Head of Group


Marina Bondarev

+49 3677-69 2890 | Fax: +49 3677-69 2888

Visitor address
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Straße 1
Kirchhoffbau Room K 3007 (2nd upper floor)
98693 Ilmenau

Postal address
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Institut für Medientechnik
Postfach 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau

Scientific team

Ulrike Czaska M. Sc.

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3003
+49 3677 69-1239
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Ulrike Große M. Sc.

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3012
+49 3677 69-1543
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Chikita Rini Lengkong M. A.

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3017
+49 3677 69-2872
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Jose Alejandro Libreros M. Eng.

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3019
+49 3677 69-2871
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Dr.-Ing. Cindy Mayas

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3004
+49 3677 69-2892
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Boris A. Reif M. Sc.

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3019
+49 3677 69-2856
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Florian Schlechte M. Sc.

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3003
+49 3677 69-1103
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Tobias Steinert M. Sc.

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3017
+49 3677 69-1515
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Technical staff

Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Jakob

Kirchhoffbau, Room K 3012

+49 3677 69-1518
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TYPO3 area administrator
Contact person for the WCMS TYPO3 CMS of the faculty EI
Contact person Marketing Institute for Media Technology


Student and research assistants

Melissa Bader
Christina Luise Bakran
Soroush Daneshi
Tasneem Hussain
Richard Lutz Hollandmoritz
Fabia Kohlhoff
Fatemeh Niayeshnia
Hendrik Edmund Peters
Claudius Schübel
Romy Titze