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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst-Michael Groß
Head of Department
phone: +49 3677 692858
Postal address:
Ilmenau University of Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Automation
Neuroinformatics and Cognitive Robotics Lab
P.O. Box 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau
Visiting address:
Helmholtzplatz 5 (Zusebau)
Room 3060
98693 Ilmenau
Site plan
author = {Sesselmann, Maximilian and Stricker, Ronny and Naber, {\relax Th}orsten and Scheller, {\relax St}effen},
title = {Automatische Detektion und objektscharfe Georeferenzierung von Fahrbahnsch{\"a}den aus Bilddaten eines Mobile-Mapping-Systems mithilfe von Deep Learning},
journal = {gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik},
year = {2020},
volume = {15},
number = {1},
pages = {18--30},
issn = {1869-9391},