Publications at the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences from 2019

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
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Results: 937
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Lanza, Lukas;
Exact output tracking in prescribed finite time via funnel control. - In: Automatica, ISSN 0005-1098, Bd. 170 (2024), 111873, S. 1-9

Output reference tracking of unknown nonlinear systems is considered. The control objective is exact tracking in predefined finite time, while in the transient phase the tracking error evolves within a prescribed boundary. To achieve this, a novel high-gain feedback controller is developed that is similar to, but extends, existing high-gain feedback controllers. Feasibility and functioning of the proposed controller is proven rigorously. Examples for the particular control objective under consideration are, for instance, linking up two train sections, or docking of spaceships.
Peh, Katharina; Bratek, Dominik; Lauer, Kevin; Müller, Robin Lars Benedikt; Schulze, Dirk; Flötotto, Aaron; Krischok, Stefan
Light-induced degradation transition energy barrier measured by photoluminescence spectra in Si:In. - In: Physica status solidi, ISSN 1862-6319, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, 2400570, S. 1-7
Bohlemann, Chris Yannic; Flötotto, Aaron; Paszuk, Agnieszka; Nandy, Manali; Großmann, Max; Romanyuk, Oleksandr; Hanke, Kai Daniel; Gieß, Aaron; Kleinschmidt, Peter; Runge, Erich; Hannappel, Thomas
Surface structure of MOVPE-prepared As-modified Si(100) substrates. - In: Applied surface science, Bd. 675 (2024), 160879, S. 1-8

In the pursuit of high-efficiency tandem devices for solar energy conversion based on III-V-semiconductors, low-defect III-V nucleation on Si(100) substrates is essential. Here, hydrogen and arsenic are key ingredients in all growth processes with respect to industrially scalable metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Our study provides insight into Si(100) surface preparation for the initial stage of III-V nucleation. The samples investigated, prepared on substrates with different offcut angles, show single domain surfaces consisting of rows of preferentially buckled dimers. Low energy electron diffraction and reflection anisotropy spectroscopy confirm well-defined (1 × 2)/(2 × 1) majority domains. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy revealed hydrogen bonding to the surface dimers, while no impurities were found by XPS. Density functional theory calculations support the experimental results and reveal a novel surface motif of H-passivated Si-As mixed dimers.
Oppeneiger, Benedikt; Lanza, Lukas; Schell, Maximilian; Dennstädt, Dario; Schaller, Manuel; Zamzow, Bert; Berger, Thomas; Worthmann, Karl
Model predictive control of a magnetic levitation system with prescribed output tracking performance. - In: Control engineering practice, ISSN 1873-6939, Bd. 151 (2024), 106018, S. 1-14

To guarantee the safe and dependable operation of a magnetic levitation train, the distance between the magnet and the reaction rail needs to be kept within a given range. In this work, we design model predictive controllers which, in addition to complying with these constraints, provide a favorable behavior with regard to performance criteria such as travel comfort and control effort. For this purpose, we present a model of the system and the disturbances affecting it. Several results regarding the mathematical properties of this model are proven to gain insight for controller design. Finally we compare three different controllers w.r.t. performance criteria such as robustness, travel comfort, control effort, and computation time in an extensive numerical simulation study: a linear feedback controller, a model predictive control (MPC) scheme with quadratic stage costs, and the recently-proposed funnel MPC scheme. We show that the MPC closed loop complies with the constraints while also exhibiting excellent performance. Furthermore, we implement the MPC algorithms within the GRAMPC framework. This allows us to reduce the computational effort to a point at which real-time application becomes feasible.
Lauer, Kevin; Reiß, Stephanie; Flötotto, Aaron; Peh, Katharina; Bratek, Dominik; Müller, Robin; Schulze, Dirk; Beenken, Wichard J. D.; Hiller, Erik; Ortlepp, Thomas; Krischok, Stefan
Effect of inelastic ion collisions on low-gain avalanche detectors explained by an ASi-Sii-defect mode. - In: Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research, Bd. 555 (2024), 165472, S. 1-5

The acceptor removal phenomenon (ARP), which hampers the functionality of low-gain avalanche detectors (LGAD), is discussed in frame of the ASi-Sii-defect model. The assumption of fast diffusion of interstitial silicon is shown to be superfluous for the explanation of the BSi-Sii-defect formation under irradiation, particular at very low temperatures. The experimentally observed properties of the ARP are explained by the donor properties of the BSi-Sii-defect in its ground state. Additionally, low temperature photoluminescence spectra are reported for quenched boron doped silicon showing so far unidentified PL lines, which change due to well-known light-induced degradation (LID) treatments.
Strässer, Robin; Schaller, Manuel; Worthmann, Karl; Berberich, Julian; Allgöwer, Frank
Koopman-based feedback design with stability guarantees. - In: IEEE transactions on automatic control, ISSN 1558-2523, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-16

We present a method to design a state-feedback controller ensuring exponential stability for nonlinear systems using only measurement data. Our approach relies on Koopman-operator theory and uses robust control to explicitly account for approximation errors due to finitely many data samples. To simplify practical usage across various applications, we provide a tutorial-style exposition of the feedback design and its stability guarantees for single-input systems. Moreover, we extend this controller design to multi-input systems and more flexible nonlinear state-feedback controllers using gain-scheduling techniques to increase the guaranteed region of attraction. As the proposed controller design is framed as a semidefinite program, it allows for an efficient solution. Further, we enhance the geometry of the region of attraction through a heuristic algorithm that establishes a connection between the employed Koopman lifting and the dynamics of the system. Finally, we validate the proposed feedback design procedure by means of numerical examples.
Öztürk, Emrah; Faulwasser, Timm; Worthmann, Karl; Preißinger, Markus; Rheinberger, Klaus
Alleviating the curse of dimensionality in Minkowski sum approximations of storage flexibility. - In: IEEE transactions on smart grid, Bd. 0 (2024), 0, S. 1-11

