Charakterisierung der Wärmeführung beim wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) unter Einsatz des Metall-Schutzgasschweißprozesses. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2024. - 1 Online-Ressource (243 Seiten). - (Fertigungstechnik - aus den Grundlagen für die Anwendung ; Band 19)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023
Das wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) unter Verwendung des Metall-Schutzgasschweißprozesses zeichnet sich vordergründig durch eine kostengünstige und flexible Fertigung von großvolumigen, metallischen Bauteilen aus. Dabei führt der hohe Wärme- und Materialeintrag des Lichtbogenverfahrens jedoch zu einer periodischen Wiedererwärmung und teilweisen Wiederaufschmelzung des bereits platzierten Schweißguts. Bei umwandlungsfähigen Werkstoffen resultiert die Anwendung des Verfahrens dementsprechend in einer komplexen Wechselwirkung zwischen Temperatur-Zeit-Regime, Gefüge und technisch-mechanischen Bauteileigenschaften. Die Beschreibung der zugrundeliegenden Wirkmechanismen liegt im derzeitigen Stand der Technik nur ansatzweise vor. Im Rahmen der Arbeit erfolgt die systematische Untersuchung der Wärmeführung bei WAAM unter Einsatz von niedriglegiertem Stahl. Dabei wird die Adressierung eines breiten Anwendungsbereichs durch den Substratwerkstoff S355J2+N sowie den Schweißzusatzwerkstoff G4Si1 erreicht. Die zielgerichtete Beschreibung der Wärmeführung bei WAAM findet zunächst durch die experimentelle Untersuchung des prozessseitigen Wärmeeintrags und die Analyse der Wärmeabführung während der Bauteilabkühlung statt. Die allgemeingültige Darstellung der Ergebnisse gelingt durch die Einführung der t8/5-Zeit zur Beschreibung der Bauteilabkühlung je aufgetragener Schweißraupe im WAAM-Prozess. Auf Grundlage der experimentellen Versuchsdurchführung findet die Umsetzung einer transienten, thermischen Simulation des WAAM-Prozesses statt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der örtlich und zeitlich aufgelösten Analyse von Wärmefeldern und Abkühlraten zur fundierten Beschreibung von Phasenumwandlungen während der zyklischen Wiedererwärmung des Stahls. Als auschlaggebender Mechanismus zur Gefügeausbildung kann die letztmalige Überschreitung der Ac3-Temperatur sowie die anschließende Abkühlrate identifiziert werden. Die Verifizierung der Erkenntnisse gelingt einerseits durch den Abgleich mit metallografischen Querschliffen und andererseits durch ausgewählte Analyseverfahren zur Charakterisierung der technisch-mechanischen Bauteileigenschaften wie Härtemessungen oder Zugversuche. Zusammenfassend können die experimentell und numerisch ermittelten Erkenntnisse für die Erarbeitung eines Prozessmodells zur erstmaligen, quantitativen Beschreibung der Wärmeübertragungsmechanismen bei WAAM herangezogen werden. Zudem werden Prozessstrategien zur örtlichen Einstellung von technisch-mechanischen Bauteileigenschaften aufgezeigt.
Temporal and spatial determination of solidification rate during pulsed laser beam welding of hot-crack susceptible aluminum alloys by means of high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging. - In: Journal of advanced joining processes, ISSN 2666-3309, Bd. 10 (2024), 100235, S. 1-11
Richtiger Name des 4. Verfassers: Christian Diegel
Pulsed laser beam welding is primarily used to join thin-walled components. The use of 6xxx group aluminum alloys is characterized by good mechanical properties but these alloys are prone to hot cracking during solidification, i.e., requirements regarding strength and tightness, as increasingly important for electromobility related applications, cannot be fulfilled. The solidification rate has been identified as dominant factor in pulsed conduction welding which can be adjusted by the pulse shape, i.e., by varying the beam power over time for a single pulse. Pulse shapes with different, linear ramp-down slopes were studied to describe the interaction between beam power and resulting solidification rate for spot welds. Based on rotationally symmetric conditions of the spot welds, the solidification rate can be measured in radial and vertical directions. The welding process of EN AW 6082 alloy was examined by in situ high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) for this reason. Frame rates up to 120,000 Hz and subsequent image analysis allowed in-depth analysis of the solidification processes, their dependence on different spatial directions, and the resulting effects on hot crack formation.
