Artificial photosynthesis - developments in the DEPECOR project (CO2-WIN BMBF)

"DEPECOR - Direct Efficient Photoelectrocatalytic CO2 Reduction" In a solar cell, an absorber structure has the function of converting sunlight into chemical energy. In the "DEPECOR" project, a so-called multi-absorber demonstrator is being developed that is capable of even more: it is to convert CO2 into hydrocarbons by means of artificial photosynthesis - an "artificial leaf". These can be used as energy sources. The reaction is made possible by photoelectrocatalysis, for which direct sunlight is used. The demonstrator, which copies the photosynthesis effect of leaves in nature, could help to reduce climate-damaging CO2 emissions and make CO2 usable as a raw material. In its research, "DEPECOR" is pursuing a systemic approach in which already established, highly efficient solar cells from photovoltaics are combined and adapted for CO2 reduction. The surfaces of the solar cells are specifically modified with anti-corrosion coatings. In addition, suitable catalysts are selected depending on the material and shape.

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MDR/Prounen Filme

ARD-WISSEN documentary: "The renewables revolution"

This two-part documentary provides an overview of existing solutions for the global energy transition and the associated challenges. It shows that the transition to sustainable energy sources must not only be driven forward in laboratories and power plants, but also by those responsible and decision-makers.

To the press article  To the ARD documentary

GEo+ Magazine/TU Ilmenau

GEO+ Magazine

Artificial photosynthesis: researchers want to generate energy from leaves! Photosynthesis - the energy of the future? How artificial leaves could even make airplanes climate-friendly. Every leaf is a small factory that tirelessly creates the plant's fuel from water, carbon dioxide and sunlight: glucose.

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UNI Online

How can we meet the challenges of the energy transition? What contribution can Thuringia and Technische Universität Ilmenau make to climate protection and sustainable power generation based on renewable energies? And what is the current status of research into direct solar hydrogen production, artificial photosynthesis? Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Vice President of the German Bundestag and Member of Parliament for Thuringia, discussed this yesterday with Vice President for Research and Young Scientists Prof. Stefan Sinzinger, Prof. Thomas Hannappel, Head of Fundamentals of Energy Materials and other scientists from TU Ilmenau.

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ARD Mediathek

BRISANT Magazine

Where will all the hydrogen come from? Producing green hydrogen requires a lot of renewable energy. Because Germany doesn't have that easily, scientists at TU Ilmenau are now researching a different idea.

To the ARD streaming video from 10.05.2023

Bild der Wissenschaft

Artificial leaves on semiconductors

Many research groups around the world are working on a form of artificial photosynthesis in which light absorption and material conversion take place in a single object.

To the article Bild der Wissenschaft summer 2023


Scobel knowledge magazine - No life without light

Physicists are researching ways of replicating the sun on earth to meet the ever-increasing demand for energy. Light also has great symbolic power in the world's religions and is an important part of our language.

Gert Scobel sheds light on these and many other aspects of light with his guests, Prof. Thomas Hannappel, Prof. Jutta Papenbrock and Prof. Manuela Stadlober-Temmer.

To the 3sat streaming video from 03.11.2022


Fuel from sunlight

Just like in a natural leaf, researchers in the laboratory generate hydrogen from water using light at different wavelengths.

To the article WirtschaftsWoche 10/2022

Christoph Gorke/

Research project achieves record results in converting carbon dioxide into fuels

In an international research project involving the TU Ilmenau, scientists have succeeded in developing a sunlight-powered component that converts carbon dioxide directly into usable fuels with an efficiency of over five percent.

To the article Windkraftjournal 10/2022

P.M. Wissensmagazin/Christoph Gorke

Is this the energy of the future? With the power of nature

As if by magic, plants produce energy from sunlight and CO2. Researchers are trying to use the principle of photosynthesis for the energy transition - and outdo nature in the process.

To the article P.M. Wissensmagazin 04/2022

TMWWDG/Michael Reichel

Scientist receives Thuringian Research Prize 2022

Professor Hannappel from Ilmenau University of Technology and his research team have won the Thuringian Research Prize 2022 in the "Basic Research" category. With their research work, the team of scientists made significant progress in the development of semiconductor structures for the efficient use of solar energy to produce green hydrogen - possibly the renewable energy source of the future.

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Christoph Gorke

5 questions about the DEPECOR project

Prof. Hannappel explains the targeted production of solar fuels using both water splitting andCO2 reduction

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Green hydrogen:

Prof. Thomas Hannappel decodes interfaces for a sustainable energy supply of the future

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