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Anna-Maria Matz
Team Assistant
Ilmenau University of Technology
Institute of Media and Communication Science (IfMK)
Ernst Abbe Zentrum für Forschung und Transfer (EAZ)
Research Group Media Psychology and Media Design
Ehrenbergstraße 29 (EAZ)
D-98693 Ilmenau
Room: EAZ 2326
Phone: +49 3677 / 69 4703
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 11:15, 13:15 - 15:00 o'clock
Friday: 08:00 - 11:15 o'clock, no office hours in the afternoon
Mrs. Waltinger
(Room EAZ 2330, Telephon: +49 3677 / 69 4653, E-Mail address)
WEiSaP: Wissen und Einstellungen zu Sexarbeit und Prostitution = Knowledge and attitudes towards sex work and prostitution
Four research questions (RQ1-RQ4) are to be answered as part of the communication and sexual science research project:
RQ1: How widespread are personal experiences of sex work and prostitution among the population?
RQ2: What is the subjective knowledge about sex work and prostitution in the population and where does it come from?
RQ3: How widespread are different attitudes towards sex work and prostitution among the population?
RQ4: How widespread are different attitudes towards the regulation of sex work and prostitution among the population?
Adults aged 18-78 are surveyed anonymously after explicit informed consent. The study is approved by the ethics committee of the TU Ilmenau.
Knowledge and attitudes towards sex work and prostitution are collected in the course of a standardized online survey. Respondents are recruited via the Bilendi online panel.
The questionnaire is based on the current state of scientific research and contains self-constructed and established items/scales on the topic.
The WEiSaP study is intended to help close scientific research gaps regarding the knowledge and attitudes of the population in Germany towards sex work and prostitution. Among other things, the current survey results are to be compared with those from earlier studies in Germany as well as those from studies in other countries.
The results of the WeiSaP study inform the interested public, politicians and the media about knowledge and attitudes towards sex work and prostitution among the population in Germany.
Project results and publications will be added here from summer 2024.
The project is supported by an advisory board from the fields of research and practice.