Influence of additional intermediate thick Al layers on the reaction propagation and heat flow of Al/Ni reactive multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400522, S. 1-8
This study investigates the effects of sputtering and electron beam evaporation (e-beam) on the microstructure and reactive properties of Al/Ni reactive multilayers (RMLs). The intermixing zone, a critical factor influencing reaction kinetics, is characterized using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and found to be consistently 3 nm for both fabrication methods. Differential scanning calorimetry reveals that e-beam samples, with thicker Al layers, exhibit slightly higher total molar enthalpy and maintain high reaction temperatures despite reduced reaction velocities in comparison to sputtered samples. X-ray diffraction confirms the formation of both Al3Ni2 and AlNi phases in the e-beam samples. These findings indicate that while thicker bilayer structures reduce reaction velocity, they keep thermal output and mitigate the impact of intermixing zones, leading to similar total molar enthalpy. This analysis underscores the significance of deposition technique and bilayer thickness in optimizing the performance of Al/Ni RML, offering the possibility to establish different phase formations in thicker RML. It advances the control over the reactive properties of RMLs in their applications, for example, reactive bonding.
In situ observation and reduction of hot-cracks in laser additive manufacturing. - In: Communications materials, ISSN 2662-4443, Bd. 5 (2024), 84, S. 1-10
Cracking during Laser Additive Manufacturing is a problem for many higher-strength aluminium alloys, including AA6061. Here, we used a pulsed laser with ramp-down power modulation to improve the cracking resistance by about 50% compared to the use of a rectangular pulsed laser. Using synchrotron in situ X-ray imaging at 100,000 images s−1, ground truth data was obtained about changes in melt pool geometry, solidification rate, and thermal gradients were calculated. An analytical hot cracking model was developed to show that these changes lead to a decreased hot tear susceptibility. Therefore, laser pulse modulation can be an effective tool to reduce crack susceptibility of alloys. More fundamentally, the results demonstrate that modifying thermal conditions provides a pathway to crack elimination in LAM and the model established in our study sets the foundation for further complex laser manipulation in modifying the printability and resulting mechanical properties of hard-to-process alloys in Laser Additive Manufacturing.
Controlling propagation velocity in Al/Ni reactive multilayer systems by periodic 2D surface structuring. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2302272, S. 1-11
The chemical energy released as heat during the exothermic reaction of reactive multilayer systems has shown potential applications in various technological areas, e.g., in joining applications. However, controlling the heat release rate and the propagation velocity of the reaction is required to enhance their performance in most of these applications. Herein, a method to control the propagation velocity and heat release rate of the system is presented. The sputtering of Al/Ni multilayers on substrates with periodic 2D surface structures promotes the formation of growth defects into the system. This modification in the morphology locally influences the reaction characteristics. Tailoring the number of 2D structures in the substrate enables the control of the velocity and maximum temperature of the propagation front. The morphology of the produced reactive multilayers is investigated before and after reaction using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. In addition, the enthalpy of the system is obtained through calorimetric analysis. The self-sustained and self-propagating reaction of the systems is monitored by a high-speed camera and a high-speed pyrometer, thus revealing the propagation velocity and the temperatures with time resolution in the microsecond regime.
Impact of substrate thickness and surface roughness on Al/Ni multilayer reaction kinetics. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. n/a (2024), n/a, 2302269, S. 1-10
Reactive multilayers comprising alternating nanoscale layers of Al and Ni exhibit potential across various applications, including localized heating for welding and joining. Control over reaction properties is pivotal for emerging applications, such as chemical time delays or neutralization of biological or chemical weapons. In this research, insights are offered into the intricate interplay between substrate thickness, surface roughness, and the behavior of Al/Ni reactive multilayers, opening avenues for tailored applications in various domains. To observe this interplay, silica with various thicknesses from 0.4 to 1.6 μm is deposited on polished single-crystalline Si and rough poly-Si base substrates. Additionally, to analyze the impact of varying silica thickness along the sample length on reaction behavior, silica in steplike shape is fabricated. Subsequently, Al/Ni multilayers with 5 μm total thickness and 20 or 50 nm bilayer periodicities are deposited. Reaction velocity and temperature are monitored with a high-speed camera and pyrometer. In the results, it is indicated that silica thickness significantly affects self-propagation in multilayers. The reaction is not self-sustained for silica layers ≤ 0.4 μm, depending on bilayer periodicity and substrate roughness. The velocity increases or decreases based on the direction of reaction propagation, whether it moves upward or downward, in relation to the thickness of silica.
