ScreenMe conference 2023

On September 14th, 2023, our research group members Andreas Will, Jonas Weber and our esteemed former colleague Britta Gossel, participated the ScreenMe conference at Tallinn University.
Das Foto zeigt die KollegInnen unseres Fachgebietes auf der ScreenMe-Konferenz 2023

On September 14th, 2023, our research group members Andreas Will, Jonas Weber and our former colleague Britta Gossel, participated the ScreenMe conference at Tallinn University. 

The conference's theme was "Current Trends in the Screen Media Industry," and it bridged the gap between academic perspectives and practical applications in screen media and entrepreneurship by presenting keynote lectures, plenary sessions, and in-depth debates in a fluid manner.

Ulrike Rohn, the lead for ScreenMe-Net, and Birgit Vilgats gave an introduction to the day. Leona Achtenhagen and Vejune Zemaityte then provided us with valuable information and an overview of the condition of screen media today. Sean Branagan's keynote on the most recent developments in screen media entrepreneurship and Alan R. Milligan's talk on the disruptive potential of the film and television industries, among other important subjects, were covered.

The plenary sessions, where a variety of panelists, including Henrik Roonemaa, Mari-Liis Rüütsalu, and Stefan Melesko, explored the future outlook for the media sectors, were especially welcomed by our team. These conversations provided useful information and gave ideas for prospective team projects.

During the conference, we enjoyed discussions with our ScreenME project partners from universities around Europe. Special thanks to Ulrike Rohn and Elena Stern for organizing such a well-organized event that allowed for networking.