The research project CO-HUMANICS at TU Ilmenau aims to develop innovative technologies that promote the social integration of older adults. Among the included technologies are telepresence robots that mediate communication between them and their distantly located family and friends. But what do older adults require from robot-mediated communication (RMC) via a telepresence robot?
To gain knowledge on the topic, the Media Psychology Group at Technische Universität Ilmenau conducted an interview study with N=30 adults over the age of 60 from Germany, as part of the CO-HUMANICS work package Evaluation. Older adults were consulted about their attitudes, intentions to use and requirements for RMC via a telepresence robot. The results of the study were published in the “International Journal of Social Robotics” (2022 IF = 4.7). They provide relevant information for the present and future design of telepresence robots for older users.
Conde, M., Mikhailova, V., & Döring, N. (2024). “I have the feeling that the person is here”: older adults’ attitudes, usage intentions, and requirements for a telepresence robot. International Journal of Social Robotics.