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Prof. Dr. Jochen Seitz
Head of Group
Room: Helmholtzbau, H 3505
+49 3677 69-2614
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Madlen Langbein
Room: Helmholtzbau, H 3504
49 3677 69-2612
Fax: +49 3677 69-1195
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OMNeT++ (Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++)
is an open-sourceand versatilenetwork simulation framework. It is tailored to enable modeling and analysis of complex communication systems. OMNeT++ enablesdevelopers, researchers, and engineers to construct comprehensive simulations of diverse networks, protocols, and technologies. Its modular structure and expansive library of components provide a universalplatform to investigate, experiment, and optimizea wide array of network scenarios. Whether you are diving into wireless networks, exploring the realm of Internet of Things (IoT), vehicular networksor dissecting distributed systems, OMNeT++ equips you with the tools to uncover insights and foster innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of network technology.
SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility)
is an open source, portable, multimodal platform offers a dynamic environment to model and analyze complex road traffic scenarios with precision and detail. Whether you are exploring traffic flow dynamics, testing intelligent transportation systems, or optimizing urban mobility solutions, SUMO provides the tools to delve into the intricate interactions that shape our cities mobility. Through its user friendly interface and extensive library of features, SUMO allows researchers, planners, and engineers to envision smarter, more efficient transpor tation networks for the future.
Veins (Vehicles in Network Simulation)
is an open source framework designed to revolutionize vehicular network simulations by seamlessly merging two well established
simulators: OMNeT++, an event based network simulator, and SUMO, a road traffic simulator. This powerful integration extends the capabilities of both platforms, offering a comprehensive suite of models for Inter Vehicular Communication (IVC) simulations.
Veins empowers users to create highly realistic vehicular network scenarios Road traffic simulation is conducted through SUMO, a renowned tool in traffic engineering, while network simulation is driven by OMNeT++ and the MiXiM toolkit, allowing for accurate
models of radio interference, shadowing effects, and more. The bidirectional coupling of these simulators enables the exploration of complex interactions between vehicular networks and road traffic, paving the way for enhanced insights and innovative solutions.
to create a real-world virtual network in which real kernel, switch, and application code runs on a single machine (VM, cloud, or native)
a fork of Mininet to use Docker containers as hosts in emulated network topologies
for the simulation of networks
SDL (Specification and Description Language)
a modelling language defined by the ITU-T, i.e.dem telecommunications standardisation sector of the International Telecommunication Union, in the so-called Standards (Recommendations) Z.100ff
is a flexible discrete event simulator for wireless sensor networks based on the Contiki OS, since functions can be extended or replaced by new functionalities such as OS, sensor node platforms, radio transmission models, and radio transceivers.