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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst-Michael Groß
Head of Department
phone: +49 3677 692858
Postal address:
Ilmenau University of Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Automation
Neuroinformatics and Cognitive Robotics Lab
P.O. Box 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau
Visiting address:
Helmholtzplatz 5 (Zusebau)
Room 3060
98693 Ilmenau
Site plan
Arboleda, S.A., Fischedick, S.B., Diao, Ch., Richter, K., Gross, H.-M. Raake, A.
An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Varying Levels of Robot Control on Presence in Robot-Mediated Communication.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Pasadena, USA, pp. ..., IEEE 2024
Stephan, B., Fischedick, S.B., Seichter, D., Aganian, D., Gross, H.-M.
GraspTrack: Object and Grasp Pose Tracking for Arbitrary Objects.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Bari, Italy, pp. ..., IEEE 2024
Wengefeld, T., Seichter, D., Lewandowski, B., Gross, H.-M.
Enhancing Person Perception for Mobile Robotics by Real-Time RGB-D Person Attribute Estimation.
in: IEEE/SICE Int. Symp. on System Integration (SII), Ha Long, Vietnam, pp. 914-921, IEEE 2024 [BibTex]
Wengefeld, T., Seichter, D., Lewandowski, B., Gross, H.-M.
Enhancing Person Perception for Mobile Robotics by Real-Time RGB-D Person Attribute Estimation.
in: IEEE/SICE Int. Symp. on System Integration (SII), Ha Long, Vietnam, pp. 914-921, IEEE 2024 [BibTex]
Aganian, D., Stephan, B., Eisenbach, M., Stretz, C., Gross, H.-M.
ATTACH Dataset: Annotated Two-Handed Assembly Actions for Human Action Understanding.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, pp. 11367-11373, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Aganian, D., Köhler, M., Baake, S., Eisenbach, M., Gross, H.-M.
How Object Information Improves Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition in Assembly Tasks.
in: IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Queensland, Australia, pp. 01-09, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Aganian, D., Köhler, M., Stephan, B., Eisenbach, M., Gross, H.-M.
Fusing Hand and Body Skeletons for Human Action Recognition in Assembly.
in: Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning (ICANN), Heraklion, Greece, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14254, pp. 207-219, Springer 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Eisenbach, M., Lübberstedt, J., Aganian, D., Gross, H.-M.
A Little Bit Attention Is All You Need for Person Re-Identification.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, pp. 7598-7605, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Fischedick, S. B., Seichter, D., Schmidt, R., Rabes, L., Gross, H.-M.
Efficient Multi-Task Scene Analysis with RGB-D Transformers.
in: IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 1-10, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Fischedick, S. B., Richter, K., Wengefeld, T., Seichter, D., Scheidig, A., Döring, N., Broll, W., Werner, St., Raake, A., Gross, H.-M.
Bridging Distance with a Collaborative Telepresence Robot for Older Adults -- Report on Progress in the CO-HUMANICS Project.
in: Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR Europe), Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 346-353, VDE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Müller, St., Stephan, B., Müller, T., Gross, H.-M.
Robust Perception Skills for Autonomous Elevator Operation by Mobile Robots.
in: European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2023), Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1-7, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Müller, T., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Door Manipulation as a Fundamental Skill Realized on Robots With Differential Drive.
in: Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR Europe), Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 338-345, VDE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Scheidig, A., Hartramph, R., Schütz, B., Müller, St., Kunert, K., Lahne, J., Oelschlegel, U., Scheidig, R., Gross, H.-M.
Feasibility Study: Towards a Robot-Assisted Gait Training in Ophthalmological Rehabilitation.
in: IEEE-RAS-EMBS Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Singapore, pp. 1-6, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Seichter, D., Stephan, B., Fischedick, S. B., Müller, St., Rabes, L., Gross, H.-M.
PanopticNDT: Efficient and Robust Panoptic Mapping.
in: Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, USA, pp. 7233-7240, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Stephan, B., Dontsov, I., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
On Learning of Inverse Kinematics for Highly Redundant Robots with Neural Networks.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Abu Dhabi, UAE, pp. 402-408, IEEE 2023 [BibTex] [PDF]
Sämann, T., Hammam, A. M., Bursuc, A., Stiller, C., Gross, H.-M.
Improving Predictive Performance and Calibration by Weight Fusion in Semantic Segmentation.
in: NeurIPS Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Workshop, New Orleans, USA, 2022 [PDF]
Stephan, B., Aganian, D., Hinneburg, L., Eisenbach, M., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
On the Importance of Label Encoding and Uncertainty Estimation for Robotic Grasp Detection.
in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 4781-88, IEEE 2022 [BibTex] [PDF]
Seichter, D., Fischedick, S. B., Köhler, M., Gross, H.-M.
Efficient Multi-Task RGB-D Scene Analysis for Indoor Environments.
in: Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Padua, Italy, pp. 1-10, IEEE 2022 [BibTex] [PDF]
Seichter, D., Langer, P., Wengefeld, T., Lewandowski, B., Höchemer, D., Gross, H.-M.
Efficient and Robust Semantic Mapping for Indoor Environments.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, USA, pp. 9221-9227, IEEE 2022 [BibTex] [PDF]
Wengefeld, T., Schütz, B., Girdziunaite, G., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
The MORPHIA Project: First Results of a Long-Term User Study in an Elderly Care Scenario from Robotic Point of View.
in: Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR Europe), Munich, Germany, pp. 1-8, VDE 2022 [BibTex] [PDF]
Aganian, D., Eisenbach, M., Wagner, J., Seichter, D., Gross, H.-M.
Revisiting Loss Functions for Person Re-identification.
in: Int. Conf on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Bratislava, pp. 30-42, Springer 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Balada, Ch., Eisenbach, M., Gross, H.-M.
Evaluation of Transfer Learning for Visual Road Condition Assessment.
in: Int. Conf on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Bratislava, pp. 540-551, Springer 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Döring, N., Mikhailova, V., Brandenburg, K.-H., Broll, W., Gross, H.-M., Werner, St., Raake, A.
Saying “Hi” to Grandma in Nine Different Ways: Established and Innovative Communication Media in the Grandparent-Grandchild Relationship.
in: American Psychological Association's Conference on Technology, Mind & Society, 2021
Eisenbach, M., Aganian, D., Köhler, M., Stephan, B., Schröter, Chr., Gross, H.-M.
Visual Scene Understanding for Enabling Situation-Aware Cobots.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) , 2 pages, IEEE 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Fischer, K., Simon, M., Ölsner, F., Milz, St., Gross, H.-M., Mäder, P.
Sticky Pillars: Robust and Efficient Feature Matching on Point Clouds using Graph Neural Networks.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , pp. 313-323, IEEE 2021
Müller, St., Stephan, B., Gross, H.-M.
MDP-based Motion Planning for Grasping in Dynamic Szenarios.
in: Europ. Conf. on Mobile Robotics (ECMR), Bonn, Germany, 8 pages, IEEE 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Seichter, D., Köhler, M., Lewandowski, B., Wengefeld, T., Gross, H.-M.
Efficient RGB-D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Scene Analysis.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xian, China , pp. 13525-13531, IEEE 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stricker, R., Aganian, D., Sesselmann, M., Seichter, D., Engelhardt, M., Spielhofer, R., Hahn, M., Hautz, A., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Road Surface Segmentation - Pixel Perfect Distress and Object Detection for Road Assessment.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) , pp. 1789-1796, IEEE 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Katzmann, A. Mühlberg, A., Sühling, M., Nörenberg, D., Holch, J. W., Gross, H.-M.
Deep Random Forests for Small Sample Size Prediction with Medical Imaging Data.
in: Int. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Iowa City, USA, pp.1543-47, IEEE 2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lembach, J., Stricker, R., Gross, H.-M.
Efficient Implementation of Regional Mutual Information for the Registration of Road Images.
in: Int. Conf. on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Paris, France, 6 pages, IEEE 2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lewandowski, B., Wengefeld, T., Müller, S., Jenny, M., Glende, S., Schröter, Ch., Bley, A., Gross, H.-M.
Socially Compliant Human-Robot Interaction for Autonomous Scanning Tasks in Supermarket Environments.
in: Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples, Italy, pp. 363-370, IEEE 2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schnürer, Th., Probst, M., Gross, H.-M.
Relational Concepts in Deep Reinforcement Learning: Emergence and Representation.
in: Int. Workshop "Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application" (CARLA), Bolzano, Italy, 3 pages, OpenReview.Net 2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Seichter, D., Lewandowski, B., Höchemer, D., Wengefeld, T., Gross, H.-M.
Multi-Task Deep Learning for Depth-based Person Perception in Mobile Robotics.
in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 10497-10504, IEEE 2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Trinh, T. Q., Vorndran, A., Schütz, B., Jäschke, B., Mayfarth, A., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Autonomous Mobile Gait Training Robot for Orthopedic Rehabilitation in a Clinical Environment.
in: Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples, Italy, pp. 580-587, IEEE 2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wengefeld, T., Höchemer, D., Lewandowski, B., Köhler, M., Beer, M., Gross, H.-M.
