Scientific publications without theses

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 829
Created on: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 17:25:06 +0200 in 0.0840 sec

Schorr, Philipp; Chavez, Jhohan; Zentner, Lena; Böhm, Valter
Reconfigurable planar quadrilateral linkages based on the tensegrity principle. - In: Microactuators, microsensors and micromechanisms, (2021), S. 48-57

A feasible possibility to develop planar reconfigurable mechanisms is introduced in this work. Applying the tensegrity principle to common four-bar linkages allows a controllable change between two configurations of the mechanism. These two states correspond to different working spaces which vary regarding to the kinematic and mechanical properties. Therefore, the reconfiguration of the mechanism enables two different operation modes. Hence, this kind of mechanism enables the advantageous properties of conventional linkages with an additional enhanced adaptability of the kinematic and mechanic behavior. Beside the conceptual design of such tensegrity-based mechanisms, a reconfigurable four-bar parallel linkage is considered exemplarily. Numerical simulations are evaluated focusing on the kinematic behavior and the structural mechanics of this mechanism. Especially the reconfiguration of the mechanism by changing between two different working spaces is considered. The simulation results clarify the benefit of utilizing the tensegrity principle in mechanism theory. Adding only a few members to the original linkage enables a reconfigurable mechanism with comparable complexity.
Zirkel, Marten; Luo, Yinnan; Römer, Ulrich J.; Fidlin, Alexander; Zentner, Lena
Parameter study of compliant elements for a bipedal robot to increase its walking efficiency. - In: Microactuators, microsensors and micromechanisms, (2021), S. 58-75

In this paper, we introduce a method to place compliant elements with parameters that can be adjusted during operation in the joints of the bipedal walker to improve its energy efficiency. The bipedal walking robot is modelled with five rigid segments and driven by electric motors in its revolute joints. Minimizing the energy consumption of locomotion is formulated as a numerical optimization problem. An Euler-Bernoulli beam is used to describe the nonlinear behavior, caused by large deflections, of a compliant element loaded with forces and moments. The static problem for the beam deflection for given boundary conditions is solved numerically. Four parameters defining either the undeformed geometry or the boundary conditions are varied to modify the torque that this compliant element exerts on two robot segments connected by a revolute joint. The torque-deflection dependence and its dependence on the four different parameters is approximated by simple ansatz functions via fitting. The fitted functions are then included in a numerical optimization problem to determine the optimal parameters of the compliant element and the corresponding energy optimal gait simultaneously. We evaluate the optimized energy efficiency at different walking speeds, where the robot has different optimal gaits or parameters of the compliant elements. Two kinds of elastic couplings are investigated: the elastic coupling between the robot's upper body and its thighs; or between the robot's thighs and shanks. These specific compliant elements show a negligible performance gain from nonlinearity due to the small active operating range of these joints. However, the practicability of the proposed method for combining the detailed, model-based description of manufacturable compliant elements and the optimization of the overall robot system to achieve maximum energy efficiency is successfully demonstrated.
Stojiljkoviâc, Dušan; Zentner, Lena; Pavloviâc, Nenad T.; Linß, Sebastian; Uhlig, René
Modeling, design and prototyping of a pantograph-based compliant mechanism. - In: Microactuators, microsensors and micromechanisms, (2021), S. 76-88

The main task of the compliant mechanism synthesis is to generate a pre-defined motion path as accurately as possible. A general approach to the compliant mechanism synthesis is to develop a compliant mechanism based on the rigid-body model by replacing conventional joints with compliant joints, i.e. flexure hinges. Using the example of a mechanism producing a scissors-like motion, in this paper a more specific and iterative synthesis process is implemented for the design of a compliant path-generating mechanism. Based on two symmetric pantograph mechanisms, a kinematic analysis of the multi-link rigid-body model is performed. The final dimensions and link lengths of the rigid-body model are used to implement a compliant mechanism with different flexure hinges. Therefore, several designs are iteratively investigated by means of FEM simulations in order to improve the path accuracy and the opening angle of the scissors-like motion.
Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor; Lysenko, Victor
Mathematical model of a linear motor controlled by a periodic magnetic field considering dry and viscous friction. - In: Applied mathematical modelling, Bd. 89 (2021), S. 1155-1162

