DFG Equipment Center

"Micro-Nano-Integration" Equipment Center

Contact person

Prof. Jens Müller
Electronics Technology Group

Phone: +49 3677 69-2606
e-mail: jens.mueller@tu-ilmenau.de

Funding information

Project leader: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 

Project number:

MU 3171/2-1 + MU 3171/6-1,

SHA 632/19-1 + SHA 632/27-1,

HO 2284/4-1 + HO 2284/12-1

Participating groups: Electronics Technology Group, Group of Materials for Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Microsystems Technology Group

Period of funding: 01.12.2013 - 30.10.2023

Simone Gutsche
DFG-funded Core Facility "Micro-Nano-Integration"

DFG-funded Core Facility "Micro-Nano-Integration"

The DFG-funded Core Facility "Micro-Nano-Integration" gives external partners even better access to the outstanding technological infrastructure and the special equipment of the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies.

 further information