A Laser Projection System for Robot Intention Communication and Human Robot Interaction.
in: Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples, Italy, pp. 259-265, IEEE 2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Eisenbach, M., Stricker, R., Sesselmann, M., Seichter, D., Gross, H.-M.
Enhancing the Quality of Visual Road Condition Assessment by Deep Learning.
in: World Road Congress 2019, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 13 pages, 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Scheidig, A., Müller, St., Schütz, B., Fricke, Ch., Meyer, S.
Living with a Mobile Companion Robot in your Own Apartment - Final Implementation and Results of a 20-Weeks Field Study with 20 Seniors.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, pp. 2253-2259, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Katzmann, A. Mühlberg, A., Sühling, M., Nörenberg, D., Gross, H.-M.
Deep Metamemory - A Generic Framework for Stabilized One-Shot Confidence Estimation in Deep Neural Networks and its Application on Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases Growth Prediction.
in: IEEE Int. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp. 1298-1302, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Katzmann, A., Mühlberg, A., Sühling, M., Nörenberg, D., Maurus, St., Holch, J. W., Heinemann, V., Gross, H.-M.
Computed Tomography Image-Based Deep Survival Regression for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Using a Non-proportional Hazards Model.
in: Predictive Intelligence in Medicine (PRIME), Shenzhen, China, LNCS 11843, pp. 73-80, Springer 2019
Lewandowski, B., Liebner, J., Wengefeld, T., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
A Fast and Robust 3D Person Detector and Posture Estimator for Mobile Robotic Applications.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, pp. 4869-4875, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lewandowski, B., Seichter, D., Wengefeld, T., Pfennig, L., Drumm, H., Gross, H.-M.
Deep Orientation: Fast and Robust Upper Body Orientation Estimation for Mobile Robotic Applications.
in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, pp. 441-448, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Liebner, J., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Now I Need Help! Passing Doors and Using Elevators as an Assistance Requiring Robot.
in: Int. Conf. on Social Robotics (ICSR), Madrid, Spain, pp. 527-537, Springer 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Milz, St., Simon, M., Fischer, K., Pöpperl, M., Gross, H.-M.
Points2Pix: 3D Point-Cloud to Image Translation Using Conditional GANs.
in: Pattern Recognition (DAGM GCPR), Dortmund, Germany, LNCS vol. 11824, pp. 387-400, Springer, 2019 [BibTeX]
Müller, St., Seichter, D., Gross, H.-M.
Cross-Talk Compensation in Low-Cost Resistive Pressure Matrix Sensors.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Mechatronics (ICM), Ilmenau, Germany, pp. 232-237, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Scheidig, A., Jäschke, B., Schütz, B., Trinh, T. Q., Vorndran, A., Mayfarth, A., Gross, H.-M.
May I Keep an Eye on Your Training? Gait Assessment Assisted by a Mobile Robot.
in: IEEE/RAS-EMBS Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp. 701-708, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schnürer, Th., Fuchs, St., Eisenbach, M., Gross, H.-M.
Real-Time 3D Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images.
in: Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 716-724, 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Sämann, T., Amende, K., Milz, St., Gross, H.-M.
Robust Semantic Video Segmentation through Confidence-based Feature Map Warping.
in: ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS), Kaiserslautern, Germany, 9 pages, ACM 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Sämann, T., Amende, K., Milz, St., Gross, H.-M.
Leverage Temporal Consistency for Robust Semantic Video Segmentation.
in: ICML 2019 Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning, Long Beach, CA, USA, 8 pages, 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Simon, M., Amende, K., Kraus, A., Honer, J., Sämann, T., Kaulbersch, H., Milz, St., Gross, H.-M.
Complexer YOLO: Real-Time 3D Object Detection and Tracking on Semantic Point Clouds.
in: CVPR-Workshop on Autonomous Driving, Long Beach, USA, 10 pages, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stricker, R., Eisenbach, M., Sesselmann, M., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Improving Visual Road Condition Assessment by Extensive Experiments on the Extended GAPs Dataset.
in: Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, Hungary, paper N-20496, 8 pages, IEEE 2019 [Bibtex] [PDF]
van der Grinten, T., Müller, St., Westhoven, M., Wischniewski, S., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Designing an Expressive Head For a Help Requesting Socially Assistive Robot.
in: Human-Friendly Robotics (HFR), Springer Proc. in Advanced Robotics, vol. 12, pp. 88-102, Springer 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wengefeld, T., Müller, St., Lewandowski, B., Gross, H.-M.
A Multi Modal People Tracker for Real Time Human Robot Interaction.
in: IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New Delhi, India, 8 pages, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wengefeld, T., Lewandowski, B., Seichter, D., Pfennig, L., Gross, H.-M.
Real-time Person Orientation Estimation using Colored Pointclouds.
in: Europ. Conf. on Mobile Robotics (ECMR), Prague, Czech Republic, 7 pages, IEEE 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Westhoven, M., van der Grinten, T., Müller, St.
Perceptions of a Help-Requesting Robot - Effects of Eye-Expressions, Colored Lights and Politeness of Speech.
in: Mensch und Computer (MuC), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 43-54, ACM 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Backhaus, N., Rosen, P. H., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M., Wischniewski, S.
Somebody Help Me, Please?! Interaction Design Framework for Needy Mobile Service Robot.
in: IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), pp. 54-61, IEEE 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Dahn, N., Fuchs, St., Gross, H. M.
Situation Awareness for Autonomous Agents.
in: IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Nanjing, China, pp. 666-671 , IEEE 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Jäschke, B., Vorndran, A., Trinh, T. Q., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M., Sander, K., Layher, F.
Making Gait Training Mobile - A Feasibility Analysis.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (Biorob), Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 484-490, IEEE 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Katzmann, A., Mühlberg, A., Sühling, M., Nörenberg, D., Holch, J. W., Gross, H.-M.
Tumor Encode - Deep Convolutional Autoencoder for Computed Tomography Tumor Treatment Assessment.
in: World Congress on Computational Intelligence / Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 3876-3883, IEEE 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Katzmann, A., Mühlberg, A., Sühling, M., Nörenberg, D., Holch, J.W., Heinemann, V., Gross, H.-M.
Predicting Lesion Growth and Patient Survival in Colorectal Cancer Patients using Deep Neural Networks.
in: Int. Conf. on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 12 pages,, 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Making a Socially Assistive Robot Companion Touch Sensitive.
in: Int. Conf. on Haptics and Touch Enabled Computer Applications (Eurohaptics), Pisa, Italy, pp. 476-488, Springer 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Seichter, D., Eisenbach, M., Stricker, R., Gross, H.-M.
How to Improve Deep Learning based Pavement Distress Detection while Minimizing Human Effort.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Munich, pp. 63-68, IEEE 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Trinh, T. Q., Wengefeld, T., Müller, St., Vorndran, A., Volkhardt, M., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
"Take a seat, please'': Approaching and Recognition of Seated Persons by a Mobile Robot.
in: Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR), Munich, Germany, pp. 240-247, VDE Verlag 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Vorndran, A., Trinh, T. Q., Müller, St., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
How to Always Keep an Eye on the User with a Mobile Robot?
in: Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR), Munich, Germany, pp. 219-225, VDE Verlag 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Dittmar, C., Denzler, J., Gross, H.-M.
A Feedback Estimation Approach for Therapeutic Facial Training.
in: Int. Joint Conf. on Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Washington D.C., USA, pp. 141-148, IEEE 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Eisenbach, M., Stricker, R., Seichter, D., Amende, K., Debes, K., Sesselmann, M., Ebersbach, D., Stöckert, U., Gross, H.-M.
How to Get Pavement Distress Detection Ready for Deep Learning? A Systematic Approach.
in: Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Anchorage, USA, pp. 2039-2047, IEEE 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF] [Dataset]
Eisenbach, M., Stricker, R., Seichter, D., Vorndran, A., Wengefeld, T., Gross, H.-M.
Speeding up Deep Neural Networks on the Jetson TX1.
in: Int. WS CAPRI at Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Anchorage, pp. 11-22, USA, 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF] [Talk]
Gross, H.-M., Meyer, S., Scheidig, A., Eisenbach, M., Müller, St., Trinh, T. Q., Wengefeld, Bley, A., Martin, Ch., Fricke, Ch.
Mobile Robot Companion for Walking Training of Stroke Patients in Clinical Post-stroke Rehabilitation.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, pp. 1028-1035, IEEE 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) - Finalist
Lewandowski, B., Wengefeld, T., Schmiedel, Th., Gross, H.-M.
I See You Lying on the Ground - Can I Help You? Fast Fallen Person Detection in 3D with a Mobile Robot.
in: IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 74-80, IEEE 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Trinh, T. Q., Gross, H.-M.
Local Real-Time Motion Planning Using Evolutionary Optimization.
in: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS), UK, LNCS Vol. 10454, pp. 211-221, Springer 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Trinh, T. Q., Gross, H.-M.
First Steps Towards Emotionally Expressive Motion Control For Wheeled Robots.
in: IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1351-56, IEEE 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schmiedel, Th., Gross, H.-M.