The paper deals with a drive concept that uses the controllable mechanical properties of a magnetorheological fluid (MRF). The biologically inspired operating principle is based on crawling using anisotropic friction, as of worms, and non-Newtonian fluids, as of snails. The MRF located between a slider and two slide-blocks is functionally relevant for the drive system to generate a translational motion. A controlled magnetic field is utilized to change the friction conditions in the drive system by varying the properties of the MRF. An extended friction model takes the dry friction into account, along with the viscous friction. In this case, apart from the ratio of the coefficients of viscous friction, it is necessary to introduce two more parameters: the ratio of the coefficients of dry friction in the absence and presence of the magnetic field, and the ratio of the characteristic forces of viscous and dry frictions. These parameters allow refining the mathematical model that governs the behavior of a linear motor. Using asymptotic methods of non-linear mechanics, an expression for the average velocity of the slider is obtained for the case when the friction force is assumed to be small in comparison with the driving force of the slide-blocks. The theoretical results are verified experimentally on a prototype.
Henning, Stefan; Linß, Sebastian; Gräser, Philipp; Theska, René; Zentner, Lena
Non-linear analytical modeling of planar compliant mechanisms. - In: Mechanism and machine theory, Bd. 155 (2021), 104067, insges. 15 S.

Compliant mechanisms are state of the art in technical applications, especially in precision engineering. They mostly achieve their motion due to bending-dominated deformation of their compliant segments, i.e. flexure hinges. Accurately analyzing a compliant mechanism in dependence of specific flexure hinges is still a challenging task due to the monolithic design and non-linearities caused by large deflections. Most existing accurate analytical models are restricted to single hinges. Therefore, this paper presents a non-linear analytical approach to calculate the elasto-kinematic properties of arbitrary planar compliant mechanisms. The approach is based on the theory for large deflections of rod-like structures. As a typical example, a compliant parallel four-bar linkage with varying compliant segments is investigated by means of the proposed analytical approach. The motion and deformation behavior are numerically calculated with the use of MATLAB®. It is shown, that the analytical results are in good correlation with FEM-based simulations and measurements of a manufactured prototype. To demonstrate the generality of the proposed method, two further and more complex mechanism examples are considered. As a result, the implemented modeling approach allows an accurate and fast analysis as well as synthesis of manifold planar compliant mechanisms with distributed or concentrated compliance.
Schorr, Philipp; Carrillo Li, Enrique Roberto; Kaufhold, Tobias; Hernández, Jorge Antonio Rodríguez; Zentner, Lena; Zimmermann, Klaus; Böhm, Valter
Kinematic analysis of a rolling tensegrity structure with spatially curved members. - In: Meccanica, ISSN 1572-9648, Bd. 56 (2021), 4, S. 953-961

In this work, a tensegrity structure with spatially curved members is applied as rolling locomotion system. The actuation of the structure allows a variation of the originally cylindrical shape to a conical shape. Moreover, the structure is equipped with internal movable masses to control the position of the center of mass of the structure. To control the locomotion system a reliable actuation strategy is required. Therefore, the kinematics of the system considering the nonholonomic constraints are derived in this paper. Based on the resulting insight in the locomotion behavior a feasible actuation strategy is designed to control the trajectory of the system. To verify this approach kinematic analyses are evaluated numerically. The simulation data confirm the path following due to an appropriate shape change of the tensegrity structure. Thus, this system enables a two-dimensional rolling locomotion.
Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor
Kinematika koles i koncepcii šassi dlja senapravlennych :
The kinematics of wheels and chassis concepts for omnidirectional robots. - In: Problems of mechanics, ISSN 1512-0740, (2020), No. 4(81), Seite 21-33

