Publications list Theoretical Physics 2

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Kreismann, Jakob; Hentschel, Martina
Optical microcavities for nanoparticle sensing. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), DY 69.16

Luhn, Sebastian; Hentschel, Martina
An analytical approach to extend Fresnel laws to concave shaped interfaces. - In: Joint Meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions together with the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division of the EPS and the Working Groups: Equal Opportunities, Industry and Business, Young DPG, Philosophy of Physics, (all DPG) EPS Young Minds, EPS History of Physics Group, (2018), DY 69.15

Kullig, Julius; Yi, Chang-Hwan; Hentschel, Martina; Wiersig, Jan
Exceptional points of third-order in a layered optical microdisk cavity. - In: New journal of physics, ISSN 1367-2630, Bd. 20 (2018), 083016, insges. 10 S.
Kreismann, Jakob; Hentschel, Martina
The optical Möbius strip cavity: tailoring geometric phases and far fields. - In: epl, ISSN 1286-4854, Bd. 121 (2018), 2, S. 24001, insges. 6 S.
Kullig, Julius; Hentschel, Martina; Wiersig, Jan
Perturbation theory for asymmetric deformed optical microdisk cavities. - In: 21. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, (2017), S. 110

Natura, Guido; Hentschel, Martina
Ray-wave correspondence in optical and graphene Billiards. - In: 21. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, (2017), S. 109

Stockschläder, Pia; Hentschel, Martina
Extended ray dynamics for integrable and chaotic optical microcavities. - In: 21. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, (2017), S. 108

Kreismann, Jakob; Hentschel, Martina
Three-dimensional description of optical microcavities. - In: 21. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, (2017), S. 107

Stockschläder, Pia; Hentschel, Martina
Consequences of a wave-correction extended ray dynamics for integrable and chaotic optical microcavities. - In: Journal of optics, ISSN 2040-8986, Bd. 19 (2017), 12, S. 125603, insges. 13 S.
Kreismann, Jakob; Hentschel, Martina
Polarization evolution in 3D micro-cavities. - In: DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), (2017), DY 32.8