Publikationen des Fachgebietes Medienproduktion

HCII 2023

HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems5th International Conference, MobiTAS 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23-28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
Buchartikel "Capacity Building in Local Authorities for Sustainable Transport Planning", Springer

S. Sofia Kalakou, M. Miriam Pirra, A. Ana Diaz, and S. Sebastian Spundflasch; Setting Targets for Local Authorities to Increase Their Capacity to Develop and Implement Sustainable Transport
Pages 35-60.

Sebastian Spundflasch, Heidi Krömker; Emergent Capacity Needs
Pages 61-79.

Ann-Marie Nienaber, Sebastian Spundflasch, and André Escórcio Soares; Behavioural Change in Local Authorities to Increase Organisational Capacity
Pages 99-104.

Janet Saunders, Sunil Budhdeo, Keelan Fadden-Hopper, Ann-Marie Nienaber, Sebastian Spundflasch, Marco Surace, Fabio Nussio, Miriam Pirra, Angel Navarro, Ieva Girdvainienė, Tudor Drambarean, and Krinos Ioannis; Integrating Transport Programmes for Sustainable Reduction in Urban Road Congestion—Best Practise Examples from Local Authorities Working with SUITS
Pages 137-179.

Andree Woodcock, Sebastian Spundflasch, Frederic Rudolph, Kain Glensor, Keelan Fadden-Hopper, and Katie Miller-Crolla: Local Authorities’ Perspectives on MaaS Implementation Andree Woodcock, Ann-Marie Nienaber, Janet Saunders, Sebastian Spundflasch, Sunil Budhdeo, Keelan Fadden Hopper, and Guiseppe Estivio; Local Authorities’ Perspectives on MaaS Implementation
Pages 181-192.

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Mahboob, Atif; Weber, Christian; Husung, Stephan; Liebal, Andreas; Krömker, Heidi
Model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach for configurable product use-case scenarios in virtual environments. - In: Product, services and systems design, (2018), S. 281-290

Today, the designers have to deal with a great amount of uncertainties in the design process due to the lack of information about the product, its behaviour and the context in later life-phases (phase specific actors and surroundings). Current development primarily focuses on modelling of the product and its behaviour. The consideration of the product context also plays an important role. Virtual product development has the potential to support the designer by giving a blink into the later life-phases and context. It supports the early verification of product requirements and can also help to discover unseen requirements by means of use-case scenarios inside VR. A user and task oriented development method using VR can help to reduce the design uncertainties considerably. Therefore, in the paper a concept for user and task oriented model for product development in VR is presented. This model implements the actor(s) and the surrounding(s) along with the product inside VR using a MBSE approach. The standardised multidisciplinary modelling language the Systems Modelling Language (SysML) will be used for the modelling and an example will be presented as a proof of the presented concept.

Spundflasch, Sebastian; Krömker, Heidi; Frank, Gudrun; Petzoldt, Jürgen
Kompetenzentwicklung als integraler Bestandteil der Studieneingangsphase. - In: Digitalisierung in der Techniklehre, (2017), S. 271-276
Richtiger Name des 4. Verfassers: Jürgen Petzoldt

Krömker, Heidi; Dietze, Nadja; Große, Ulrike; Klimsa, Paul; Maron, Mandy; Radermacher, Berthold
Systemische Wechselwirkungen in Bildungsprozessen für den Wissensaustausch zwischen der Mobilitätsbranche und den Hochschulen. - In: Digitalisierung in der Techniklehre, (2017), S. 223-226

Huntemann, Nadja; Krömker, Heidi
Patterns für die Entwicklung von interaktiven 3D Modellen. - In: Digitalisierung in der Techniklehre, (2017), S. 205-210

Krömker, Heidi; Daschner, Anna-Maria; Bauer, Mathias
Was ist Trimedialität? : Herausforderungen für den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk im digitalen Zeitalter. - In: VDT-Magazin, ISSN 2509-5927, Bd. 33 (2017), 5, S. 14-18

Krömker, Heidi;
Mikro-Nano-Integration: Weiterbildung leicht gemacht. - In: Sensor-Magazin, ISSN 0945-6899, (2017), 3, S. 48-49

Wienken, Tobias; Schoppe, Christina; Krömker, Heidi
Auf dem Weg zur Agendaplanung. - In: Der Nahverkehr, ISSN 0722-8287, Bd. 35 (2017), 9, S. 54-58

Krömker, Heidi; Wienken, Tobias
Schlussbericht des Verbundprojektes dynapsys : Entwicklung eines dynamischen Agendaplanungssystems : Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01/2013-09/2016, Berichtszeitraum: 01/2013-09/2016. - [Ilmenau] : [Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Fachgebiet Medienproduktion]. - 1 Online-Ressource (69 Seiten, 4,13 MB)Förderkennzeichen BMWi 19P12013B. - Verbund-Nummer 01138605
Schneider, Oliver; Martens, Thomas; Bauer, Mathias; Ott-Kroner, Alexandra; Dick, Uwe; Dorochevsky, Michel
SensoMot - sensorische Erfassung von Motivationsindikatoren zur Steuerung adaptiver Lerninhalte. - In: Bildungsräume, (2017), S. 267-272
Schmermbeck, Sebastian; Krömker, Heidi; Sommerfeld, Cornelius; Kummer, Robert; Wienken, Tobias; Rohde, Jannis; Sander, Bastian
Mobil im ländlichen Raum dank innovativer Dienstleistungen. - In: Dienstleistungen als Erfolgsfaktor für Elektromobilität, ISBN 978-3-8396-1212-5, (2017), S. 128-139