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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Yury Person

Address for visitors: Weimarer Str. 25 (Curiebau, C 216)

Mailing address: TU Ilmenau, P.O. Box 10 05 65, 98684 Ilmenau


+49 3677 69-3617


My research centers around the problems of finding patterns in large random-looking discrete structures. 

Often, the interplay between structure and randomness is exploited as a proof technique. This has applications in Computer Science, e.g. in property testing.


Conferences and Workshops

About me

I am a professor (W3) for Large Networks and Random Graphs at TU Ilmenau.  
Till beginning of September, I was an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) for Large Networks and Random Graphs at TU Ilmenau. The professorship is endowed by the Carl Zeiss Foundation in the first four years (since 05/2018).

Before moving to Ilmenau, I was an Assistant Professor at Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main (2013-2018) and a PostDoc (2010-2013) in the Combinatorics and Graph Theory group of Tibor Szabó at Freie Universität Berlin. I received my PhD in 2010 from Humboldt University Berlin under the supervision of Mathias Schacht. I studied Mathematics at TU Munich (2002-2007).

From 2014 to 2016, I was also a fellow in the Main-Campus-educator program of the Polytechnic Foundation of Frankfurt am Main (Link:
In 2017 the students of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at Goethe University nominated me for the 1822 University Award for Excellence in Teaching.