Flexures for Kibble balances: minimizing the effects of anelastic relaxation. - In: Metrologia, ISSN 1681-7575, Bd. 61 (2024), 4, 045006, S. 1-18
We studied the anelastic aftereffect of a flexure being used in a Kibble balance, where the flexure is subjected to a large excursion in velocity mode after which a high-precision force comparison is performed. We investigated the effect of a constant and a sinusoidal excursion on the force comparison. We explored theoretically and experimentally a simple erasing procedure, i.e. bending the flexure in the opposite direction for a given amplitude and time. We found that the erasing procedure reduced the time-dependent force by about 30%. The investigation was performed with an analytical model and verified experimentally with our new Kibble balance at the National Institute of Standards and Technology employing flexures made from precipitation-hardened Copper Beryllium alloy C17200. Our experimental determination of the modulus defect of the flexure yields 1.2 x 10^-4. This result is about a factor of two higher than previously reported from experiments. We additionally found a static shift of the flexure’s internal equilibrium after a change in the stress and strain state. These static shifts, although measurable, are small and deemed uncritical for our Kibble balance application at present. During this investigation, we discovered magic flexures that promise to have very little anelastic relaxation. In these magic flexures, the mechanism causing anelastic relaxation is compensated for by properly shaping and loading a flexure with a non-constant cross-section in the region of bending.
On the static performance of aerostatic elements. - In: Precision engineering, Bd. 89 (2024), S. 1-10
Porous aerostatic bearings and seals offer several advantages in precision engineering applications. The static performance of aerostatic elements, i.e., bearings and seals, is investigated both experimentally and numerically. This study presents a method, a test setup, and a measurement of the air gap pressure distribution with high spatial and temporal resolution. This study presents experimental and numerical results of the load capacity, air gap height, static stiffness, air consumption, and air gap pressure distribution. The experimental results are compared to a numerical model based on the modified Reynolds equation. Furthermore, boundaries for the operating parameter space of the investigated seal are determined by stiffness and leakage. The experimental results and the numerical model showed good correlation, providing corroborative evidence for the accuracy of the measurement setup and the feasibility of the pressure measurement method.
Characterization of a parallel kinematics actuated in situ reference measurement system for 5D-nano-measurement and nano-fabrication applications :
Charakterisierung eines parallelkinematisch aktuierten In-situ-Referenzmesssystems für 5D-Nanomess- und Fabrikationsanwendungen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 91 (2024), 2, S. 102-115
Die stetig voranschreitende Entwicklung im Bereich der Fertigung optischer und elektronischer Elemente auf Basis von Nanotechnologien führt seit Jahren zu einer steigenden Nachfrage nach hochpräzisen Nanomess- und Nanofabrikationsmaschinen (The International Roadmap For Devices And Systems, IEEE, 2020; C. Grant Willson and B. J. Roman, “The future of lithography: SEMATECH litho forum 2008,” ASC Nano , vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 1323-1328, 2008). Als technologisch besonders anspruchsvoll hat sich dabei die Fabrikation auf stark geneigten, gekrümmten, asphärischen und freigeformten Oberflächen herausgestellt (R. Schachtschneider, et al., “Interlaboratory comparison measurements of aspheres,” Meas. Sci. Technol. , vol. 29, no. 13pp, p. 055010, 2018). Aufbauend auf den zukunftsweisenden Entwicklungen der Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschine 1 (NMM-1) (G. Jäger, E. Manske, T. Hausotte, and J.