Zimmermann, Klaus; Zeidis, Igor
Kinematika sistemy robot-pricep s Mekanum kolesami :
Kinematics of a robot-trailer system with Mecanum wheels. - In: Problems of mechanics, ISSN 1512-0740, (2020), No. 2(79), Seite 13-20

Zimmermann, Klaus; Gerlach, Erik
Arbeitsbuch Technische Mechanik
Unicopy Campus Edition. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Fachgebiet Technische Mechanik, 2020. - iv, 241 Seiten. - (Ilmenauer Editionen)
Schorr, Philipp;
Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung mobiler Roboter basierend auf multistabilen Tensegrity Strukturen. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2020. - 1 Online-Ressource (xviii, 135 Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2020

In: Universitätsverlag Ilmenau

In dieser Arbeit wird die Anwendung von Tensegrity Strukturen mit mehreren stabilen Gleichgewichtskonfigurationen zur Realisierung von Lokomotionssystemen in der mobilen Robotik untersucht. Diese Strukturen werden unter dem mechanischen Aspekt modelliert und verschiedene Aktuatorstrategien zur Realisierung eines kontrollierten Wechsels zwischen den unterschiedlichen stabilen Gleichgewichtslagen abgeleitet. Zur experimentellen Verifikation der theoretischen Ansätze wird ein Prototyp einer multistabilen Tensegrity Struktur entwickelt. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse bestätigen die vorteilhaften Eigenschaften multistabiler Tensegrity Strukturen sowie die Möglichkeit von kontrollierten Konfigurationswechseln. Infolge von Erweiterungen des mechanischen Modells unter Berücksichtigung von Umwelteinflüssen wird das Bewegungsverhalten von Tensegrity Strukturen simuliert. In dieser Arbeit wird die Fortbewegung durch die Gleichgewichtslagenwechsel der multistabilen Tensegrity Struktur realisiert. Abhängig von der gewählten Aktuierungsstragie kann eine schreitende Lokomotion, eine kriechende Lokomotion sowie eine springende Lokomotion realisiert werden. Experimente mit dem entwickelten Prototyp bestätigen die zuvor untersuchten Lokomotionsformen. Durch Kombination der verschiedenen Bewegungsmodi resultiert ein multimodales Lokomotionssystem. Dieses Lokomotionssystem erlaubt die Anpassung des Lokomotionsprinzips hinsichtlich der gegebenen Umgebungsbedingungen.


... until 2022 from the Technical Mechanics Group

Please note, the Hochschulbibliographie has the data status 07/31/2024.
All newer entries can be found in the University Bibliography of Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUUniBib).

Results: 519
Created on: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 16:39:32 +0200 in 0.0742 sec

Volkova, Tatiana I.; Zimmermann, Klaus; Borin, Dmitry Yu.; Stepanov, Gennady V.; Storozhenko, P. A.
Dynamic response of a sensor element made of magnetic hybrid elastomer with controllable properties. - In: Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, ISSN 1873-4766, Bd. 449 (2018), S. 77-82
Böhm, Valter; Sumi, Susanne; Kaufhold, Tobias; Zimmermann, Klaus
Compliant multistable tensegrity structures with simple topologies. - In: New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science, (2017), S. 153-161

This paper describes a method to identify compliant tensegrity structures with multiple states of self-equilibrium. The considered algorithm is based on the repeated use of a form-finding procedure, using the static Finite-Element-Method. The algorithm can be used to develop compliant multistable tensegrity mechanisms with simple topologies. Therefore three planar tensegrity mechanisms with two or three stable equilibrium configurations are exemplary considered and verified experimentally.
Sumi, Susanne; Böhm, Valter; Schale, Florian; Zimmermann, Klaus
Compliant gripper based on a multistable tensegrity structure. - In: New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science, (2017), S. 143-151