Many real-world applications require the joint optimization of a large number of flexible devices over time. The flexibility of, e.g., multiple batteries, thermostatically controlled loads, or electric vehicles can be used to support grid operation and to reduce operation costs. Using piecewise constant power values, the flexibility of each device over d time periods can be described as a polytopic subset in power space. The aggregated flexibility is given by the Minkowski sum of these polytopes. As the computation of Minkowski sums is in general demanding, several approximations have been proposed in the literature. Yet, their application potential is often objective-dependent and limited by the curse of dimensionality. We show that up to 2d vertices of each polytope can be computed efficiently and that the convex hull of their sums provides a computationally efficient inner approximation of the Minkowski sum. Via an extensive simulation study, we illustrate that our approach outperforms ten state-of-the-art inner approximations in terms of computational complexity and accuracy for different objectives. Moreover, we propose an efficient disaggregation method applicable to any vertex-based approximation. The proposed methods provide an efficient means to aggregate and to disaggregate energy storages in quarter-hourly periods over an entire day with reasonable accuracy for aggregated cost and for peak power optimization.
Hotz, Thomas; Le, Huiling; Wood, Andrew T. A.
Central limit theorem for intrinsic Fréchet means in smooth compact Riemannian manifolds. - In: Probability theory and related fields, ISSN 1432-2064, Bd. 189 (2024), 3/4, S. 1219-1246

We prove a central limit theorem (CLT) for the Fréchet mean of independent and identically distributed observations in a compact Riemannian manifold assuming that the population Fréchet mean is unique. Previous general CLT results in this setting have assumed that the cut locus of the Fréchet mean lies outside the support of the population distribution. In this paper we present a CLT under some mild technical conditions on the manifold plus the following assumption on the population distribution: in a neighbourhood of the cut locus of the population Fréchet mean, the population distribution is absolutely continuous with respect to the volume measure on the manifold and in this neighhbourhood the Radon-Nikodym derivative has a version that is continuous. So far as we are aware, the CLT given here is the first which allows the cut locus to have co-dimension one or two when it is included in the support of the distribution. A key part of the proof is establishing an asymptotic approximation for the parallel transport of a certain vector field. Whether or not a non-standard term arises in the CLT depends on whether the co-dimension of the cut locus is one or greater than one: in the former case a non-standard term appears but not in the latter case. This is the first paper to give a general and explicit expression for the non-standard term which arises when the co-dimension of the cut locus is one.
Großmann, Max; Grunert, Malte; Runge, Erich
A robust, simple, and efficient convergence workflow for GW calculations. - In: npj computational materials, ISSN 2057-3960, Bd. 10 (2024), 135, S. 1-9

A robust, simple, and efficient convergence workflow for GW calculations in plane-wave-based codes is derived from more than 7000 GW calculations on a diverse dataset of 70 semiconducting and insulating solids divided into 60 bulk and 10 2D materials. The workflow can significantly accelerate material screening projects and high-precision single-system studies. Our method is based on two main results: The convergence of the two interdependent parameters in the numerical implementation of the dynamically screened Coulomb interaction W in a plane-wave basis set is accelerated by a ‘cheap first, expensive later’ coordinate search that maintains the same accuracy as a state-of-the-art convergence algorithm, but converges faster. In addition, we empirically establish the practical independence of the k-point grid and the aforementioned parameterization of W. Incorporating both results into one workflow dramatically speeds up convergence.
Huang, Tianbai; Geitner, Robert; Croy, Alexander; Gräfe, Stefanie
Tailoring phosphine ligands for improved C-H activation: insights from Δ-machine learning. - In: Digital discovery, ISSN 2635-098X, Bd. 3 (2024), 7, S. 1350-1364

Transition metal complexes have played crucial roles in various homogeneous catalytic processes due to their exceptional versatility. This adaptability stems not only from the central metal ions but also from the vast array of choices of the ligand spheres, which form an enormously large chemical space. For example, Rh complexes, with a well-designed ligand sphere, are known to be efficient in catalyzing the C-H activation process in alkanes. To investigate the structure-property relation of the Rh complex and identify the optimal ligand that minimizes the calculated reaction energy ΔE of an alkane C-H activation, we have applied a Δ-machine learning method trained on various features to study 1743 pairs of reactants (Rh(PLP)(Cl)(CO)) and intermediates (Rh(PLP)(Cl)(CO)(H)(propyl)). Our findings demonstrate that the models exhibit robust predictive performance when trained on features derived from electron density (R2 = 0.816), and SOAPs (R2 = 0.819), a set of position-based descriptors. Leveraging the model trained on xTB-SOAPs that only depend on the xTB-equilibrium structures, we propose an efficient and accurate screening procedure to explore the extensive chemical space of bisphosphine ligands. By applying this screening procedure, we identify ten newly selected reactant-intermediate pairs with an average ΔE of 33.2 kJ mol−1, remarkably lower than the average ΔE of the original data set of 68.0 kJ mol−1. This underscores the efficacy of our screening procedure in pinpointing structures with significantly lower energy levels.