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Anna-Maria Matz
Team Assistant
Ilmenau University of Technology
Institute of Media and Communication Science (IfMK)
Ernst Abbe Zentrum für Forschung und Transfer (EAZ)
Research Group Media Psychology and Media Design
Ehrenbergstraße 29 (EAZ)
D-98693 Ilmenau
Room: EAZ 2326
Phone: +49 3677 / 69 4703
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 11:15, 13:15 - 15:00 o'clock
Friday: 08:00 - 11:15 o'clock, no office hours in the afternoon
Mrs. Waltinger
(Room EAZ 2330, Telephon: +49 3677 / 69 4653, E-Mail address)