IRON-BAG: Fast Classification of Humans and Objects in 3D NDT-Maps using Structural Signatures.
in: IEEE Int. Symp. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1491-1497, IEEE 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Eisenbach, M., Seichter, D., Wengefeld, T., Gross, H.-M.
Cooperative Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Networks for Person Detection.
in: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 267-276, IEEE 2016 [BibTeX] [PDF] [Talk]
Gross, H.-M., Eisenbach, M., Scheidig, A., Trinh, T. Q., Wengefeld, T.
Contribution towards Evaluating the Practicability of Socially Assistive Robots - by Example of a Mobile Walking Coach Robot.
in: Int. Conf. on Social Robotics (ICSR), Kansas City, USA, LNAI 9979, pp. 890-899, Springer 2016 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Seichter, D., Cucovillo, L., Aichroth, P.
AAC Encoding Detection and Bitrate Estimation using a Convolutional Neural Network.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, pp. 2069-2073, IEEE 2016 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wengefeld, T., Eisenbach, M., Trinh, T. Q., Gross, H.-M.
May I be your Personal Coach? Bringing Together Person Tracking and Visual Re-identification on a Mobile Robot.
in: Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR), Munich, Germany, pp. 141-148, VDE Verlag 2016 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Eisenbach, M., Kolarow, A., Vorndran, A., Niebling, J., Gross, H.-M.
Evaluation of Multi Feature Fusion at Score-Level for Appearance-based Person Re-Identification.
in: Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Killarney, Ireland, pp. 469-476, IEEE 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF] [Code]
Eisenbach, M., Vorndran, A., Sorge, S., Gross, H.-M.
User Recognition for Guiding and Following People with a Mobile Robot in a Clinical Environment.
in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 3600-3607, IEEE 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Müller, St., Schröter, Ch., Volkhardt, M., Scheidig, A., Debes, K., Richter, K., Döring, N.
Robot Companion for Domestic Health Assistance: Implementation, Test and Case Study under Everyday Conditions in Private Apartments.
in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 5992-5999, IEEE 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Smart Fur Tactile Sensor for a Socially Assistive Mobile Robot.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), UK, Part. II, LNAI 9246, pp. 49-60, Springer 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schmiedel, Th., Einhorn, E., Gross, H.-M.
IRON: A Fast Interest Point Descriptor for Robust NDT-Map Matching and Its Application to Robot Localization.
in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 3144-3151, IEEE 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stricker, R., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Universal Usage of a Video Projector on a Mobile Guide Robot.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), UK, LNAI 9246, part. III, pp. 25-36, Springer 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Best Paper Award - Finalist
Stricker, R., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
R2D2 Reloaded: Dynamic Video Projection on a Mobile Service Robot.
in: Proc. Europ. Conf. on Mobile Robotics (ECMR), Lincoln, UK, 6 pages, 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Trinh, T. Q., Schroeter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
"Go ahead, please": Recognition and Resolution of Conflict Situations in Narrow Passages for Polite Mobile Robot Navigation.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Social Robotics (ICSR), Paris, France, pp. 643-653, Springer 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Debes, K., Einhorn, E., Müller, St., Scheidig, A., Weinrich, Ch., Bley, A., Martin, Ch.
Mobile Robotic Rehabilitation Assistant for Walking and Orientation Training of Stroke Patients: A Report on Work in Progress.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2014), San Diego, USA, pp. 1880-1887, IEEE 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Klingelschmitt, St., Platho, M., Gross, H.-M., Willert, V., Eggert, J. P.
Combining Behavior and Situation Information for Reliably Estimating Multiple Intentions.
in: Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Dearborn, Michigan, USA, pp. 383-393, IEEE 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lanz, C., Denzler, J., Gross, H.-M.
Facial Movement Dysfunctions: Conceptual Design of a Therapy-Accompanying Training System.
in: Ambient Assisted Living, Advanced Technologies and Societal Change, pp. 123-141, Springer-Verlag 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lanz, C., Olgay, B. S., Denzler, J., Gross, H.-M.
Facial Landmark Localization and Feature Extraction for Therapeutic Face Exercise Classification.
in: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications: Revised Selected Papers of VISIGRAPP 2013,
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), vol. 458, pp. 179-194, Springer 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Sprenger, S., Gross, H.-M.
Online Adaptation of Dialog Strategies based on Probabilistic Planning.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Edinburgh, UK, pp. 692-697, IEEE 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Sprenger, S., Gross, H.-M.
OfficeMate - a Study of an Online Learning Dialog System for Mobile Assistive Robots. Best Paper Award
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE), Venice, Italy, pp. 104-110, 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stricker, R., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Non-contact Video-based Pulse Rate Measurement on a Mobile Service Robot.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Edinburgh, UK, pp. 1056-1062, IEEE 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Weinrich, Ch., Wengefeld, T., Volkhardt, M., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Generic Distance-Invariant Features for Detecting People with Walking Aid in 2D Laser Range Data.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS), Padua, Italy, 12 pages, 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Weinrich, Ch., Wengefeld, T., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
People Detection and Distinction of their Walking Aids in 2D Laser Range Data based on Generic Distance-Invariant Features.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Edinburgh, UK, pp. 767-773, IEEE 2014 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Gross, H.-M.
Generic 2D/3D SLAM with NDT Maps for Lifelong Application.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Barcelona, Spain, 8 pages [BibTeX] [PDF]
Henke, K., Debes, K., Wuttke, H.-D., Katzmann, A.
Mobile Assessment Tools.
in: Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Interactive Computer aided Blended Learning (ICBL), Florianopolis, Brazil, pp. 127-132 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kaltenhäuser, R., Schaffernicht, E., Steege, F.-F., Gross, H.-M.
Evolutionary Computation based System Decomposition with Neural Networks.
in: Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2013), Bruges, Belgium, pp. 191-196, d-side publishing 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kessler, J., Schmidt, M., Helsper, S., Gross, H.-M.
I'm Still Watching You: Update on Observing a Person in a Home Environment.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Barcelona, Spain, 7 pages [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kolarow, A., Schenk, K., Eisenbach, M., Dose, M., Brauckmann, M., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
APFel: The Intelligent Video Analysis and Surveillance System for Assisting Human Operators.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Krakow, Poland, pp. 195-201, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lanz, C., Olgay, B. S., Denzler, J., Gross, H.-M.
Automated Classification of Therapeutic Face Exercises using the Kinect.
in: Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 556-565 - Best Student Paper Award [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lanz, C., Denzler, J., Gross, H.-M.
Robust Landmark Localization for Facial Therapy Applications.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Technically Assisted Rehabilitation (TAR), Berlin, Germany, 4 pages [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Low-Cost Whole-Body Touch Interaction for Manual Motion Control of a Mobile Service Robot.
in: Social Robotics (ICSR), LNCS vol. 8239, pp. 229–238, Springer, 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Platho, M., Gross, H.-M., Eggert, J. P.
Predicting Velocity Profiles of Road Users at Intersections Using Configurations.
in: Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 945-951, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Platho, M., Gross, H.-M., Eggert, J. P.
Learning Driving Situations and Behavior Models from Data.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 276-281, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Huijnen, C., van den Heuvel, H., van Berlo, A. , Bley, A., Gross, H.-M.
Realization and User Evaluation of a Companion Robot for People with Mild Cognitive Impairments.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 1145-1151, IEEE 201 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Weinrich, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Multi-Modal People Tracking on a Mobile Companion Robot.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Barcelona, Spain, 6 pages, 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Gross, H.-M.
Finding People in Home Environments with a Mobile Robot.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Barcelona, Spain, 6 pages, 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Gross, H.-M.
Finding People in Apartments with a Mobile Robot.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Manchester, GB, pp. 4348-4353, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Weinrich, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
People Tracking on a Mobile Companion Robot.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Manchester, GB, pp. 4354-4359, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Schneemann, F., Gross, H.-M.
Fallen Person Detection for Mobile Robots using 3D Depth Data.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Manchester, GB, pp. 3573-3578, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Vollmer, Ch., Gross H.-M., Eggert J. P.
Learning Features for Activity Recognition with Shift-Invariant Sparse Coding.
in: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2013 (ICANN), Sofia, Bulgaria, LNCS, vol. 8131, pp. 367–374, Springer, 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Weinrich, Ch., Volkhardt, M. Einhorn, E., Gross, H.-M.
Prediction of Human Collision Avoidance Behavior by Lifelong Learning for Socially Compliant Robot Navigation.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 376-381, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Weinrich, Ch., Volkhardt, M., Gross, H.-M.
Appearance-Based 3D Upper-Body Pose Estimation and Person Re-Identification on Mobile Robots.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Manchester, GB, pp. 4384-4390, IEEE 2013 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Langner, T., Stricker, R., Martin, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
MIRA - Middleware for Robotic Applications.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 2591-2598, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Eisenbach, M., Kolarow, A., Schenk, K., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
View Invariant Appearance-based Person Reidentification Using Fast Online Feature Selection and Score Level Fusion.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Beijing, China , pp. 184-190, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Bley, A., Langner, T., Merten, M., Huijnen, C., van den Heuvel, H., van Berlo, A.
