Audi Autonomous Driving Cup 2018 - Hard work paid off after five months of great effort!


Despite all the strong competitors, the international team OptILmDriveX (Optimal Ilmenau Driving X) from TU Ilmenau reached overall the 3rd place in the final of the Audi Autonomous Driving Cup 2018 (AADC 2018) which took place from 12th to 14th November 2018 in the Audi museum mobile, Ingolstadt.

For autonomous driving, a combination of reliable perception information and intelligent decision-making ability are indispensable in achieving a safe and comfort driving performance. The team granted the opportunity to verify their independently developed algorithms, namely the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) framework, on a model vehicle in a complex traffic environment through this competition. 

With an excellent presentation in the academic lecture, OptILmDriveX was also awarded the “best lecture award”. Furthermore, the team also impressed the judges by developing a car sharing app for the free demonstration which integrates autonomous vehicle with a situation-based personalized route planner.

The team members:

  • Xujiang Huang (PhD student in the field of process optimization)
  • Shih-Jan Lin (PhD student in the field of process optimization)
  • Cedric Oberdorfer (Master of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management)
  • Baidurjya Choudhury (Master of the Faculty of Computer Science)
  • Ye Yun Khor (Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)



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