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Prof. Dr. Matthias Kriesell
Director of the Institute
Mailing address:
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Institut für Mathematik
PO Box 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau
Address for visitors:
Weimarer Straße 25
Curiebau, Room C 215
98693 Ilmenau
Tel.: +49 3677 69 3633
... is the science that arose from the study of figures and arithmetic with numbers. It forms the basis of physics and engineering sciences. In addition, it already plays a prominent role in economics and finance and is gaining increasing importance in the life sciences. Computers, quantum mechanics, CD players, MP3, mobile phones, the Internet, nano- and biotechnology are achievements of recent decades that have arisen because the underlying mathematics first had to be understood. Therefore, our mathematics graduates have the best career opportunities in almost all industries: At banks, insurance companies, at consulting and software companies, as well as in research and teaching.
The study of mathematics in Ilmenau is a combination of the subjects mathematics and computer science with economics and engineering. For this purpose, we offer a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master' s degree in Mathematics and Business Mathematics.
The Institute of Mathematics is located at Weimarer Straße 25, in the Curiebau, the so-called "Alte Technikum", a part of the Georg-Schmidt-Technikum. Since 2018, the structure of the Institute of Mathematics is given by the individual fields of the professors.