Further Progress towards a Home Robot Companion for People with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Seoul, South Korea, pp. 637-644, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kessler, J., Iser, D., Gross, H.-M.
I'll Keep You in Sight: Finding a Good Position to Observe a Person.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 4392-4398, IEEE 2012 (nominated for CoTeSys Best-paper Award) [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kessler, J., Strobel, J., Gross, H.-M.
Using a Spatio-Temporal FastMarching Planner to Politely Avoid Moving Persons.
in: Autonomous Mobile Systems 2012 (AMS), Stuttgart, Germany, Informatik aktuell, pp. 59-67, Springer 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kessler, J., Strobel, J., Gross, H.-M.
Avoiding Moving Persons by Using Simple Trajectory Prediction and Spatio Temporal Planning.
in: KI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI), Saarbruecken, Germany, LNCS 7526, pp. 85-96, Springer 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kolarow, A., Brauckmann, M., Eisenbach, M., Schenk, K., Einhorn, E., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Vision-based Hyper-Real-Time Object Tracker for Robotic Applications.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 2108-2115, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Merten, M., Bley, A., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
A Mobile Robot Platform for Socially Assistive Home-care Applications.
in: Proc. German Conf. on Robotics (ROBOTIK), 2012, Munich, Germany, pp. 233-238, publisher VDE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Platho, M., Eggert, J. P.
Deciding What to Inspect First: Incremental Situation Assessment Based on Information Gain.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Anchorage, pp. 888-893, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Platho, M., Gross, H.-M., Eggert, J. P.
Traffic Situation Assessment by Recognizing Interrelated Road Users.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Anchorage, pp. 1339-1344, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schenk, K., Kolarow, A., Eisenbach, M., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Automatic Calibration of a Stationary Network of Laser Range Finders by Matching Movement Trajectories.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 431-437, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schenk, K., Kolarow, A., Eisenbach, M., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Automatic Calibration of Multiple Stationary Laser Range Finders using Trajectories.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), Beijing, China , pp. 306-312, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Steege, F.-F., Gross, H.-M.
Comparison of Long-Term Adaptivity for Neural Networks.
in: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2012 (ICANN), Lausanne, Switzerland, LNCS, vol. 7553, Part II, pp. 50–57, Springer 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Steege, F.-F., Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
Effects of Noise-Reduction on Neural Function Approximation.
in: Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), pp. 73-78, d-side publishing 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stricker, R., Müller, St., Einhorn, E., Schröter, C., Volkhardt, M., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Konrad and Suse, Two Robots Guiding Visitors in a University Building.
in: Autonomous Mobile Systems 2012 (AMS), Stuttgart, Germany, Informatik aktuell, pp. 49-58, Springer 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stricker, R., Müller, St., Einhorn, E., Schröter, C., Volkhardt, M., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Interactive Mobile Robots Guiding Visitors in a University Building.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Paris, France, pp. 695-700, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Vollmer, Ch, Eggert, J. P., Gross, H.-M.
Generating Motion Trajectories by Sparse Activation of Learned Motion Primitives.
in: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2012 (ICANN), Lausanne, Switzerland, LNCS, vol. 7552, Part I, pp. 637-644, Springer 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Vollmer, Ch, Eggert, J. P., Gross, H.-M.
Modeling Human Motion Trajectories by Sparse Activation of Motion Primitives Learned from Unpartitioned Data.
in: KI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI), Saarbrücken, Germany, LNCS, vol. 7526, pp. 168–179, Springer 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Weinrich, Ch., Vollmer, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Estimation of Human Upper Body Orientation for Mobile Robotics using an SVM Decision Tree on Monocular Images.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, pp. 2147-2152, IEEE 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Finding the Adequate Resolution for Grid Mapping - Cell Sizes Locally Adapting On-the-Fly.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Shanghai, China, pp. 1843-1848, IEEE 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Filzhuth, M., Schröter, C., Gross, H.-M.
Monocular Detection and Estimation of Moving Obstacles for Robot Navigation.
in: Proc. European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Orebro, Sweden, pp. 121-126, 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Bley, A., Martin, Ch., Langner, T., Merten, M.
Progress in Developing a Socially Assistive Mobile Home Robot Companion for the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, pp. 2430-2437, IEEE Omnipress 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., Volkhardt, M., Einhorn, E., Bley, A., Martin, Ch., Langner, T., Merten, M.
I'll Keep an Eye on You: Home Robot Companion for Elderly People with Cognitive Impairment.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Anchorage, USA, pp. 2481-2488, IEEE 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hans, A., Duell, S., Udluft, S.
Agent Self-Assessment: Determining Policy Quality without Execution.
in: Proc. 2011 IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL), pp. 84-90, IEEE 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hans, A., Udluft, S.
Ensemble Usage for More Reliable Policy Identification in Reinforcement Learning.
in: Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), Bruges, Belgium, pp. 165-170, [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kessler, J., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Approaching a Person in a Socially Acceptable Manner Using a Fast Marching Planner.
in: Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Aachen, Germany, LCNS 7102, Part. II, pp. 368-377, Springer 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kessler, J., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Approaching a Person in a Socially Acceptable Manner Using Expanding Random Trees.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Orebro, Sweden, pp. 95-100, 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schaffernicht, E., Gross, H.-M.
Weighted Mutual Information for Feature Selection.
in: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2011 (ICANN), Espoo, Finnland, LNCS, vol. 6792, Part II, pp. 181–188, Springer 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schenk, K., Eisenbach, M., Kolarow, A., Gross, H.-M.
Comparison of Laser-Based Person Tracking at Feet and Upper-Body Height.
in: KI 2011: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI), Berlin, Germany, LNCS 7006, pp. 277–288, Springer 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Müller, St., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Detection of Lounging People with a Mobile Robot Companion.
in: Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Aachen, Germany, LNCS 7102, Part II, pp. 328-337, Springer 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Müller, St., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Playing Hide and Seek with a Mobile Companion Robot.
in: Proc. IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS), Bled, Slovenia, pp. 40-46 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Duell, S., Hans, A., Udluft, St.
The Markov Decision Process Extraction Network.
in: Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), pp. 7-12, d-side publishing 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Can't Take my Eye off You: Attention-Driven Monocular Obstacle Detection and 3D Mapping.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Taipeh, Taiwan, pp. 816-821, IEEE 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hans, A., Udluft, St.
Uncertainty Propagation for Efficient Exploration in Reinforcement Learning.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Lisbon, Portugal , pp. 361-366, IOS Press 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hans, A., Udluft, St.
Ensembles of Neural Networks for Robust Reinforcement Learning.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Applications (ICML), Washington DC, USA, pp. 401-406, IEEE 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Henry, P., Vollmer, C., Ferris, B., Fox, D.
Learning to Navigate Through Crowded Environments.
in: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Anchorage, USA, pp. 981-986, IEEE 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schaffernicht, E., Kaltenhäuser, R., Verma, S. S., Gross, H.-M.
On Estimating Mutual Information for Feature Selection.
in: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2010 (ICANN), Thessaloniki, Greece, LNCS 6352, Part I, pp. 362-367, Springer 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Steege, F.-F., Hartmann, A., Schaffernicht, E., Gross, H.-M.
Reinforcement Learning Based Neural Controllers for Dynamic Processes without Exploration.
in: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2010 (ICANN), Thessaloniki, Greece, LNCS 6353, Part II, pp. 222-227, Springer 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Vollmer, Ch, Schaffernicht, E., Gross, H.-M.
Exploring Continuous Action Spaces with Diffusion Trees for Reinforcement Learning.
in: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2010 (ICANN), Thessaloniki, Greece, LNCS 6353, Part II, pp. 190-199, Springer 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Eggert, J. P., Hellbach, S., Körner, E., Gross, H.-M.
Prediction and Classification of Motion Trajectories using Spatio-Temporal NMF.
in: KI 2009 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI), Paderborn, LNCS 5803, pp. 597-606, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Monocular Scene Reconstruction for Reliable Obstacle Detection and Robot Navigation.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Dubrovnik, Kroatia, pp. 7-12, KoREMA Zagreb 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Monocular Obstacle Detection for Real-World Environments.
in: Autonome Mobile Systeme 2009 (AMS), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 33-40, Informatik aktuell, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., König, A., Einhorn, E., Martin, Ch., Merten, M., Bley, A.
TOOMAS: Interactive Shopping Guide Robots in Everyday Use - Final Implementation and Experiences from Long-Term Field Trials.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), St. Louis, USA, pp. 2005-2012, IEEE 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hans, A., Udluft, St.
Efficient Uncertainty Propagation for Reinforcement Learning with Limited Data.
in: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2009 (ICANN), Cyprus, Part I, LNCS 5768, pp. 70-79, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hellbach, S., Eggert, J. P., Körner, E., Gross, H.-M.
Basis Decomposition of Motion Trajectories using Spatio-Temporal NMF.
in: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2009 (ICANN), Cyprus, Part II, LNCS 5769, pp. 804-814, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hellbach, S., Eggert, J. P., Körner, E., Gross, H.-M.
