TU Ilmenau - UniOnline

With his research, Prof. Geitner wants to minimize the impact of packaging waste on the environment, conserve fossil resources and contribute to the establishment of a circular economy:

I want to develop a process in which plastics can be converted for a wide range of applications in the circular economy. I hope this will be possible in 20 to 30 years' time, when the circular economy has become established in Germany and worldwide.


You can find the full article here:TU Ilmenau - UniOnline: Recycling packaging materials: Chemist wants to use plastics sustainably (tu-ilmenau.de)

Institute colloquium

In addition to an extremely interesting lecture on NMR spectroscopy of dynamic and catalytic systems, it was above all the personal discussions that made this day a highlight of the winter semester.

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Ruth Gschwind for the informative lecture on the colloquium of our institute.


Robert Geitner

Ms. Alina Schmitt passed away on Wednesday, 31.01.2024herBachelor thesis on the topic :

"Investigation of the rhodium-catalyzed carbonylation of toluene with different carbon monoxide donors using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy"

successfully defended her thesis.

Robert Geitner

Mr. Niclas Riese has

onMonday, 18.12.2023 his bachelor thesis on the topic:

"Rhodium catalyzed carbonylation of CH bonds"

successfully defended.

Robert Geitner

Mr. Antony Fink has

onWednesday, 29.11.2023, his bachelor thesis on the topic:

"On the synthesis of novel biphenyls and Buchwald phosphanes"

successfully defended.

Robert Geitner

Ms. Jasmin Hack has

onWednesday, 01.11.2023,her Bachelor thesis on the topic :

"Kinetic study of rhodium-mediated carbonylations using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy"

successfully defended.