
Managment/Organisation Group at the 45th Workshop of the WK ORG

Management/Organisation Group with four presentations at the Anniversary conference of the German Academic Association of Business Research

From September 22 - 24, 2021, the 45th workshop of the Scientific Commission Organization at the Anniversary conference of the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB) took place. In this format, organization scholars from German-speaking countries meet annually, present papers, and collaborate on ideas.

The Management/Organisation Group was represented by Prof. Bach, Dr. Oertel and Marcel Maurer and presented two of its essay manuscripts after successful double-blind peer review: 

  • Hein-Pensel, F., Knorr, K., Oertel, S. Thommes, K.: Crafting organizational identity: differences in the orchestration of identity claims by organizations as social actors and the organizations' members.
  • Maurer, M., Bach, N., Oertel, S.: Change in formal structure and its effects on the centrality of organizational members in the communication network

In addition, Dr. Oertel and Marcel Maurer gave co-presentations, Prof. Bach and Dr. Oertel chaired sessions. Although the conference was held online, there was a constructive and intensive exchange among the participants, despite initial skepticism. 

For the year 2022, a face-to-face meeting of the WKORG is planned again, whereby due to the positive experiences, a virtual track will be maintained in parallel in the event program. The Management/Organisation Group has also already submitted contributions for the 46th workshop in 2022.