Time Series Analysis for Long Term Prediction of Human Movement Trajectories.
in: Advances in Neuro-Information Processing (ICONIP), Auckland, NZ, Part II, LNCS 5507, pp. 567-574, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kessler, J., König, A., Gross, H.-M.
An Improved Sensor Model on Appearance Based SLAM.
in: Autonome Mobile Systeme 2009 (AMS), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 153-160, Informatik aktuell, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kirstein, St., Wersing, H., Gross, H.-M., Körner, E.
An Integrated System for Incremental Learning of Multiple Visual Categories.
in: Advances in Neuro-Information Processing (ICONIP), Auckland, NZ, Part I, LNCS 5507, pp. 813-820 , Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kirstein, St., Wersing, H., Gross, H.-M., Körner, E.
A Vector Quantization Approach for Life-Long Learning of Categories.
in: Advances in Neuro-Information Processing (ICONIP), Auckland, NZ, Part I, LNCS 5507, pp. 805-812 , Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF] - Best paper award
Kirstein, St., Wersing, H., Gross, H.-M., Körner, E.
An Integrated System for Incremental Learning of Multiple Visual Categories.
Bernstein Conf. on Computational Neuroscience 2009 (BCCN), Frankfurt, pp. 36-37, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience [BibTeX] [PDF] (Abstract)
König, A., Kessler, J., Gross, H.-M.
Improvements for an Appearance-Based SLAM-Approach for Large-Scale Environments.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Dubrovnik, Kroatia, pp. 235-240, KoREMA Zagreb 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Mühlig, M., Gienger, M., Hellbach, S., Steil, J. J., Goerick, Ch.
Task-Level Imitation Learning Using Variance-Based Movement Optimization.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Kobe, Japan, pp. 1177-1184, IEEE 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schaffernicht, E., Möller, Ch., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Forward Feature Selection Using Residual Mutual Information.
in: Proc. European Symposium On Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Learning (ESANN), pp. 583-588, d-side publishing 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schaffernicht, E., Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
Adaptive Feature Transformation for Image Data from Non-stationary Processes.
in: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2009 (ICANN), Cyprus, Part II, LNCS 5769, pp. 735-744, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schaffernicht, E., Stephan, V., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Machine Learning Techniques for Selforganizing Combustion Control.
in: KI 2009 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI), Paderborn, LNCS 5803, pp. 395-402, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schröter, Ch., Höchemer, M., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Autonomous Robot Cameraman - Observation Pose Optimization for a Mobile Service Robot in Indoor Living Space.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Kobe, Japan, pp. 424-429, IEEE 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Sharma, A., Stricker, R.
A Hierarchal Approach to Facial Expression Recognition using Active Appearance Models for Service Robots.
in: IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2009), pp. 36–41 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stricker, R., Martin, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Increasing the Robustness of 2D Active Appearance Models for Real-World Applications.
in: Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), Liege, LNCS 5815, pp. 364-373, Springer 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Volkhardt, M., Kalesse, S., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Dynamically Changing Distributions.
in: KI 2009 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence (KI), Paderborn, LNCS 5803, pp. 484–491, Springer Verlag 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einecke, N., Eggert J. P., Hellbach S., Körner E.
Walking Appearance Manifolds without Falling off.
in: Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), 2007, Kitakyushu, LNCS 4984, pp.653-662, Springer 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J., Schröter, Ch., Müller, St., König, A., Martin, Ch., Merten, M., Bley, A.
ShopBot: Progress in Developing an Interactive Mobile Shopping Assistant for Everyday Use.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Singapore, pp. 3471-3478, IEEE 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hans, A., Schneegass, D., Schäfer, A., Udluft, St.
Safe Exploration for Reinforcement Learning.
in: European Symposium On Artificial Neural Networks - Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning (ESANN), pp. 143-148, d-side publishing [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hellbach, S., Strauss, S., Eggert, J. P., Körner, E., Gross, H.-M.
Echo State Networks for Online Prediction of Movement Data --Comparing Investigations.
in: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2008 (ICANN), Prague, Part I, LNCS 5163, pp. 710-719, Springer 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
König, A., Kessler, J., Gross, H.-M.
A Graph Matching Technique for an Appearance-Based, Visual SLAM-Approach Using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), France, pp. 1576 - 1581 , IEEE 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Martin, Ch., Werner, U., Gross, H.-M.
A Real-time Facial Expression Recognition System based on Active Appearance Models using Gray Images and Edge Images.
in: Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Amsterdam, paper no. 299, 6 pages, IEEE 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Merten, M., Gross, H.-M.
Highly Adaptable Hardware Architecture for Scientific and Industrial Mobile Robots.
Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Chengdu, China, pp. 1130-1135, IEEE 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Hellbach, S., Schaffernicht, E., Ober, A., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Whom to Talk to? Estimating User Interest from Movement Trajectories.
in: Proc. of the IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, (RO-MAN), Munich, Germany, pp. 532-538, IEEE 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
A Sensor-Independent Approach to RBPF SLAM - Map Match SLAM Applied to Visual Mapping.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), France, pp. 2078 - 2083, IEEE 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wersing, H., Kirstein, S., Schneiders, B., Bauer-Wersing, U., Körner, E.
Online Learning for Bootstrapping of Object Recognition and Localization in a Biologically Motivated Architecture.
in: Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), Santorini, Greece, pp. 383-392, LNCS 5008, Springer 2008 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Brückmann, R., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Adaptive Noise Reduction and Voice Activity Detection for Improved Verbal Human-Robot Interaction using Binaural Data.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Roma, Italy, pp. 1782-1787, IEEE 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Einhorn, E., Schröter, Ch., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
A Hybrid Kalman Filter Based Algorithm for Real-Time Visual Obstacle Detection.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Freiburg, pp.156-161, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Universitätsverlag 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gläser, C., Heckmann, M., Joublin, F., Goerick, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Joint Estimation of Formant Trajectories via Spectro-Temporal Smoothing and Bayesian Techniques.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hawaii, pp. IV-477-480, IEEE 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hahn, M., Krüger, L., Wöhler, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Tracking of Human Body Parts using the Multiocular Contracting Curve Density Algorithm.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM), Canada, pp. 257-264, IEEE 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Martin, Ch., Steege, F.- F., Gross, H.-M.
Estimation of Pointing Poses for Visual Instructing Mobile Robots under Real-World Conditions.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Freiburg, pp. 223-228, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Universitätsverlag 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., Schaffernicht, E., Scheidig, A., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Are You Still Following Me?
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Freiburg, pp. 211-216, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Universitätsverlag 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Rebhan, S., Eggert, J. P., Gross, H.-M., Körner, E.
Sparse and Transformation-Invariant Hierarchical NMF.
in: Artificial Neural Networks-ICANN 2007 (ICANN), Portugal, Part I, LNCS 4668, pp. 894-903, Springer 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schaffernicht, E., Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
An Efficient Search Strategy for Feature Selection Using Chow-Liu Trees.
in: Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Portugal, Part II, LNCS 4669, pp. 190-199, Springer 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schröter, Ch., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Memory-Efficient Gridmaps in Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters for SLAM using Sonar Range Sensors.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Freiburg, pp. 138-143, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Universitätsverlag 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Steege, F.-F., Martin, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Estimation of Pointing Poses on Monocular Images with Neural Techniques - An Experimental Comparison.
in: Artificial Neural Networks-ICANN 2007 (ICANN), Portugal, Part II, LNCS 4669, pp. 593-602, Springer 2007 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wersing, H., Kirstein, S., Götting, M., Brandl, H., Dunn, M., Mikhailova, I., Goerick, C., Steil, J., Ritter, H., Körner, E.
Online Learning of Objects and Faces in an Integrated Biologically Motivated Architecture.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), Bielefeld, Germany, 10 pages, University of Bielefeld, 2007, ISBN 978-3-00-020933-8 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Böhme, H.-J., Scheidig, A., Wilhelm, T., Schröter, Chr., Martin, Ch., König, A., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Progress in the Development of an Interactive Shopping-Assistant.
in: Proc. of the Joint Conf. on Robotics: Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR) and German Conference on Robotics (Robotik), Munich, Germany, paper nr. 83, 20 pages, VDI, 2006 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Richarz, J., Müller, St., Scheidig, A., Martin, Ch.
Probabilistic Multi-modal People Tracker and Monocular Pointing Pose Estimator for Visual Instruction of Mobile Robot Assistants.
in: Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 8325-8333, IEEE 2006 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuhl, A., Wöhler, Chr., Krüger, L., d'Angelo, P., Gross, H.-M.
Monocular 3D Scene Reconstruction at Absolute Scales by Combination of Geometric and Real-Aperture Methods.
in: Pattern Recognition (DAGM), Berlin, Germany, LNCS 4174, pp. 607-616, Springer 2006 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Richarz, J., Martin, Ch., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
There You Go! - Estimating Pointing Gestures in Monocular Images for Mobile Robot Instruction.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Hatfield (UK), pp. 546-551, IEEE 2006 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Scheidig, A., Müller, St., Martin, Ch., Gross, H.-M.
