Augmented reality in manufacturing and assembly

Project manager:Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jean Pierre Bergmann

Project duration: 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2024

Contact person:Maxim Reimche, Jean Pierre Bergmann, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ilmenau University of Technology.

Project motivation:

Regardless of an increasing complexity of industrial goods, such as machines and plants, including their distribution on global markets, today's companies face the challenge of being able to provide their customers with the fastest and best possible support in service cases. Meeting this challenge requires professionals who are familiar with modern tools of digitalization and, above all, skilled in their use.


For the acquisition of the required competencies in handling modern tools, such as augmented reality, a didactic approach is to be developed at the FG Manufacturing Technology, and a learning scenario is to be designed and implemented.

In the future learning scenario, which will be carried out in the form of an online course, online learning and learning in presence, the students will solve different tasks in teams for programming a collaborative robot system, a drive system, etc.. The solution of the described tasks will be done with the help of augmented reality technologies by having one student on site and another one connected via AR.

Figure 1: Overview of the modules


An additional claim of the project is to strengthen the organizational skills of the students, such as teamwork, communication skills with the help of digital media or time management. Such a constellation in solving the tasks is intended to promote the ability in the students to make the learned knowledge available in a structured manner, focused on the essential points and, above all, reduced in scope, through a targeted use of multiple information channels (speech, fading in AR, drawing in AR). The learning scenario is to be included in the range of events offered by the department.

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