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Results: 167
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Eichfelder, Gabriele; Gerlach, Tobias
On classes of set optimization problems which are reducible to vector optimization problems and its impact on numerical test instances. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Institut für Mathematik, 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (25 Seiten). - (Preprint ; M18,01)

Set optimization with the set approach has recently gained increasing interest due to its practical relevance. In this problem class one studies optimization problems with a set-valued objective map and defines optimality based on a direct comparison of the images of the objective function, which are sets here. Meanwhile, in the literature a wide range of theoretical tools as scalarization approaches and derivative concepts as well as first numerical algorithms are available. These numerical algorithms require on the one hand test instances where the optimal solution sets are known. On the other hand, in most examples and test instances in the literature only set-valued maps with a very simple structure are used. We study in this paper such special set-valued maps and we show that some of them are such simple that they can equivalently be expressed as a vector optimization problem. Thus we try to start drawing a line between simple set-valued problems and such problems which have no representation as multiobjective problems. Those having a representation can be used for defining test instances for numerical algorithms with easy verifiable optimal solution set.
Boeck, Thomas; Terzijska, Dzulia; Eichfelder, Gabriele
Maximum electromagnetic drag configurations for a translating conducting cylinder with distant magnetic dipoles. - In: Journal of engineering mathematics, ISSN 1573-2703, Bd. 108 (2018), 1, S. 123-141

We report a semianalytic and numerical investigation of the maximal induced Lorentz force on an electrically conducting cylinder in translation along its axis that is caused by the presence of multiple distant magnetic dipoles. The problem is motivated by Lorentz force velocimetry, where induction creates a drag force on a magnet system placed next to a conducting flow. The magnetic field should maximize this drag force, which is usually quite small. Our approach is based on a long-wave theory developed for a single distant magnetic dipole. We determine the optimal orientations of the dipole moments providing the strongest Lorentz force for different dipole configurations using numerical optimization methods. Different constraints are considered for dipoles arranged on a concentric circle in a plane perpendicular to the cylinder axis. In this case, the quadratic form for the force in terms of the dipole moments can be obtained analytically, and it resembles the expression of the energy in a classical spin model. When all dipoles are equal and their positions on the circle are not constrained, the maximal force results when all dipoles are gathered in one point with all dipole moments pointing in radial direction. When the dipoles are equal and have equidistant spacing on the circle, we find that the optimal orientations of the dipole moments approach a limiting distribution. It differs from the so-called Halbach distribution that provides a uniform magnetic field in the cross section of the cylinder. The corresponding force is about 10% larger than that for the Halbach distribution but 60% smaller than for the unconstrained dipole positions. With the so-called spherical constraint for a classical spin model, the maximal force can be found from the eigenvalues of the coefficient matrix. It is typically 10% larger than the maximal force for equal dipoles because the constraint is weaker. We also study equal and evenly spaced dipoles along one or two lines parallel to the cylinder axis. The patterns of optimal magnetic moment orientations are fairly similar for different dipole numbers when the inter-dipole distance is within a certain interval. This behavior can be explained by reference to the magnetic field distribution of a single distant dipole on the cylinder axis.
Eichfelder, Gabriele; Krüger, Corinna; Schöbel, Anita
Decision uncertainty in multiobjective optimization. - In: Journal of global optimization, ISSN 1573-2916, Bd. 69 (2017), 2, S. 485-510

In many real-world optimization problems, a solution cannot be realized in practice exactly as computed, e.g., it may be impossible to produce a board of exactly 3.546 mm width. Whenever computed solutions are not realized exactly but in a perturbed way, we speak of decision uncertainty. We study decision uncertainty in multiobjective optimization problems and we propose the concept of decision robust efficiency for evaluating the robustness of a solution in this case. This solution concept is defined by using the framework of set-valued maps. We prove that convexity and continuity are preserved by the resulting set-valued maps. Moreover, we obtain specific results for particular classes of objective functions that are relevant for solving the set-valued problem. We furthermore prove that decision robust efficient solutions can be found by solving a deterministic problem in case of linear objective functions. We also investigate the relationship of the proposed concept to other concepts in the literature.
Bao, Truong Quang; Eichfelder, Gabriele; Soleimani, Behnam; Tammer, Christiane
Ekeland's variational principle for vector optimization with variable ordering structure. - In: Journal of convex analysis, ISSN 0944-6532, Bd. 24 (2017), 2, S. 393-415

There are many generalizations of Ekeland's variational principle for vector optimization problems with fixed ordering structures, i.e., ordering cones. These variational principles are useful for deriving optimality conditions, [epsilon]-Kolmogorov conditions in approximation theory, and [epsilon]-maximum principles in optimal control. Here, we present several generalizations of Ekeland's variational principle for vector optimization problems with respect to variable ordering structures. For deriving these variational principles we use nonlinear scalarization techniques. Furthermore, we derive necessary conditions for approximate solutions of vector optimization problems with respect to variable ordering structures using these variational principles and the subdifferential calculus by Mordukhovich.