Generating Person's Movement Trajectories on a Mobile Robot.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Hatfield (UK), pp. 747-752, IEEE 2006 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Finke, M., Koay, K., Dautenhahn, K., Nehaniv, C. L., Walters, M. L. , Saunders, J.
Hey, I’m over here - How Can a Robot Attract People’s Attention?
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Nashville, USA, pp. 7-12, IEEE 2005 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gräning L., Yaochu Jin, Sendhoff, B.
Efficient Evolutionary Optimization Using Individual-Based Evolution Control and Neural Networks: A Comparative Study.
in: Proc. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), pp.273-278, Bruges, d-side publishing 2005 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., König, A., Müller, St.
Omniview-Based Concurrent Map Building and Localization Using Adaptive Appearance Maps.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Hawaii, pp. 3510-3515, IEEE 2005 [BibTeX] [PDF]
König, A., Müller, St., Gross, H.-M.
Appearance-Based CML Approach for a Home Store Environment.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Ancona, Italy, pp. 206-211, stampalibri 2005 (ISBN 88-89177-187) [BibTeX] [PDF]
Martin, Ch., Schaffernicht, E., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
Sensor Fusion Using a Probabilistic Aggregation Scheme for People Detection and Tracking.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Ancona, Italy, pp. 176-181, stampalibri 2005 (ISBN 88-89177-187) [BibTeX] [PDF]
Martin, Ch., Scheidig, A., Wilhelm, T., Schröter, C., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
A New Control Architecture for Mobile Interaction Robots.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Ancona, Italy, pp. 224-229, stampalibri 2005 (ISBN 88-89177-187) [BibTeX] [PDF]
Müller, St., König, A., Gross, H.-M.
Neural Architecture for Concurrent Map Building and Localization using Adaptive Appearance Maps.
in: Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications - ICANN 2005 (ICANN), LNCS 3697, Part II, pp. 929-934, Springer 2005 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schaffernicht, E., Martin, Ch., Scheidig, A., Gross, H.-M.
A Probabilistic Multimodal Sensor Aggregation Scheme Applied for a Mobile Robot.
in: Proc. Annual German Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (KI), Koblenz, LNAI 3698, pp. 320-334, Springer 2005 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schröter, Ch., König, A., Böhme, H.-J, Gross, H.-M.
Multi-Sensor Monte-Carlo-Localization Combining Omni-Vision and Sonar Range Sensors.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Ancona, Italy, pp. 164-169, stampalibri 2005 (ISBN 88-89177-187) [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wilhelm, T., Böhme, H.-J, Gross, H.-M.
Classification of Face Images for Gender, Age, Facial Expression, and Identity.
in: Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models and Their Applications - ICANN 2005 (ICANN), LNCS 3696, Part. I, pp. 569-574, Springer 2005 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., König, A.
Robust Omniview-Based Probabilistic Self-Localization for Mobile Robots in Large Maze-like Environments.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Cambridge, GB, vol. 3, pp. 266-269, IEEE 2004 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kim, H., Lau, B., Triesch, J.
Adaptive Object Tracking with an Anthropomorphic Robot Head.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior - From Animals to Animats 8. (SAB), Los Angeles, USA, pp. 104-113, MIT Press 2004 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Lau, B., Triesch, J.
Learning Gaze Following in Space: A Computational Model.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Developing and Learning (ICDL), San Diego, USA, 8 pages, Salk Institute for Biological Studies 2004, ISBN 0-615-12704-5 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Martin, Ch., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Conception and Realization of a Multi-Sensory, Interactive Mobile Office Guide.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Den Haag, Niederlande, pp. 5368-5373, IEEE 2004 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schauer, C., Gross, H.-M.
Design and Optimization of Amari Neural Fields for Early Auditory-Visual Integration.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, pp. 2523-2528, IEEE 2004 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schröter, Ch., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Robust Map Building for an Autonomous Robot Using Low-Cost Sensors.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Den Haag, Niederlande, pp. 5398-5403, IEEE 2004 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wilhelm, T., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M., Backhaus, A.
Statistical and Neural Methods for Vision-Based Analysis of Facial Expressions and Gender.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Den Haag, Niederlande, pp. 2203-2208, IEEE 2004 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., König, A., Schröter, Ch., Böhme, H.-J.
Omnivision-Based Probabilistic Self-Localization for a Mobile Shopping Assistant Continued.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 1505-1511, IEEE 2003 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schauer, C., Gross, H.-M.
A Computational Model of Early Auditory-Visual Integration.
in: Pattern Recognition (DAGM-Symposium), Magdeburg, pp. 362-369, LNCS 2781, Springer 2003 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schröter, Ch., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Extraction of Orientation from Floor Structure for Odometry Correction in Mobile Robotics.
in: Pattern Recognition (DAGM-Symposium), Magdeburg, pp. 410-417, LNCS 2781, Springer 2003 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Saupe, M., Bischoff, M., Reindanz, H., Gross, H.-M.
Is Reinforcement-Learning Able to Solve Real-World Challenges?
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Aritficial Neural Networks (ICANN) and Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Istanbul, pp. 346-349, Bogaziai University Library, ISBN 975-518-209-8 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wilhelm, T., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Looking Closer.
in: Proc. European Conf. on Mobile Robots (ECMR), Warsaw, Poland, pp. 65-70, Zturek Press Warschau 2003 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wilhelm, T., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Towards an Attentive Robotic Dialog Partner.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 297-300, ACM 2003 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Zahn, T., Grothe, B., Gross, H.-M.
An Auditory Model for Echo Suppression Based upon Dynamic Recordings in the Gerbils DNLL.
in: Proc. Göttingen Neurobiology Conf., June 2003, pp. 363-364, Verlag der Neurowissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J., Schröter, Ch., König, A.
Panoramic View Based Monte Carlo Self-Localization for Mobile Robots Operating in Real-World Environments.
in: Proc. Int. Workshop on Dynamic Perception (DynPer), Bochum, pp.171-176, IOS Press, Infix 2002 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., König, A., Böhme, H.-J., Schröter, Ch.
Vision-Based Monte Carlo Self-Localization for a Mobile Service Robot Acting as Shopping Assistant in a Home Store.
in: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 256-262, IEEE 2002 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Martin, Ch., Thrun, S.
Real-Time Acquisition of Compact Volumetric Maps with Mobile Robots.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Washington, pp. 311-316, IEEE 2002 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Surmeli, D., Gross, H.-M.
Behavior Coordination for a Mobile Visuo-Motor System in an Augmented Real-World Environment.
in: From Animals to Animats 7 - Proc. Int. Conf. on Simulation of Adaptiv Behavior (SAB), Edinburgh, pp. 103-104, MIT Press 2002 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Wilhelm, T., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Sensor Fusion for Vision and Sonar Based People Tracking on a Mobile Service Robot.
in: Proc. Int. Workshop on Dynamic Perception (DynPer), Bochum, pp. 315-320, IOS Press, Infix 2002 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Böhme, H.-J., Wilhelm, T., Key, J., Schröter, Ch., Gross, H.-M., Hempel, T.
An Approach to Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction for Intelligent Service Robots.
in: European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots (Eurobot), Lund (Schweden), pp. 17-24, Lund University Congnitive Studies, vol. 86, 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J., Wilhelm, T.
A Contribution to Vision-Based Localization, Tracking and Navigation Methods for an Interactive Mobile Service-Robot.
in: IEEE Intern. Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Tucson (USA), pp. 672-677, IEEE 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Heinze, A., Gross, H.-M.
Intergration of a Fuzzy ART Approach in a Biologically Inspired Sensorimotor Architecture.
in: IEEE-INNS Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN),Washington, pp. 1261-1266, IEEE 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Heinze, A., Gross, H.-M.
Anticipation-Based Control Architecture for a Mobile Robot.
in: Int. Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Vienna, pp. 899-905, LNCS, vol. 2130, Springer 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schauer, C., Gross, H.-M.
A model of Horizontal 360° Object Localization Based on Binaural Hearing and Monocular Vision.
in: Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Vienna, pp. 1141-1146, LNCS, vol. 2130, Springer 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schauer, C. Paschke, P., Gross, H.-M.
Model and Application of a Binaural 360° Sound Localization System.
in: IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Washington, pp. 1132-1137, IEEE 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
Neural Architecture for Mental Imaging of Sequences based on Optical Flow Predictions.
in: Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Vienna, pp. 885-890, LNCS, vol. 2130, Springer 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
A Neural Architecture for Expactation Driven Detection of Moving Objects during Egomotion.
in: IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Washington, pp. 2165-2170, IEEE 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M., Anschütz, M.
Neural Anticipative Architecture for Expectation Driven Perception.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Tucson (USA), pp. 2275-2280, IEEE 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Surmeli, D., Gross, H.-M.
W-Learning for Behavior Coordination on a Real Khepera.
in: Int. Conf. on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE), Paderborn, pp. 161-169, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe 2001 [BibTex] [PDF]
Corradini, A., Gross, H.-M.
Camera-based Gesture Recognition for Robot Control.
in: Proc. IEEE-INNS-ENNS Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Como, Italy, 2000, pp. IV 133-138, IEEE 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Corradini, A., Gross, H.-M.
