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Research Group Media Psychology publishes in merz

Analysis of the Contraception Education on TikTok

In the past, it was "Dr. Sommer" from the youth magazine Bravo who made a significant contribution to sex and contraception education among young people in Germany. Today, social media have partially taken over this educational function. This explorative study by the Research Group Media Psychology and Media Design at Ilmenau University of Technology investigates the question of what contraceptive communication on TikTok is like today and to what extent "Dr. TikTok" is establishing itself here as a new point of contact.


Döring, N. & Lehmann, S. (2022). Von Dr. Sommer zu Dr. TikTok. Sexuelle Gesundheitskommunikation mittels Online-Videoplattformen [From Dr. Sommer to Dr. TikTok. Sexual Health Communication via Online Video Platforms.]. merz - medien und erziehung - zeitschrift für medienpädagogik, 66(1), 18-26. Link zur Zeitschrift.