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Prof. Dr. Erich Runge
Head of the Institute of Physics
Dagmar Böhme
Phone: +49 (0) 3677 / 69 37 06
Room: Curiebau, room 320
Visiting address: Weimarer Strasse 25, 98693 Ilmenau
How to find us: Directions and site plan
The teaching group "Physics for Engineers" offers courses in basic physics for all engineering courses offered at the TU Ilmenau. The teaching offer includes the module physics, which is divided into the subjects physics 1 and physics 2 as well as the basic physics practical course. In the context of improving the quality of teaching and the didactic support of students, work is being done on the development and use ofe-learningmethods and materials (moodle). In addition, regular workshops are held to train exercise instructors.