Basics in Computer Organisation and Computer Architecture

NameBasics in Computer Organisation and Computer Architecture
Hours2 Lec, 2 Ex, 1 Lab
Semesterlecture/exercise: WS
lab: WS+SS
Gradinglecture/exercise: sPL 90 min
lab: attestation
Study coursesBT-Ba (obligatory)
EIT-Ba (obligatory)
LA/ZFB-Ba (obligatory)
MT/MIW-Ba (obligatory)
TKS-Ba (obligatory)
WIW-Ba (obligatory)
others (elective)
Moodlelecture/exercise:  269
lab:  1647
Module entry200001

Starting from WS 2021/22 regulations PStO 2021 apply to module TI.
Starting from WS 2023/24 important changes apply to module TI.

According to some older regulations, TI was obligatory for FZT, MB, MTR, OST, WI und WSW too.


Valid for regulations PStO 2021. May differ for older regulations.