This paper describes a new design approach of compliant grippers based on tensegrity structures with multiple states of self-equilibrium. As an example a planar tensegrity structure with two stable equilibrium states is considered and its potential use in a two-finger-gripper is discussed. The form finding and the influence of the segment parameters on global structural properties (e.g. mechanical compliance, static stability) are considered, with the help of static geometric nonlinear analyses, based on the Finite Element Method. The working principle is verified for a selected prototype.
Schorr, Philipp; Sumi, Susanne; Böhm, Valter; Zimmermann, Klaus
Dynamical investigation of a vibration driven locomotion system based on a multistable tensegrity structure. - In: Vibration, control and stability of dynamical systems, ISBN 978-83-935312-5-7, (2017), S. 485-496

Dubovikova, Nataliia; Gerlach, Erik; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
An approach to the mechanical modeling of contact problems in the application to friction stir welding. - In: Engineering dynamics and life sciences, ISBN 978-83-935312-4-0, (2017), S. 173-182

Behn, Carsten; Siedler, Konrad
Tracking control of a muscle-like actuated double pendulum. - In: Engineering dynamics and life sciences, ISBN 978-83-935312-4-0, (2017), S. 45-56

Scharff, Moritz; Steigenberger, Joachim; Behn, Carsten; Alencastre, Jorge
Influence of vibrissa morphology on artificial tactile sensors for surface texture detection. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 17 (2017), 1, S. 219-220
Chavez, Jhohan; Kaufhold, Tobias; Böhm, Valter; Becker, Tatiana; Zimmermann, Klaus; Martens, Michael; Schilling, Meinhard; Gundermann, Thomas; Odenbach, Stefan
Field-induced plasticity of magneto-sensitive elastomers in context with soft robotic gripper applications. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 17 (2017), 1, S. 23-26
Schorr, Philipp; Zeidis, Igor; Zimmermann, Klaus
Motion by variation of the contact force on an inclined plane. - In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, ISSN 1617-7061, Bd. 17 (2017), 1, S. 167-168
Kaufhold, Tobias;
Modellbildung, Simulation und Prototypenentwurf von mechanisch nachgiebigen, mobilen Robotern. - Ilmenau, 2017. - 131 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2017

In der Robotik werden zunehmend mechanisch nachgiebige Systeme eingesetzt, um unter anderem die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine für den Menschen sicher zu gestalten. Ebenfalls wächst aufgrund vorteilhafter Eigenschaften, wie Formvariabilität, einfacher Aufbau und Möglichkeit der Stoßabsorption, der Anteil mechanisch nachgiebiger Systeme in der mobilen Robotik. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Beitrag zur Anwendung von nachgiebigen Strukturen in mobilen Robotern zu leisten. Dabei bilden strukturelle und antriebstechnische Aspekte den Forschungsfokus. Die Untersuchungen sollen einen Impuls zur Entwicklung solcher nachgiebiger Lokomotionssysteme geben, bei welchen Fortbewegung mittels nur weniger Aktuatoren, unter Nutzung besonderer struktureller oder werkstoffseitiger Charakteristika, realisiert wird. Auf diese Weise können vielseitig einsetzbare mobile Roboter entwickelt werden, die sich durch einen einfachen Aufbau, moderaten Steuerungsaufwand und somit durch eine geringe Fehleranfälligkeit auszeichnen. Die Betrachtungen in dieser Arbeit haben Grundlagencharakter. Im Vordergrund steht nicht die Weiterentwicklung bekannter klassischer Lokomotionssysteme, sondern die exemplarische Umsetzung von im Vergleich zu bekannten Systemen alternativen Realisierungsmöglichkeiten derartiger mobiler Roboter. In diesem Zusammenhang werden wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen bezüglich struktureller, werkstoffseitiger und antriebstechnischer Aspekte formuliert und mittels theoretischer und experimenteller Untersuchungen beantwortet. Besonderer Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Betrachtung von mechanisch vorgespannten Systemen auf Basis von Tensegrity-Strukturen. Die Anwendung solcher Strukturen ermöglicht die Realisierung von Systemen, deren mechanische Nachgiebigkeit und daraus folgend auch dynamische Eigenschaften ohne Formänderung reversibel veränderbar sind. Dies ermöglicht eine Anpassungsfähigkeit dieser Systeme an veränderte Umgebungsbedingungen während der Fortbewegung.