MIMO Rusk Channel Sounder


The RUSK TUI-FAU channel sounder used at TU Ilmenau for MIMO measurements was designed by Medav GmbH, Germany. RUSK is a real-time radio channel impulse response measurement system that supports multiple transmit and receive antenna element configurations. The RUSK MIMO channel sounder measures the channel response matrix between all transmitting and receiving antenna elements sequentially by switching between different (Tx,Rx) antenna element pairs.

TU Ilmenau



TU Ilmenau

Typical measurement campaign

  • In the city of Ilmenau
  • Investigating different base station antenna hights
  • Range and propagation effects when different receive antennas are used (UCA-16, SPUCPA-4x24)








Other campains from the Electronic Measurement Lab team include a great variety of scenarios, such as

  • Urban scenarios like Munich or Tokio
  • Rural scenarios like Ilmenau
  • Industrial buildings
  • Hot spot scenarios, large halls at train stations / airports
  • Measurements for multi-hop application
  • Measurements with/in high speed trains
  • High speed car-to-bridge scenarios