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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai-Uwe Sattler
Tel. +49 3677 69-5001
Ernst-Abbe-Zentrum, Ehrenbergstraße 29
Zi. 3322
University Professorship W3 "Data-driven Acoustics and Audio Technology" (f/m/d) - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - reference number 96/2024 (application deadline September 25, 2024)
Secretary / Clerk (f/m/d) - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - Department of Nanotechnology and Department of Electrochemistry and Galvanotechnology - reference 66/2024(application deadline September 22, 2024)
Further job offers as well as information on online applications can be found on the central pages of the TU Ilmenau.