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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Raake
Leiter des Fachgebiets Audiovisuelle Technik
Telefon: +49 3677 69-2757 (Sekretariat)
Telefon: +49 3677 69-1468
Fax: +49 3677 69-1255
Helmholtzbau, Raum H 3534
Anmeldung und Terminvereinbarung bitte beim Sekretariat (Raum H 3533), Telefon: +49 3677 69-2757
Seit 2022: Direktor Ilmenau Interactive Immersive Technologies Center (I3TC)
Seit 2020: Direktor des Instituts für Medientechnik (IMT) an der TU Ilmenau
Seit 2015: W3-Professur Fachgebiet Audiovisuelle Technik (TU Ilmenau)
2013-2015: W2-Professur (S-Prof., Deutsche Telekom AG / TU Berlin), Telekom Innovation Labs (T-Labs), TU Berlin, Leiter der Gruppe Assessment of IP-based Applications (AIPA)
2011: Erfolgreiche Evaluation Assistenzprofessur TU Berlin ("Habilitationsäquivalenz")
2009-2013: Assistenzprofessor (S-Juniorprofessor, gefördert durch die Deutsche Telekom), Leiter der AIPA-Gruppe, T-Labs, TU Berlin
2005-2009: Senior Scientist, Quality & Usability Lab, T-Labs, TU Berlin, Deutschland
2004-2005: Post-Doc, LIMSI-CNRS, Comm. Homme-Machine (CHM), Orsay, Frankreich
1999-2005 - Promotion unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Blauert und Prof. Dr.-Ing. S. Möller. "Sprachqualität von VoIP - Bewertung und Vorhersage", Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Deutschland
1995-1996 - Erasmus-Austauschstudent, Elektrotechnik, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications (ENST), Paris, Frankreich
1991-1997 - Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik, B Sc. -Äquivalent Physik, RWTH Aachen, Deutschland
Döring, N., De Moor, K., Fiedler, M., Schoenenberg, K., & Raake, A. (2022). Videoconference Fatigue: A Conceptual Analysis. Int. J. Env. Res. & Public Health, 19(4), 2061.
(Holistic review paper on videoconferencing / zoom fatigue, relevant for mediated interaction also in PT)
Lebreton, P., & Raake, A. (2018). GBVS360, BMS360, ProSal: Extending existing saliency prediction models from 2D to omnidirectional images. Sig. Proc. - image Comm., 69, 69–78.
(Award-winning 360° image saliency model (IEEE ICME 2018 challenge), addresses visual attention in complex scenes)
Lebreton, P., Raake, A., Barkowsky, M., & Le Callet, P. (2012). Evaluating Depth Perception of 3D Stereoscopic Videos. IEEE J. Sel. Topics Sig. Proc., 6(6), 710–720.
(Analysis of monoscopic / stereoscopic information for 3D video, underlying knowledge relevant for XR-based interfaces and real-world scene perception in PT)
Möller, S., & Raake, A. (2014). Quality of Experience: Advanced Concepts, Applications and Methods. Springer.
(First holistic book on Quality of Experience; principles can be applied to assessing PT-related processes and communication)
Raake, A. et al. (2020). Multi-Model Standard for Bitstream-, Pixel-Based and Hybrid Video Quality Assessment of UHD/4K: ITU-T P.1204. IEEE Access, 8, 193020–193049.
(First comprehensive standard for higher-resolution perceptual video quality prediction; perceptual processes relevant for visual evaluation of XR-systems in PT)
Raake, A. et al. (2011). IP-Based Mobile and Fixed Network Audiovisual Media Services. IEEE Signal Proc. Mag., 28(6), 68–79.
(1st standardized audiovisual quality model, with aspects of human vision & audition)
Schoenenberg, K., Raake, A., & Koeppe, J. (2014). Why are you so slow? – Misattribution of transmission delay to attributes of the conversation partner at the far-end. Int. J. of Human-computer Studies, 72(5), 477–487.
(Work proofs misattribution of system lag to personality traits of conversation partners, relevant also for H2M communication)
Singla, A., Fremerey, S., Robitza, W., & Raake, A. (2017). Measuring and comparing QoE and simulator sickness of omnidirectional videos in different head mounted displays. In 2017 Int. Conf. Quality of Multimedia Exp. (QoMEX), IEEE.
(1st paper holistically addressing 360° video percept. Including cybersickness)
Skowronek, J., Raake, A., et al. (2022). Quality of Experience in Telemeetings and Videoconferencing: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Access, 10, 63885–63931.
(Survey of research on H2H comm. and experience with videoconference Systems)
Spors, S., Wierstorf, H., Raake, A., Melchior, F., Frank, M., & Zotter, F. (2013). Spatial Sound With Loudspeakers and Its Perception: A Review of the Current State. Proc. of the IEEE, 101(9), 1920–1938.
(Comprehensive review showing influence factors for spatial audio fidelity, relevant for PT-related XR audio systems and digital twin simulations)
Vollständige Liste der Veröffentlichungen des Fachgebiets
2020 Nominiert für den Innovationspreis des Landes Thüringen
2019 Best Paper Award IEEE QoMEX 2019, Berlin (Co-Autor mit D. Keller et al.)
2017 Best Head-saliency model Grand Challenge Salient360!, IEEE ICME 2017 (mit P. Lebreton)
2015 Best Student Paper QoMEX 2015 (Co-Autor & Betreuer Robitza et al.)
2013 Deutsche Telekom AG, Patent Award 2013
2011 ITG/VDE Johann-Philipp-Reis-Preis
2011 Best Paper Award QoMEX 2011, Mechelen, Belgien
2010 Best Paper Award ISSPA 2010, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia (Co-Autor M.-N. Garcia)
2007 ITG-Literaturpreis für das Buch "Speech Quality of VoIP", Wiley & Sons