Resarch Focus
Our research focuses on Vehicle to Everything (V2X and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and connected vehicles (CVs) hold the potential to become a highly dynamic and progressive field of specialization in the upcoming decade. ITS revolves
around integrating information and communication technologies (ICTs) into transportation networks and vehicles, enabling public agencies and transportation enterprises to enhance safety, efficiency, and infotainment aspects.
The incorporation of ICTs in CVs integrates a wide array of aspects including, but not limited to, exploration of CVs architectures, protocols, and algorithms. Topics of interest span fro m traffic flow optimization, eco friendly and green transport, infrastructure and trip planning to collision avoidance, platooning, decision making, and intelligent control mechanisms. A ddressing security, privacy, and reliability is essential, as well as investigating systems like traffic management systems. The scope extends to leverage, railway communications and networking, the realms of automated transport systems and autonomous driving. Furthermore, areas such as ground transportation systems for pedestrians and internet of vehicles (IoV) further contribute to this arena.
Research Interests
- Vehicle to Everything (V2X) and Connected Vehicles (CVs)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
- Computer N etworking
- Mobile and Wireless Networks