Continuation of current research results in teaching the mechanics of compliant systems

Project description

The aim of the project is to not only didactically process current research results, such as compliant cochlear actuators, compliant grippers, exoskeletons, etc., but also classic teaching content, such as deriving and solving motion DGLs and deformation equations, etc., to create consise teaching videos and to make them available for hybrid courses . Through clearly structured and articulated videos, skills such as the students' ability to analyze and solve problems are further developed while the educational value is expanded and consolidated.

We will use the teaching videos (e.g. stored in Moodle) to analyze the research examples using the methodology acquired so far in the courses, to recognize any existing limitations and then to solve the problems presented in detail using newly introduced methods. The examples shown in the videos also aim to increase students' interest in the subject and to motivate students to repeat the subject independently.

As a transfer option, we will upload the teaching/learning videos created in German and English onto the Moodle learning platform, onto the department website and onto social media platforms.

TU Ilmenau / FG MSys

Project duration

01.01.2024 – 31.12.2024

Financial support

eTeach network Thuringia

Joint initiative of Thuringian universities - funded by TMWWDG)