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Sexual and Reproductive Health in Social Media

Research Group Media Psychology kicks off EMSA study

The name of the EMSA study stands for Erstes Mal, Menstruation und SchwangerschaftsAbbruch als Themen der sexuellen und reproduktiven Online-Gesundheitskommunikation [Sexual Debut, Menstruation and Abortion as topics of sexual and reproductive online health communication]. In the context of this research project in the field of communication science, media content analyses and interviews will be used to investigate how the aforementioned topics are presented and discussed in Social media (particularly on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram).


The independent research project of the Research Group Media Psychology and Media Design at the Technische Universität Ilmenau is funded by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). It is expected to provide insights that close a research gap and also update practitioners in the domain of sexuality education and counseling.


Project Website