Implementation and Comparison of Three Architectures for Gesture Recognition.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Istanbul 2000, pp. IV 2361-2364, IEEE 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J.
PERSES - A Vision-Based Interactive Mobile Shopping Assistant.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), Nashville, 2000, pp. 80-85, IEEE 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J.
PERSES - A Vision-Based Interactive Mobile Shopping Assistant: Scenario, Behavior-Based Control Architecture and First Results.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston (ICCNS), 2000, p. 29, Boston University Press [BibTex]
Heinze, A., Gross, H.-M.
Visually Guided Local Navigation Based on Visuomotor Representations in Hyper Fuzzy ART-Architecture.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston (ICCNS), 2000, p. 36, Boston University Press [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schauer, C., Zahn, T. P., Paschke, P., Gross, H.-M.
Binaural Sound Localization in an Artificial Neural Network.
in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Istanbul, 2000, pp. II 865-868, IEEE 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Schauer, C., Zahn, T. P., Paschke, P., Gross, H.-M.
A Model of Binaural Sound Localization in Real Environs.
in: Proc. European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), Vienna, 2000, vol. 2, pp. 559-563, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M., Debes, K., Wintrich, F., Wintrich, H.
Reinforcement Learning Based Control Scheme for a Visually Guided Combustion Process.
in: Proc. European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), Vienna 2000, vol. 2, pp. 555-558, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
A Neural Architecture for Anticipation of Optical Flow Field Sequences.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS), Boston, 2000, p. 37, Boston University Press [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M., Wintrich, F., Wintrich, H.
A Reinforcement Learning based Neural Multi-Agent-System for Control of a Combustion Process.
in: Proc. IEEE-INNS-ENNS Int. Joint Conf.on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Como (Italy), 2000, pp.VI 217-222, IEEE 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Stephan, V., Winkler, T., Gross, H.-M.
Fast and Robust Prediction of Optical Flow Field Sequences for Visuomotor Anticipation.
in: Proc. IEEE-INNS-ENNS Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Como (Italy), 2000, pp. V 436-441, IEEE 2000 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Surmeli, D., Gross, H.-M.
Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning based on Neural Funktion Approximators.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS), Boston, 2000, p. 22, Boston University Press [BibTeX] [PDF]
Böhme, H.-J., Braumann, U.-D., Corradini, A., Gross, H.-M.
Person Localization and Posture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction.
in: The International Gesture Workshop (GW), Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 1999, LNAI, vol. 1739, pp. 105-116, Springer [BibTeX] [PDF]
Corradini, A., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Visual-Based Posture Recognition Using Hybrid Neural Networks.
in: Proc. of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Bruges, pp. 81-86. D-Facto Publications 1999 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Corradini, A.
Automatic Posture Recognition in Color Images Using Hybrid Neural Networks.
in: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS), Boston, p. 35, Boston University Press 1999 [BibTeX]
Corradini, A., Gross, H.-M.
Gesture Recognition Using Hybrid SOM/DHMM.
in: Proc. of the Italian Workshop on Neural Nets (WIRN), Vietri Sul Mare (Italien), pp. 317-322 [BibTeX]
Corradini, A., Braumann, U.-D., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Hybrid Neural Networks to Recognize Body Postures in Human-Computer Interaction.
in: Proc. of the Int. Conference On Neural Computation in Science and Technology (NCST), Israel, 1999, pp. A3/4 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Corradini, A., Gross, H.-M.
A Hybrid Stochastic-Connectionist Architecture for Gesture Recognition.
in: Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence, Information and Systems (ICIIS), Washington 1999, pp. 336-341, IEEE [BibTeX] [PDF]
Erler, A., Debes, K., Gross, H.-M.
Neurofuzzy Architecture for Local Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance for the Mobile Robot MILVA.
in: Proc. of the Int. Workshop Fuzzy-Neuro-Systems'99 (FNS), Leipzig, pp. 75-82, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1999 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Heinze, A., Stephan, V., Surmeli, D.
Biologically Inspired Architectures for Anticipation Based Sensorimotor Perception.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS), Boston, S. 29, Boston University Press 1999 [BibTeX] [PDF] (Abstract only)
Heinze, A., Stephan, V., Surmeli, D., Gross, H.-M.
A Cortical Architecture for Parallel Anticipation of Sensorimotor Sequences.
in: Proc. of the Int. Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), pp. 407-412, 1999 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Pomierski, T., Gross, H.-M.
Physiological Color Space for Automatic Color Normalization by Neural Processing.
in: Proc. Int. Workshop Neural Networks in Applications (NN), Magdeburg, p. 61, 1999 [BibTeX]
Weber, St., Krabbes, M., Stephan, V., Boehme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Feature-Based Image Segmentation for Indoor Robot-Navigation.
in: Int. Workshop Fuzzy-Neuro-Systems (FNS), Leipzig, pp. 179-186, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1999 [BibTeX]
Böhme, H.-J., Brakensiek, A., Braumann, U.-D., Krabbes, M., Gross, H.-M.
Neural Networks for Gesture-Based Remote Control of a Mobile Robot.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networkds (IJCNN) and IEEE World Conf. on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Anchorage, pp. 372-377, IEEE 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Böhme, H.-J., Braumann, U.-D., Brakensiek, A., Corradini, A., Krabbes, M., Gross, H.-M.
User Localisation for Visually-Based Human-Machine Interaction.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), Nara, Japan 1998, pp. 486-491, IEEE 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Böhme, H.-J., Brakensiek, A., Braumann, U.-D., Krabbes, M., Gross, H.-M.
Neural Architecture for Gesture-Based Human-Machine-Interaction.
in: Proc. Bielefeld Gesture Workshop (GW), September 1997, LNCS vol. 1371, pp. 219-232, Springer 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Brakensiek, A., Braumann, U.-D., Corradini, A., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Neuronale Verfahren zur Lokalisation und Bewertung von Handgesten in Real-World-Szenen
in: Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Neural Networks (NN), Magdeburg 1998, pp. 211-218 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Braumann, U.-D., Brakensiek, A., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Gaborfilterbasierte visuelle Personenlokalisation mit dreidimensionalen Feldern dynamischer Neuronen.
in: Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Neural Networks (NN), Magdeburg 1998, pp. 31-38 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Corradini, A., Braumann, U.-D., Brakensiek, A., Krabbes, M., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Visual Person Localization with Dynamic Neural Fields: Towards a Gesture Regocnition System.
in: Italian Workshop on Neural Nets (WIRN), Vietri Sul Mare, 1998, pp. 201-206 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Corradini, A., Braumann, U.-D., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
3D Neural Fields and Steerable Filters for Contour-Based Person Localization.
in: Proc. Workshop on Virtual Intelligence and Dynamic Neural Networks (VI-DYNN), pp. 476-485, 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Corradini, A., Braumann, U.-D., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
Contour-Based Person Localization by 3D Neural Fields and Steerable Filters.
in: Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), Chiba (Japan), pp. 93-96 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Stephan, V., Krabbes, M.
A Neural Field Approach to Topological Reinforcement Learning in Continous Action Spaces.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networkds (IJCNN) and IEEE World Conf. on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), Anchorage, pp. 1992-1997, IEEE 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Stephan, V., Seiler, T.
Neural Architecture for Sensorimotor Anticipation.
in: Europ. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), Vienna, pp. 593-598, 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hamker, F., Gross, H.-M.
A Lifelong Learning Approach for Incremental Neural Networks.
in: Europ. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), Vienna, pp. 599-604, 1998 [BibTeX] [PS]
Izak, R., Zahn, Th. P.
Modeling Auditory Pathway: A Neuromorphic VLSI System with Integrate and Fire Neurons and On-Chip learning Synapses.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS), page 104, Boston University Press, MA, USA, May 1998, [BibTeX] [PS]
Köhler, G., Surmeli, D., Gross, H.-M.
The State of Traumatic Coma Patient can be Visualized by Means of a SOM.
in: ECAI-Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP), pp. 82-85, Brighton 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Paschke, P., Möller, R.
Simulation of Sparse Random Networks on a CNAPS SIMD Neurocomputer.
in: Europ. Workshop on Neuromorphic Systems (EWNS), Stirling (GB), pp. 251-260, World Scientific, Singapore 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Seiler, T., Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
Perception and Action Selection by Anticipation of Sensorimotor Consequences.
in: Proc. Europ. Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), pp. 345-350, D-Facto Publications Brussels, 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Surmeli, D., Köhler, G., Gross, H.-M.
Medically Motivated Testbed for Reinforcement Learning in Neural Architectures.
in: Int. Workshop on Fuzzy-Neuro-System (FNS), Munich, pp. 344-351, Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence, infix 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Zahn, Th., Izak, R., Trott, K., Paschke, P.
A Paced Analog Silicon Model of Auditory Attention.
in: Europ. Workshop on Neuromorphic Systems (EWNS), Stirling (GB), pp. 99-112, World Scientific, Singapore 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hamker, F. H., Gross, H.-M.
Object Selection with Dynamic Neural Maps.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Lausanne, October 1997, LNCS, vol. 1327, pp. 919-924, Springer 1997 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Heinke, D., Humphreys, G. W.