Development of an indirect measurement method for the Contact Tube to Workpiece Distance (CTDW) in the Direct Energy Deposition - Arc (DED-ARC) process for different arc types. - In: Journal of advanced joining processes, ISSN 2666-3309, Bd. 9 (2024), 100228, S. 1-9
During the layer-by-layer build-up in the Direct Energy Deposition (DED) - Arc additive manufacturing (AM) process, the distance between the contact tube and the workpiece, effectively the welded layer, changes. Since the weld paths are predefined by the path planning software, a constant Contact Tube to Workpiece Distance (CTWD) and weld bead height is assumed. However, even small changes in geometry, such as crossovers of weld paths, result in higher weld beads than assumed. Similarly, an incorrectly assumed bead height as input to the path planning will result in a change in the CTWD. The sum of the deviations of the real weld geometries from the assumed ones in the path planning can greatly influence the CTWD. This implies that the dimensional accuracy may be significantly compromised. This research presents an approach for a general indirect measurement method using the welding current to obtain the CTWD during the actual welding process. A real-time process control method is implemented and validated using the mechanically controlled short arc and the pulsed arc process. Varying process parameters are used to validate the general applicability for a specific material. For the mechanically controlled short arc process, the model underestimates the measured CTWD by a mean error of 3.4 mm. The pulse process is overestimated by a mean error of 2.2 mm. The standard deviation for the pulse process with 1.3 mm is slightly smaller than for the short arc process with 1.7 mm.
Experimental-assisted approach to develop a numerical model for simulating the reaction propagation in reactive multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 26 (2024), 2302179, S. 1-11
Accepted Articles : Accepted, unedited articles published online and citable. The final edited and typeset version of record will appear in the future.
One outstanding feature of self-propagating reactions is their ability to release heat of reaction over both temporal and spatial scales, enabling the sustained progression of the reaction after a local ignition. They propagate in the form of a continuous reaction front through the mixture of the starting materials. Previous research on reactive materials has predominantly focused on unraveling the microstructure property relationships influencing released energy in reacting multilayers. This involved considering coupled differential equations, including the heat conduction equation and Fick's law. In this study, the introduction of a purely thermal numerical macroscale model is made, incorporating two states of material properties that differentiate between the thermal characteristics before and after phase formation. The homogenization of material properties before the phase formation is accomplished through the consideration of directional-temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and temperature-dependent-specific heat capacity. The energy-release function is derived using experimental data for the reaction velocity depending on bilayer thickness. This model allows for the exploration of reaction motion and temperature profiles, achieving qualitative conformity with experimental measurements for freestanding foil, and necessitating reasonable computational effort.
Failure mechanisms of Friction stir welding tools related to process control and tool geometry. - In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN 2041-3076, Bd. 0 (2024)
Friction stir welding (FSW) is subjected to process-specific challenges including comparatively high process forces and tool wear resulting from thermomechanical stresses. As a result, the acting loads and the geometric-related tool wear can cause tool failure. The tool (shoulder) design, whether it is concave or flat, with or without geometrical elements, is mainly responsible for the related failure mechanism and tool life. Therefore, this study systematically analyzes the failure mechanisms as a function of the process temperature, during FSW of AA-6060 T66 using tools made of H13 tool steel, with different shoulder designs, namely a concave contour and a scroll contour. The mechanism responsible for tool failure was induced by repeated welding at rotational speeds of 4000 rpm and 2000 rpm, at process temperatures within the range of the secondary hardness maximum (552 ˚C and 555 ˚C) and below the temperature of the secondary hardness maximum (488 ˚C and 499 ˚C). The experimental investigation showed that reducing the rotational speed of the scrolled shoulder from 4000 rpm to 2000 rpm resulted in less wear and therefore an increase in tool life from 474 m to up to 1400 m. In this context, it has also been shown that the shoulder geometry affects the mechanism relevant to failure due to the free length of the probe.
Influence of increasing density of microstructures on the self-propagating reaction of Al/Ni reactive nanoscale multilayers. - In: Advanced engineering materials, ISSN 1527-2648, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, insges. 21 S.
Surface structuring methods are crucial in semiconductor manufacturing, as they enable the creation of intricate structures on the semiconductor surface, influencing the material’s electrical, mechanical, and chemical properties. This study employs one such structuring method known as reactive ion etching to create black Si structures on silicon substrates. After thermal oxidation, their influence on the reaction of Al/Ni nanoscale multilayers is. For this purpose, various densities of thermally oxidized black Si structures are investigated. It reveals distinct reactive behaviors without corresponding differences in energy release during differential scanning calorimetry measurements. Higher oxidized black Si structure densities result in elevated temperatures and faster reaction propagation, showing fewer defects and reduced layer connections in cross-sectional analyses. The properties of the reactive multilayers on high structure density show the same performance as a reaction on flat thermal SiO2, causing delamination when exceeding 23 structures per µm2. Conversely, lower structure density ensures attachment of reactive multilayers to the substrate due to an increased number of defects, acting as predetermined breaking points for the AlNi alloy. By establishing the adhesion between the reacted multilayer and the substrate, surface structuring could lead to a potential increase in bond strength when using reactive multilayers for bonding.