Hildenbrandt, Regina;
The k-server problem with parallel requests and the compound work function algorithm. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität, Institut für Mathematik, 2017. - 1 Online-Ressource (20 Seiten). - (Preprint ; M17,04)

In this paper we consider k-server problems with parallel requests where several servers can also be located on one point. We will distinguish the surplussituation where the request can be completely fulfilled by means of the k servers and and the scarcity-situation where the request cannot be completely met. First, we will give an example. It shows that the corresponding work function algorithm is not competitive in the case of the scarcity-situation. Until now, it remains an open question whether the work function algorithm is competitive or not in the case of the surplus-situation. Thats why, we will suggest the new "compound work function algorithm" in the following section and prove that this algorithm is also (2 k - 1)-competitive.
Niebling, Julia; Eichfelder, Gabriele
A branch-and-bound algorithm for bi-objective problems. - In: Proceedings of the XIII Global Optimization Workshop, ISBN 978-989-20-6764-3, (2016), S. 57-60

An improved discarding test for a branch-and-bound algorithm for box-constrained bi-objective optimization problems is presented. The aim of the algorithm is to compute a covering of all global optimal solutions. We introduce the algorithm which uses selection, discarding and termination tests. The discarding tests are the most important aspect, because they examine in different ways whether a box can contain optimal solutions. For this, we are using the alphaBB-method from global scalar optimization and present and discuss an improved test compared to those from the literature.
Eichfelder, Gabriele; Pilecka, Maria
Set approach for set optimization with variable ordering structures : part II: scalarization approaches. - In: Journal of optimization theory and applications, ISSN 1573-2878, Bd. 171 (2016), 3, S. 947-963
Eichfelder, Gabriele; Pilecka, Maria
Set approach for set optimization with variable ordering structures : part I: set relations and relationship to vector approach. - In: Journal of optimization theory and applications, ISSN 1573-2878, Bd. 171 (2016), 3, S. 931-946
Eichfelder, Gabriele; Krüger, Corinna; Schöbel, Anita
Decision uncertainty in multiobjective optimization. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität, Institut für Mathematik, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (27 Seiten). - (Preprint ; M16,06)

In many real-world optimization problems, a solution cannot be realized in practice exactly as computed, e.g., it may be impossible to produce a board of exactly 3.546˜mm width. Whenever computed solutions are not realized exactly but in a perturbed way, we speak of decision uncertainty. We study decision uncertainty in multiobjective optimization problems and we propose the concept decision robust efficiency for evaluating the robustness of a solution in this case. Therefore, we address decision uncertainty within the framework of set-valued maps. First, we prove that convexity and continuity are preserved by the resulting set-valued mappings. Second, we obtain specific results for particular classes of objective functions that are relevant for solving the set-valued problem. We furthermore prove that decision robust efficient solutions can be found by solving a deterministic problem in case of linear objective functions. We also investigate the relationship of the proposed concept to other concepts in the literature.
Hildenbrandt, Regina;
The k-server problem with parallel requests and the compound Harmonic algorithm. - In: Baltic journal of modern computing, ISSN 2255-8950, Bd. 4 (2016), 3, S. 607-629

In this paper the (randomized) compound Harmonic algorithm for solving the generalized k-server problem is proposed. This problem is an online k-server problem with parallel requests where several servers can also be located on one point. In 2000 Bartal and Grove have proved that the well-known Harmonic algorithm is competitive for the (usual) k-server problem. Unfortunately, certain techniques of this proof cannot be used to show that a natural generalization of the Harmonic algorithm is competitive for the problem with parallel requests. The probabilities, which are used by the compound Harmonic algorithm are, finally, derived from a surrogate problem, where at most one server must be moved in servicing the request in each step. We can show that the compound Harmonic algorithm is competitive with the bound of the ratio as which has been proved by Bartal and Grove in the case of the usual problem.