two interacting individuals. With the help of new analytical solutions, the artifact suppression of these signals can be achieved.

The EMBRACE project was ranked third in the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 call in Engineering.


Cooperation partner


  • Project Nr.:101007521