-J. Büchner, “Nanomessmaschine zur abbefehlerfreien Koordinatenmessung,” tm - Tech. Mess. , vol. 67, nos. 7-8, pp. 319-323, 2000) und der Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschine 200 (NPMM-200) (E. Manske, G. Jäger, T. Hausotte, and F. Balzer, “Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine NPMM-200 - sub-nanometre resolution and highest accuracy in extended macroscopic working areas,” in Euspen’s 17th International Conference , 2017), wird an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau seit mehreren Jahren an Konzepten für NPMM mit erhöhtem Freiheitsgrad geforscht (F. Fern, “Metrologie in fünfachsigen Nanomess- und Nanopositioniermaschinen,” Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2020; R. Schienbein, “Grundlegende Untersuchungen zum konstruktiven Aufbau von Fünfachs-Nanopositionier- und Nanomessmaschinen,” Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2020). So besitzt der seit 2020 entwickelte Demonstrator NMM-5D (J. Leinweber, C. Meyer, R. Füßl, R. Theska, and E. Manske, “Ein neuartiges Konzept für 5D Nanopositionier-, Nanomess-, und Nanofabrikationsmaschinen,” tm - Tech. Mess. , vol. 37, nos. 1-10, 2022) neben dem kartesischen Verfahrbereich von 25mm × 25mm × 5mm zusätzlich ein Rotationsvermögen des Tools von 360˚ sowie ein Neigungsvermögen von 50˚. Imfolgenden Artikel wird davon ausgehend die mechanische und metrologische Charakterisierung der parallelkinematisch aktuierten Rotationserweiterung präsentiert. Hierbei konzentrieren sich durchgeführte Untersuchungen primär auf die kinematisch verursachten Abweichungen des Tool Center Point (TCP) sowie die Detektierung dieser Abweichungen mit einem interferometrischen In-situ -Referenzmesssystem. Darüber kann perspektivisch eine geregelte Kompensation der auftretenden TCP-Abweichungen erfolgen.
Reflective dual field-of-view optical system based on the Alvarez principle. - In: Applied optics, ISSN 2155-3165, Bd. 62 (2023), 31, S. 8390-8401
A novel, to the best of our knowledge, dual-state reflective optical relay system based on the Alvarez system is proposed, which can be used for remote sensing applications. By keeping the image and pupil positions constant, it can be combined with a telescope to achieve two different magnifications. As a compact structure with only two moving parts, freeform optical mirrors and a nearly diffraction limited performance for the infrared wavelength 8 µm make it an attractive subsystem for space applications. Different design tradeoffs and the preferred layout properties are discussed in detail.
Manufacturing and static performance of porous aerostatic bearings. - In: Precision engineering, Bd. 84 (2023), S. 177-190
According to the common body of knowledge, aerostatic bearings invariably need narrow manufacturing tolerances to ensure maximal load capacity and high stiffness. This study experimentally investigates the manufacturing of porous material aerostatic bearings and the effect of manufacturing parameters on the performance properties of the bearings. During the study, samples were manufactured using different methods, and the geometrical and performance properties of each sample were inspected. The bearing performance measurement device developed during the study is introduced. The results present the dependence between manufacturing parameters and bearing properties under varying load and operating pressure conditions. The results clearly suggest that effect of bearing surface roughness on load capacity is small; meanwhile, surface planarity has a major impact on load capacity.
Hybrid additive manufacturing : improved large scale additive manufacturing by means of laser tempering. - In: PhotonicsViews, ISSN 2626-1308, Bd. 19 (2022), 5, S. 47-51
Large-scale additive manufacturing (LSAM) is an additive manufacturing process based on the principles of fused filament fabrication but with significantly higher material deposition rates. The novel hybrid process shown in this paper combines LSAM with a laser beam heat treatment. The structure and mechanical properties of parts are improved due to significantly decreased void sizes. The following article details investigations into the vertical and lateral remelting of strands as well as the utilization of a mirror system, which enables beam guidance according to the machine's printing path.
