Micromechanical Sensors

The working group is engaged in the development and investigation of remotely sensed flow measurement systems based on microelectronic and micromechanical multifunctional sensors with gas-arc detection.

Head of working group

Dr. rer. nat. Jens-Peter Zöllner

Send e-mail| +49 3677 69-3120 | Fax: +49 3677 69-3127 Kirchhoffbau, Room 2015

Christoph Gorke

Research project EMSiG


Development of a microresonator for the detection of force effects by means of combined static and dynamic measurements.

Aim of the project:

Development and construction of a remotely interrogatable system for the flow measurement of gases with gas-arrest detection. The TU Ilmenau develops the MEMS-based sensor. The results of the project will create the prerequisites for the project partners to develop and distribute innovative measuring devices which, in particular, allow gas type-dependent flow measurement with intelligent sensors. These devices can be used in the laboratory as well as in industrial plants.

Project partner:

  • Electronics & Sensors Ingenieurbüro Dr. Ehrhardt (E&S)
  • Entwicklungs- und Technologie Gesellschaft mbH Ilmenau (ETG)
  • Ilmenau University of Technology Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems (MNES)