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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst-Michael Groß
Head of Department
phone: +49 3677 692858
Postal address:
Ilmenau University of Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Automation
Neuroinformatics and Cognitive Robotics Lab
P.O. Box 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau
Visiting address:
Helmholtzplatz 5 (Zusebau)
Room 3060
98693 Ilmenau
Site plan
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To do so, send an e-mail with the subject: Entry in the list Robotvision to the following address:
In response, you will receive a notice that your email is being held until the moderator approves it. This may take up to a day, or longer on weekends. Once you are added to the list, you will receive a welcome message.
Im Rahmen des Praktikums werden die behandelten methodischen und algorithmischen Grundlagen der vision-basierten Roboternavigation durch die Studierenden selbst softwaretechnisch umgesetzt und im Rahmen eines vorgefertigten Robotersimulations-Frameworks implementiert (Teilleistung 2).
Current Modultafel
Course material is available in moodle course Robotvision WS 24/25