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Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Theska
Head of department
Telefon: +49 3677 69-3958
Frau Barbara Tillack
+49 3677 69-3822
🖷 +49 3677 69-3823
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Newtonbau, Raum 2030
Gustav-Kirchhoff-Platz 2
98693 Ilmenau
The semester results are posted in the Thoska system* after they are available and can be accessed there. Your individual results can be obtained from Mrs Ziegenhahn by email or telephone (03677 693827).
Document return:
The corrected documents can be collected in the Newtonbau R 2080 from Mrs. Ziegenhahn. (Mon-Thu, 8.00-15.30) Please enter individually and keep your distance!
If you cannot pick up your document at the moment, this is also possible at a later date. The work will be kept for 2 years.