A novel concept for 5D nanopositioning, nanomeasuring and nanofabrication machines :
Ein neuartiges Konzept für 5D Nanopositionier-, Nanomess-, und Nanofabrikationsmaschinen. - In: Technisches Messen, ISSN 2196-7113, Bd. 89 (2022), 9, S. 634-643
In den vergangenen Jahren wurden an der TU-Ilmenau zahlreiche Entwicklungen im Bereich der Nanopositionier- und Nanomesstechnik realisiert. Insbesondere die NMM-1 [Gerd Jäger, Eberhard Manske, Tino Hausotte, Jans-Joachim Büchner, Nanomessmaschine zur abbefehlerfreien Koordinatenmessung, tm - Technisches Messen, 67(7-8), 2000] sowie die NPMM-200 [Eberhard Manske, Gerd Jäger, Tino Hausotte, Felix Balzer, Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine NPMM-200 - sub-nanometre resolution and highest accuracy in extended macroscopic working areas, euspen’s 17th International Conference, 2017] stellen ein Novum auf dem Gebiet der Koordinatenmesstechnik mit Nanometerpräzision unter Einhaltung des Abbe-Komparatorprinzips [Ernst Abbe, Messaparate für Physiker, Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde, 10:446-448, 1890] dar. Ausgehend von diesen Errungenschaften besteht ein nächster Schritt im Messen und Fabrizieren auf stark gekrümmten, asphärischen, oder freigeformten Oberflächen. Vor jenem Hintergrund wird im folgenden Artikel ein Konzept für ein zweiachsiges Rotationsmodul vorgestellt. Dieses dient als Erweiterung für die NMM-1 und ermöglicht über das kartesische Messvolumen von hinaus zusätzlich eine Rotation des Tools über 360 ˚ um die Hochachse sowie 60 ˚ Neigung. Die Umsetzung erfolgt über eine neuartige sphärische Parallelkinematik. Mit Hilfe eines interferometrischen In-Situ-Referenzmesssystems können die während der Rotationsbewegungen auftretenden translatorischen Positionsabweichungen detektiert werden. Erste Untersuchungen an einem Prototypenaufbau erbringen den Funktionsnachweis des Referenzmesssystems über den gesamten adressierbaren Winkelbereich.
Design of an enhanced mechanism for a new Kibble balance directly traceable to the quantum SI. - In: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation, ISSN 2195-7045, Bd. 9 (2022), 1, 7, S. 1-18
The "Quantum Electro-Mechanical Metrology Suite" (QEMMS) is being designed and built at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It includes a Kibble balance, a graphene quantum Hall resistance array and a Josephson voltage system, so that it is a new primary standard for the unit of mass, the kilogram, directly traceable to the International System of Units (SI) based on quantum constants. We are targeting a measurement range of 10 g to 200 g and optimize the design for a relative combined uncertainty of for masses of 100 g. QEMMS will be developed as an open hardware and software design. In this article, we focus on the design of an enhanced moving and weighing mechanism for the QEMMS based on flexure pivots.
Aerostatically sealed chamber as a robust aerostatic bearing. - In: Tribology international, ISSN 1879-2464, Bd. 173 (2022), 107614, S. 1-10
Aerostatic bearings are typically used in ultra precision and high speed applications in controlled environments. The present study expands this operating domain. The present study experimentally investigates the performance and feasibility of a novel design for a robust air bearing consisting of an aerostatically sealed pressurized volume. A suitable operating domain for the bearing system was characterized based on measurements of the load capacity, friction moment, chamber flow, and seal flow rate at various opposing surface run-outs and supply pressures. The highest measured load capacity was 18.86 kN at 0.330 mm run-out, and decreased to 12.22 kN load at 3.804 mm run-out. The study provided corroborative evidence on the feasibility of the proposed chamber based bearing design.
Adjustment concept for compensating for stiffness and tilt sensitivity of a novel monolithic electromagnetic force compensation (EMFC) weighing cell. - In: Journal of sensors and sensor systems, ISSN 2194-878X, Bd. 11 (2022), 1, S. 109-116
This paper describes the new adjustment concept of novel planar, monolithic, high-precision electromagnetic force compensation weighing cells. The concept allows the stiffness and the tilt sensitivity of the compliant mechanisms that are dependent on the nominal load on the weighing pan to be adjusted to an optimum. The new mechanism is set up and adjusted according to the developed mechanical model. For evaluation of the concept the system is tested on a high-precision tilt table and under high vacuum conditions in the environment of a commercially available mass comparator.