Study "Sexuality in Times of COVID-19 from the Perspective of Sexuality Education Professionals"

TU Ilmenau

Background and Aim of the Study

In April 2020, the Research Group Media Psychology and Medie Design of TU Ilmenau in Germany (Prof. Dr. Nicola Döring) has conducted a survey among Sexuality Education Professionals in cooperation with the Institut für Sexualpädagogik (isp).

The aim of the study is to investigate which sexuality-related consequences of COVID-19 are perceived by Sexuality Education Professionals and what kinds of support are desired by them.


Study Profile

  • Design. Cross-sectional online-survey: one-time data collection in April 2020 (during restrictive corona measures) via online-questionnaire
  • Research Ethics. Data collection completely voluntary and anonymous, compliance with European data protection laws, informed consent of all participants
  • Instrument. Self-constructed German-language questionnaire with open and closed questions; sexuality education professionals were involved in the construction of the questionnaire. Relevant items from instruments of related studies were used (e.g. from the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring COSMO:
  • Sample. Self-selection sample (N > 450) of Sexuality Education Professionals recruited online via distribution of the survey link in German-speaking professional communities (isp newsletter, gsp mailing list, Facebook group "Netzwerk Sexualpädagogik", mailing list of the study programme "Applied Sexology" at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences)

Study Results

  • Main findings of the study: Sexuality education professionals consider their work essential in the majority of cases. In times of COVID, they often experience problems in still reaching their target groups. The transition from offline to online formats of sexuality education poses specific challenges, e.g. in building the necessary trust or in the use of materials (e.g., tangible models of reproductive organs).
  • Döring, N. (June 4, 2020). Interner Ergebnisbericht zur Online-Befragung: Sexualität in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Perspektiven von Fachkräften der Sexuellen Bildung. [Internal results report on the online survey: Sexuality in times of the Corona pandemic: perspectives of sexuality education professionals.] The results report was discussed at isp's online barcamp in November 2020.
  • Döring, N. (2021). Sexualität in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Perspektiven von Fachkräften der Sexuellen Bildung. [Sexuality in times of the Corona pandemic: Perspectives of sexuality education professionals.] pro familia magazine, 1-2021, 6-10. Fulltext PDF.
  • Döring, N. (2021). Sexuelle Bildung in Zeiten der COVID-Pandemie [Sexuality education in times of the COVID pandemic]. Deutsche Hebammen Zeitschrift [German midwifery magazine], 73(2), 50-51. Fulltext PDF.

We would like to thank all sexuality education professionals who participated in the survey!