SAIM: A Model of Visual Attention and Neglect.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Lausanne, October 1997, LNCS, vol. 1327, pp. 913-918, Springer 1997 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Izak, R., Trott, K., Zahn, Th., Markl, U.
Analog digitaler Chip für ein burstpropagierendes Neuronales Netz.
in: Int. Workshop on Fuzzy-Neuro-Systems (FNS), Paderborn/Soest, pp. 442-449, infix 1997 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Izak, R., Trott, K., Zahn, Th., Markl, U.
Hardware implementation of a mixed analog-digital neural network.
in: Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence (FuzzyDays), LNCS, vol. 1226, p. 560, Springer 1997 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Izak, R., Zahn, Th. P., Trott, K., Paschke, P.
A Mixed Signal Neural Network for Auditory Attention.
in: Int. Conf. on Microelectronics for Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Computational Intelligence (MicroNeuro), Dresden 1997, pp. 234-239 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Krabbes, M., Böhme, H.-J., Stephan, V., Gross, H.-M.
Extension of the ALVINN-Architecture for Robust Visual Guidance of a Miniature Robot.
in: Euromicro Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots (EUROBOT), Brescia, Italy , pp. 8-14, IEEE 1997 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, R., Paschke, P.
A Simple Hardware Solution for Fast Computation of Shortest Paths.
in: Proc. IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics (IMACS), Berlin, vol. 1, pp. 339-344, Wissenschaft und Technik 1997 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Paschke, P., Möller, R.
Simulation of Sparse Random Networks on a CNAPS SIMD Neurocomputer.
in: Proc. IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics (IMACS), Berlin, pp. 10, Wissenschaft und Technik 1997 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Pomierski, T., Gross, H.-M.
Biological Neural Architectures for Human Color Perception and Adaptation Realizing Color Constancy.
in: Proc. of Conference of the International Color Association on Color (AIC), Kyoto, Japan, May 1997, pp. 505-508 [BibTeX]
Gross, H.-M., Stephan, V., Böhme, H.-J.
Sensory-Based Robot Navigation using Self-Organizing Networks and Q-Learning.
in: Proc. World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN), September 1996, San Diego, USA, pp. 94-99, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers 1996 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hamker, F. H., Gross, H.-M.
Region Finding for Attention Control in Consideration of subgoals.
in: IEEE European Workshop Special Issue on Neurofuzzy (NeuroFuzzy), Prague, 1996, pp. 305-313 [BibTeX] [HTML] (Abstract)
Hamker, F. Gross, H.-M.
Region Selection: Segmentation, Classification and Task Relevance in a Single Grouping Mechanism.
in: Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks (ICNN), Washington, DC, USA, pp. 1540-1545, IEEE 1996 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Hamker, F. H., Gross, H.-M.
Task Relevant Relaxation Network for Visuo-Motory Systems.
in: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Vienna, 1996, pp. 406-410, IEEE 1996 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Herrnberger, B., Gross, H.-M.
Constrained Topological Mapping for Baseline Construction.
in: Int. Conf. on Neural Networks and their Applications (NEURAP), March 20-23, 1996, Marseilles, France, pp. 26-32 , Presses de l'Imprimerir SEDIMM, Marseilles [BibTeX] [PDF]
Herrnberger, B.
Baseline Construction in Chromatograms as an Optimization Problem.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence applied to Analytical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ICAR), San Diego 1996, USA [BibTeX]
Pomierski, T., Gross, H.-M.
Biological Neural Architecture for Chromatic Adaptation Resulting in Constant Color Sensations.
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks (ICNN), Washington, DC, USA, pp. 734-739, IEEE 1996 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Zahn, Th. P.
Attention Based Separation of Acoustical Signals by Puls-Coded Neural Structures.
in: Proc. World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN), September 1996, San Diego, USA, p. 1313, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers 1996 [BibTeX]
Zahn, Th. P., Gross, H.-M.
Pulse Propagating Network for Attention Based Separation of Acoustical Signals.
in: Workshop on Bio-Informatics and Pulspropagating Networks (BioNet), November 1996, pp. 100-108, GFaI 1996, ISBN 3-00-001107-2 [BibTeX]
Böhme, H.-J., Braumann, U.-D., Heinke, D., Gross, H.-M.
A Neural Network Architecture for Scene Interpretation.
in: Proc. of Annual Symposium on Neural Networks (SNN), Nijmegen, September 1995, pp. 173-176, Springer 1995 [BibTeX]
Braumann, U.-D., Böhme, H.-J., Gross, H.-M.
An Episodic Knowledge Base for Object Understanding.
in: Proc. of European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), Brussels 1995, pp. 175-180 [BibTeX]
Gross, H.-M., Heinke, D., Böhme, H.-J., Braumann, U.-D., Pomierski, T.
A Behaviour-Oriented Approach to an Implicit "Object-Understanding'' in Visual Attention.
in: Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks (ICNN), Perth, Australia, pp. 657-662, IEEE 1995 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Herrnberger, B., Gross, H.-M.
Constraint Topological Maps for Baseline Construction.
in: Int. Conf. on Neural Networks and their Applications (NEURAP), December 13-15, Marseilles, France, 1995 [BibTeX]
Herrnberger, B., Zimmer, U. R.
Deriving Baseline Detection Algorithms from Verbal Descriptions.
in: Artifical Neural Networks and Expert Systems (ANNES), November 20-23, 1995, Dunedin, New Zealand [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, R., Gross, H.-M.
Possible Functional Roles of Bipartite Dendrites of Pyramidal Cells.
in: Proc. of Annual Symposium on Neural Networks (SNN), Nijmegen, pp. 51-54, Springer 1995 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Böhme, H.-J., Braumann, U.-D., Gross, H.-M.
A Neural Network Architecture for Sensory Controlled Internal Simulation.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Sorrento, Italy, Vol. 2, pp. 1189-1192, Springer 1994 [BibTeX]
Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J., Heinke, D., Pomierski, T., Möller, R.
Self-Organizing a Behaviour-Oriented Interpretation of Objects in Active-Vision.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Sorrento, Italy, Vol. 1, pp. 58-61, Springer 1994 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, R., Gross, H.-M.
Perception through Anticipation.
in: Proc. From Perception to Action Conference (PerAc), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 7-9, 1994, pp. 408-411, IEEE Los Alamitos, California 1994 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, R., Gross, H.-M.
A Learning Rule System for a Simple Model of Anticipation in Cortex.
in: Proc. of the Göttingen Neurobiology Conference (GNC), p. 855, Georg Thieme Verlag, New York 1994 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Zahn, Th. P., Nagel, J. H., Agatston, A. S.
Quantification of Aortic Stenosis Based on the Morphology of Doppler Ultrasound Signals Using Image Processing Techniques.
in: Proc. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WCMPBE), Rio de Janeiro, 1994, pp. 973-977 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Heinke, D., Gross, H.-M.
A Simple Selforganizing Neural Network Architecture for Selective Visual Attention.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Amsterdam 1993, pp. 63-66, Springer 1993 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, R., Gross, H.-M.
Detection of Coincidences and Generation of Hypotheses -- a Proposal for an Elementary Cortical Function.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Amsterdam, 1993, pp. 67-69, Springer 1993 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Pomierski, T., Gross, H.-M., Wendt, D.
A Distributed Multicolumnar System for Primary Cortical Analysis of Real-World Scenes.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Amsterdam, 1993, pp. 142-147, Springer 1993 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Böhme, H.-J., Körner, E., Gross, H.-M., Möller, R.
A Neural Network Architecture which Uses Cellular Automata to Get Context-Specific Associative Memory.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Brighton, vol. 2, pp. 1381-1384, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland 1992 [BibTeX]
Gross, H.-M., Körner, E., Böhme, H.-J., Pomierski, T.
A Neural Network Hierarchy for Data and Knowledge Controlled Selective Visual Attention.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Brighton, vol. 1, pp. 825-828, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland 1992 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Gross, H.-M., Körner, E., Pomierski, T.
GNOM -- A Modular Network Architecture for Adaptive Parallel--Sequential Pattern Recognition.
in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Helsinki, vol. 1, pp. 747-752, North-Holland 1991 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Körner, E., Gross, H.-M., Böhme, H.-J.
Elementary Cognitive Mechanisms for Knowledge Based Image Interpretation.
in: Proc. Int. Workshop on Adaptive Learning and Neural Networks, Schloss Reisensburg, July 2-7, pp.~163-181, Forschungsinstitut für Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (FAW) Ulm, 1991
Gross, H.-M., Körner, E., Richter, A.
A Multi-Layered Mutually Communicating Neural Network Module for Adaptive Pattern Classification.
in: Proc. Int. Symposium on Neural Networks and Neural Computing (Neuronet), Prague, pp. 101-103, 1990 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Körner, E., Gross, H.-M., Richter, A.,Shimizu, H.
Control of Sensory Processing -- a Hypothesis on and Simulation of the Architecture of an Elementary Cortical Processor.
in: Proc. Int. Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays (Parcella), LNCS, vol. 342, pp. 291-297, Springer 1989 [BibTeX] [PDF]